The strength of Chu Nan and the others made Kasyapa Imperial Princess feel more thrilled and more excited.

The stronger they are, the stronger the help they can provide in a while.

In the short period of time when their entire group went from 24th-layer to 31 layers, the number of signs that sent distress signals increased from nineteen to twenty-six.

Chu Nan and they may not know, but the Imperial Princess Kasyapa knew very well.

There are only 115 Imperial Family younger generations who actually participated in the second stage of the garden hunting party. Among them, including her, there are only 79 left. Having reached the Thirty First Layer, there is only so much.

And now there are twenty-six of them who have been forced to send out a signal for help, which is enough to prove the criticality of the situation.


A loud noise suddenly came from the front, Kasyapa Imperial Princess looked up, and saw that the front was not particularly bright in the sky suddenly. An extremely bright bright silver light burst out, almost illuminating the entire sky.

And in the middle of the bright silver light group, you can also see a silhouette whose whole body is shrouded in black air.

“Obliteration Core Technique? It should be a compatriot of the Imperial Family.”

Kasyapa Imperial Princess looked down at the personal terminal and found that the closest signal point was in that direction. Confirmed the guess in the heart.

Just as she was about to inform the people in front of the news, when she looked up, she found that Hathor and Chu Nan had already rushed in that direction, and Angelique and Carola also followed closely. from behind.

Kasyapa Imperial Princess quickly followed.

entire group now found the target, and it was even more ferocious than before. The alien beast in front was killed without even being able to resist for a round. Not very long, it had already rushed to the Imperial Family younger in front. A place for generation and alien warfare.

Wait for a closer look, and everyone gasped in unison.

The previous Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation was shrouded in a huge group of bright silver light, and everyone guessed that the alien beast that he fought against must be huge, otherwise it should not have issued such a huge size at once. attack.

I didn't expect to see it clearly now, and everyone was shocked to find that the only thing that could be summed up in the fight with the prince was the huge size.

When it was still far away, everyone noticed that there seemed to be a small hill here, and everyone didn't care at that time, but now it seems that this hill is clearly a strange beast!

When everyone arrived, this incomparably huge alien beast was opening its huge mouth, as if a crack suddenly opened on the hill, and then an extremely bright silver light shot out from it, instantly. Cut through the sky, covering the entire body of the prince.

Under the ray of light, the black gas that came out of the prince because of the use of the Obliteration Core Technique was almost washed away like dirt on his body, and his body was washed upside down and flew out with the light.

"You go and block that guy and give me a little time."

Chu Nan drank and flew up, just volleyed to catch the prince, and by the way help He forcibly took the next attack of the alien beast and fell down.

Hasol, Angelique and Carolla didn't say much, and they won against the ominous beast.

Chu Nan landed next to the Imperial Princess of Kasyapa with the prince in his arms, and when he was still in the air, he had already performed the cultivation technique of the flame of life, and at the same time he was running Goddess's hymn cultivation technique.

In fact, the prince did not have any external injuries, but suffered serious internal injuries under the powerful attack of the alien beast, but with the help of Chu Nan's full-strength flame of life, he recovered quickly. come over.

Feeling the rapid improvement in his internal body, he quickly jumped up from Chu Nan's arms, gave Chu Nan a surprised look, and then his eyes fell on Kasyapa Imperial Princess with a happy expression on his face.

"You're Kassapa, right? I've seen you! I'm Kandel of the Lati Mo Family, I..."

The Imperial Princess Kasyapa raised her hand and interrupted he.

"Don't talk about this yet, let's get rid of that alien beast first."

Prince Kandel choked back the second half of his sentence and looked back towards the huge alien. In the direction of the beast, a heart palpitating expression appeared on his face.

"Let's... let's run away, that guy is too powerful, I think he is at least S-Rank!"

"Escape?" Imperial Princess Kasyapa frowned Glancing at him, coldly snorted. "Didn't you see how many people were fighting with the alien over there? How could we escape now!"

"Cut..." Prince Kandel curled one's lip. "It's just some untouchables, it's their honor to fight and die for us, we..."


Prince Kandel stepped back, covering his face. The face looked at Kasyapa Imperial Princess in disbelief.

" hit me?"

The Imperial Princess Kasyapa looked at him coldly.

"If I knew you had this kind of virtue, we shouldn't have saved you just now."

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and gestured to Chu Nan: "Let's go, let's meet up. Sol, after killing that alien beast, hurry up and save others."

Chu Nan looked at Kasyapa Imperial Princess in surprise.

When he saw the interaction between her and Hathor before, he thought that Kasyapa Imperial Princess was a more shy and shy Imperial Princess, a bit like Viannele Imperial Princess , and Romandi Imperial Princess is a great contrast, but didn't expect that she would slap this Prince Kandel directly because of this, which is really beyond Chu Nan's expectations.

Of course, Chu Nan actually wanted to slap him when he heard what Prince Kandel said just now...

Looking back, even though Prince Kandel was taken Kasyapa Imperial Princess slapped her hands a little lightly, but she quickly reacted, and she still followed.

Chu Nan pointed behind him: "Hey, he's still following."

The Imperial Princess Kasyapa was expressionless and didn't answer Chu Nan's words.

Chu Nan laughed, knowing that Imperial Princess Kasyapa had just slapped Prince Kandel unceremoniously in front of Chu Nan, without giving him any face at all, but in his heart he would still be concerned about this. The safety of an Imperial Family compatriot is not going to leave him here alone.

This Imperial Princess is really interesting. She is shy and shy in front of Hathor, and she is a little suspicious in front of herself. In front of Prince Kandel, who is also a compatriot of the Declan Empire Imperial Family But she is extremely strong and capable. Which one is her true character?

Hathor fell in love with such an Imperial Princess, and he may have a headache in the future.

At this time, Angel Belli and the three of them have already gotten started with the mountain-sized alien. This alien beast is indeed powerful enough. Judging from the evaluation criteria, it is not an exaggeration for Prince Kandel to say that it is an S-Rank.

Even if Angel Belle, Carolla, and Hathor join forces, they can only fight against each other, and they can't kill them as easily as those alien beasts before.

However, after Chu Nan and Kasyapa Imperial Princess joined, the balance was instantly broken. The beast was seriously injured, and it didn't take long to hold on. After a few roars, he turned his body, But he planned to flee to the distance.

"Ha, this damn guy is finally scared! Give it to me and kill it!" Prince Candela, who was watching the fight, jumped out excitedly at this time, and shouted out with his fists back happily. stand up.

However, including Carola, the other five looked at him blankly and did not respond.

"We have to save others. If you want to chase, go for it yourself."

Imperial Princess Kasyapa coldly dropped a sentence, looked at the personal terminal, and looked down. A signalling point runs quickly.

Chu Nan and the others immediately followed, and Prince Kandel's expression changed a few times, but he still followed along obediently in the end.

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