Everyone, including Angelique and Carolla, stared blankly at Chu Nan.

It's not just because Chu Nan showed such a strong strength as soon as he came up, he actually seriously injured the second opponent with one palm, but the more important reason is that in that palm just now, Chu Nan clearly incorporates powerful space energy!

The three groups of people all looked like they had seen a ghost.

This kid... in the endless abyss, he can easily mobilize the energy of the space around him?

Is his cultivation technique so special?

Carola also has the same doubts, but she and Chu Nan have fought side by side several times before, and they have never seen Chu Nan show such ability, and now Chu Nan suddenly burst out like this Formidable power , she didn't understand at all.

Only Angelique had a very excited smile on her face after she stayed for a while.

Chu Nan really succeeded!

I knew it!

She jumped straight to Chu Nan, staring at Chu Nan with big eyes, her eyes flashing, although she didn't speak, the doubt in her expression was extremely obvious.

Chu Nan looked at the opponent in the distance who was still lying on the ground unable to move after being slapped by his palm, and then looked down at his palm, which seemed a little surprised.

After a while, he stretched out his left hand, grabbed Angelique's right hand, and dragged her to Carola's side. Before Carola could react, her right hand reached out and grabbed the card. Laura, and then a little under her feet, she flew straight into the sky with the two of them.

After the three groups of people were stunned for a while, they all roared, and many people also jumped into the sky to catch up, but at most they jumped a few dozen meters before being forced to fall. However, Chu Nan pulled Angel Belle and Carolla to fly fast in the sky and never landed.

It didn't take long before Chu Nan and the three of them left them far behind and disappeared completely.

The chasing people fell back to the ground one after another, stopped and gave up chasing.

Everyone looked at the direction in which the three of Chu Nan were escaping in shock, with incredible expressions on their faces.

The space energy environment in the endless abyss is completely different from the normal cosmic space. It is impossible for common martial artists to manipulate the space energy at will as if they were outside.

Although there are indeed some powerful Martial Artists who can adapt to the environment here through long-term cultivation and gain the ability to manipulate the energy of space again, but those Martial Artists are extremely powerful, and secondly, they must be Enough time in the endless abyss.

Chu Nan doesn't look like he's in his twenties. He may be strong on his own, but he shouldn't stay in the endless abyss for long enough anyway, how could he be so fast Adapt to the environment here?

What makes everyone even more incredible is that Chu Nan has already shown his powerful strength just now. Since he is strong enough, even powerful enough to mobilize the space energy here, why should he bring that The two girls ran away together?

What is he afraid of?


After flying for a full ten minutes, it was more than 100 kilometers away from the place just now, and Chu Nan took Angelbelle and Carola with them. The man fell slowly.

As soon as her feet landed, Angelique asked Chu Nan excitedly: "Hey, Chu Nan, have you succeeded? Have you now fully mastered the method of manipulating the space energy here? In addition to being able to fly, can you also enter space? By the way, why are we running? Are you still afraid of those guys?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly."

Chu Nan raised his hand to indicate that Angelina don't be impatient, looked left and right, and chose a hidden location under a boulder at the foot of a hill.

After pulling Angel Belle and Carolla to sit in front of them, Chu Nan pondered for a moment and explained, "I haven't fully succeeded, but I'm not far from success. I got some good information about that alien beast, and I should be able to get it done if I give me some time, so you two will now help me as a guardian, and I will do a somewhat dangerous experiment."

" Okay, no problem." Angelina agreed, turning her head to look towards Carolla, but her expression became serious. "If you don't want to, you'd better leave now. I don't allow anyone who can threaten Chu Nan to stay here."

Carolla's unceremonious attitude towards Angelique Without showing any anger or dissatisfaction, he just stared at Chu Nan earnestly for a while and asked, "From what you mean, it seems that you have mastered the cultivation technique that allows you to manipulate the spatial energy in this space at will?"

"Almost." Chu Nan replied with a smile. "Probably not as strong as we are outside, but it should be enough, at least to make us fly."

Angelberry frowned slightly.

At the moment when Chu Nan said that she needed protection, she had already listed Carolla as an enemy, and she could not trust this guy who had only known a few Earth days.

Now Chu Nan is so frank with her, which makes her feel inappropriate.

However, she did not raise any objection because of this. She completely trusted Chu Nan and believed that Chu Nan had his reasons for doing so.

Sure enough, without waiting for Carola's reaction, Chu Nan continued: "If you are interested in this cultivation technique, I can give it to you when I succeed. But I will use this to In exchange for two conditions, that is, you must at least become an alliance with us in the endless abyss, and do not have any hostile behavior towards us. In addition, after the garden hunting party is over, you have to answer me three questions. How?"

"What are the three questions?" Carola's focus was on the latter condition of Chu Nan.

"I can't say it yet, I'll tell you when the time comes." Chu Nan replied.

Carola frowned, apparently resisting the condition.

"Don't worry, it won't be a very embarrassing question for you. If you're sure you don't want to answer, I can change the question until you've answered all three of my questions. How's it going?" Chu Nan added. .

Caroela's expression softened, and she nods gracefully.


"Okay, please act as my protector with Angelique now." Chu Nan said with a smile.


Carola agreed very succinctly and acted very succinctly. Seems to be there to help Chu Nan on guard.

"Can you trust her?" Angelique asked, looking up at where Carola was hiding.

“Relax, she should be trusted now.” Chu Nan laughed, then tapped Angelique on the shoulder. "Okay, you don't have to be as far away as she did, just protect the Dharma for me by my side. I may be in a very dangerous situation in a while, but as long as you're not sure that I'm going to hang up, you don't need to pay attention, understand. Is it?"

Angebelie astonished looking at Chu Nan: "What do you want to do?"

"I said, I'm going to do a very dangerous experiment." Chu Nan The shrug is serious, but the smile on his face is light. "If I succeed, my strength here will hopefully be restored to the same level as outside the endless abyss."

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Nan gently took a deep breath, looking at his nose and heart. , all the spirit and attention were completely focused on oneself, and then the dantian breath surged, and the body's energy was fully activated.

A moment later, the crazy Inner Breath and space energy poured into the dantian, instantly destroying all the condensed nebulae in his dantian.

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