After the huge mountain-like beast was repelled, the other beasts surrounding it also faded away like a tide, and everyone quickly rushed out of the beast's encirclement. .

But after about 20 minutes, the entire group has arrived at the place where the next distress signal was sent.

Seeing the situation in front of them, everyone started together.

This area is supposed to be a flat wasteland, but now there are more "hills" in this wasteland.

These "hills" were surrounding a larger mountain at this time, and while shaking slightly, several extremely dazzling rays of light shot out towards the middle mountain.

These "hills" are all the same as the rare beast that Chu Nan and the others encountered before!

Besides the dozen or so hill-like giant beasts, there are other kinds of grotesquely-shaped beasts gathered into pieces, and even in the sky, there are many beasts flying, unexpectedly from the sky. To the ground, all directions will completely surround the real hill in the middle.

"Boom boom boom boom"

The terrifying bright silver light group spit out from the mouth of the huge mountain-like beast smashed on the real mountain in the middle, and immediately triggered a burst of intense energy. The explosion, you can clearly see the mud flying on the hill, the rocks splashing, and just one round of attacks almost cut off an entire layer of the hill.

But what makes Chu Nan feel strange is that even if surrounded by so many powerful alien beasts, the hill in the middle is not safe and has no resistance. The rays of light, including several obvious black breaths, hit those alien beasts that were about to rush up the mountain, and almost every attack could take away the life of an alien beast.

And these counterattacks are not messy at all. Obviously, they have obvious rules and commands. They are by no means aimless. There is an appropriate interval between each round of counterattacks. The alien beasts ensured that the hill remained intact despite being attacked by such a large number of alien beasts.

"There must be more than one person on it, and there should be a leader."

Chu Nan made a quick judgment, looked left and right, and found a rare beast who wanted to start from the ground. It's almost impossible to rush through the middle, and I'm afraid to break through the dozen giant rare beasts first.

After thinking for a while, he said to Hathor: "You guys stay here, I'll go check the situation first."

Hasol startled: "You want a How to get there?"

"I have a way." Chu Nan let him laugh, and then explained to Angelique and Carolla, and told them to try not to get separated, If it doesn't work, I choose to escape immediately, and then I don't plan to continue to explain to Hathor and the others. With a slight footstep, it has already flew into the air.

Because they were behind Imperial Princess Kasyapa and asked her to lead the way, Chu Nan and the three of them never had a chance to fly, but now they see Chu Nan suddenly flying into the air and falling without any change, Hathor and Kasyapa Imperial Princess and Prince Kandel are both startled.

"He...he can actually fly!" Prince Kandel pointed at Chu Nan in the sky in the distance with a shocked face.

Hasol and Kasyapa Imperial Princess ignored him, but stared at Chu Nan who had already flown far away, and found that he was not only able to fly in the sky, but even encountered some flying ones. When the alien beast attacked, it carried out a clean and neat counterattack, without any difficulty, and the shock in my heart was even stronger.

"This kid can actually fly here?" Hathor turned his head and looked towards Angelique and Carolla, but there was no surprised expression on their faces. , suddenly my heart moved. "Can you two also fly?"

"Yes." Angelbely answered without shyness.

The three of Hathor were even more surprised.

Chu Nan this guy doesn't matter, Hathor can clearly know what kind of pervert he is, but didn't expect these two girls who suddenly appeared, can it be because of them The two are relatively close to Chu Nan, so are they both perverted?

Chu Nan over there had already killed more than ten alien beasts flying from the sky, just over the top of a huge mountain-like alien beast.

The giant beast seemed to sense the existence of Chu Nan, looked up towards him, and spewed a bright silver light group.

Chu Nan has long been familiar with the attack routine of this kind of alien beast from the battle with the giant beast that Prince Kandel met before, and he did not welcome it when he saw it, but waited until the light group saw it. As he was about to hit him, he accelerated suddenly, dodging the blob of light at the crucial moment.

Because the light group obstructed other alien beasts, he actually got a moment of respite, and took the opportunity to fly close to the hill in the middle at high speed.

When it was about to fly to the hill, several light groups attacked all around again, accompanied by the long-range attacks launched by other beasts, but Chu Nan this time did not completely avoid it, but quickly After calculating it in my mind, I aimed at one of the bright silver giant light groups and rushed over, throws a punch.


Under Chu Nan’s concentrated blow, the light group exploded suddenly, and it lit up like a huge sun suddenly rising. All sky and earth.

The terrifying space energy fluctuations caused by the explosion directly destroyed the nearest dozens of alien beasts flying in the air, and smashed a piece of alien beast on the ground into pieces, but Chu Nan borrowed it. With the huge shock wave caused by the explosion, it deftly turned and flew towards the hill in the middle at a faster speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Chu Nan has turned into a first-class of light and smashed down on the hill.


As if a bomb had been dropped, Chu Nan directly smashed a hole on the hillside near the top of the mountain, and killed two of them by the way. A beast ready to charge towards the top of the mountain.

A moment later, he jumped out of the pit, peng peng slapped the two nearest beasts with his palms, and rushed all the way to the top of the mountain.

After crossing a gully that was obviously dug by hand, a streamer of light hit the front.

Sensing the powerful Inner Breath fluctuations contained in these rays of light, Chu Nan moved in his heart, thinking that it is no wonder that these guys were trapped on this mountain and did not choose to escape. Now it seems that it is obvious that they should Unlike yourself, you have mastered the skills of flying in the special environment of the endless abyss.

"Don't shoot, it's your own!" Chu Nan opened his mouth and shouted, and fell to the top of the mountain.

Perhaps after hearing Chu Nan's shouting, the mountaintop's attack on him stopped, allowing him to fall unhindered.

As soon as both feet stood firm, a familiar voice full of surprise rang in front of Chu Nan.

"I knew it was you, a guy like you wouldn't have a second one."

Chu Nan raised his head and grinned at the man opposite.

"Hey, His Royal Highness Prince Montico, can I take this as a slander?"

This guy in front of him is actually ending the affair of Prince Savonis Since then, there has been no chance to meet again Prince Montico!

Prince Montico smiled slightly: "What I said is the truth."

Chu Nan waved his hand, swept left and right, his eyes swept across the faces of others around him, Suddenly a whimper.

"Where's Pamela? Why didn't I see her?"

The smile on Prince Montico's face suddenly froze, his face gloomy.

Seeing his expression, Chu Nan's heart sank to the bottom in an instant.

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