It has been a long time since I entered the Endless Abyss, and I have killed many alien beasts with my own hands. In fact, Chu Nan has long discovered that although these alien beasts in the Endless Abyss are called alien beasts, they also Just to distinguish them from ordinary wild beast and ominous beast.

The biggest difference between them and the ordinary wild beast and ominous beast is that these beasts are more suitable for the special environment here, most of them can mobilize the space energy to attack at will, and the formidable power is powerful.

In fact, many of them are simply the outer ordinary wild beast or even the ominous beast variant. In most cases, they are divided according to the classification standard on the "Pan-Galactic Ominous Beast Illustration". too much.

And now this strange beast with an amazing roar, if placed on the ominous beast, will undoubtedly be rated as the highest level of S-Rank!

After confirming this fact, everyone couldn't help looking at each other in blank dismay.

They are now basically certain that the Transmission Gate leading to the next floor is in that direction, but there is now a terrifying S-Rank ominous beast in that direction... oh no, the more powerful S- The Rank alien beast is blocking the way. If they want to go to the next floor, I am afraid they have to pass through the blockade of this alien beast.

"Let's go, since we're here, there's no reason to back down." Prince Montico took a deep breath and took the lead in flying in that direction.

But Chu Nan held him at this time.


"en?" Prince Montico looked at Chu Nan in amazement.

In his impression, Chu Nan is not a guy who will be counseled at this time.

"Didn't you find the space energy changes in the front space a bit weird?" Chu Nan sensed again with concentration. "Well, I can basically confirm that there should be someone in front of you who is fighting against those aliens."

"No way?"

The rest of the people were a little surprised when they heard Chu Nan's words. .

That's a strange beast of S-Rank, common martial artist sees it immediately and only chooses to run, and now it's still in this endless abyss with abnormal space energy environment, overwhelming majority Martial Artist's strength will be greatly reduced due to environmental impact, how can anyone run away to fight against S-Rank opponents without fear of death?

"Well, I sensed it too." The only surprise was Romandi Imperial Princess, who nodded agreed with Chu Nan's judgment. "There should be more than one person. Or more accurately, a group of people."

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay again.

After staying for a while, Hathor rushed out first.

"Go and see and you'll know."

Imperial Princess Kasyapa immediately followed, and the others did not hesitate and followed along.

After a while, everyone flew over a raised hillside, and they felt a strong wave of spatial energy hitting their faces, along with a very huge sound wave.


Everyone's body was shaken and trembled because of this, and they finally settled down and looked in the direction of the sound, and they all twitched in an instant. A breath of fresh air.

"My God! Can this thing be considered a rare beast?"

In the distance as far as the eye can see, an extremely huge creature like a mountain stands there, With a random wave of the limbs, one after another can drive a thick and obvious space energy shock wave, stirring the surrounding space to a rustling sound.

And when it opens its mouth, it can see a group of incomparably huge and bright bright silver light sprayed out of its mouth, and after drawing a bright arc in the air, it falls farther away. On the ground, it will cause an extremely terrifying roar and explosion.

Even if they are several kilometers apart, they can clearly feel the violent shaking of the ground caused by the explosion, which shows how terrifying the formidable power is.

"This guy...couldn't it be an upgraded version of those giant alien beasts before?" Chu Nan couldn't help muttering in his heart.

While this gigantic beast immediately grabbed everyone's attention, everyone then turned their attention to something else.

Beside the mountain-like super-giant alien beast, you can see dozens of black shadows circling and flying around. Compared with the incomparably huge size of the super-giant alien beast, it seems to be flying next to it. Like dozens of mosquitoes.

But judging from the strange light fluctuations that the dozens of shadows emit from time to time, they should all be Martial Artists with good strength.

Of course, their strength may indeed be quite strong, but their attack landed on the super-giant alien beast, but it was like a mosquito bite, obviously not causing too much damage to the alien beast. No matter how substantial the damage, the alien beast waved its limbs casually, and they were forced to run away by the violent space fluctuation caused by it.

"Go up and help, while they attract the attention of the alien beast, we must cause enough damage to the alien beast." Prince Montico looked left and right, raised his hand directly roll call. "Romandy, Chu Nan, Angelique... and Hathor, the five of us take a detour and attack the alien beast, Kasyapa, Kandel, and Miss Carolla, the three of you are from the front. In the past, try to attract more attention to that guy."

"Okay." Imperial Princess Kasyapa agreed very simply, but Prince Kandel frowned and said: "We are only barely able to fly, not yet. It’s safe to master the use of space energy, isn’t it courting death to rush to fight like this?”

“If you’re afraid of death, don’t follow me.” Imperial Princess Romandi gave Prince Kandel a fierce look. , waved to Prince Montico and Chu Nan. "Ignore him, let's go."

Chu Nan didn't immediately follow him, but thought for a moment, flew to Carola's side, took her hand, crossed her palms, and pierced through them. Let out a wisp of Inner Breath.

Carola looked at Chu Nan in surprise, blinked her eyes, but didn't ask aloud, and she cooperated and took the initiative to let go of herself, letting Chu Nan's Inner Breath blow. She circled several cycles in her body instantly.

"This is a trick I just thought of, you can try it later." After doing this, Chu Nan patted Carola's shoulder, flew over to catch up with Prince Montico in front and the others.

"What did you do to her just now?" Romandy Imperial Princess asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just a try." Chu Nan replied casually, his eyes fell on the super-giant mountain-like beast in the distance, and after a while, he continued: "Me and An Qi Belle has a special cultivation technique to protect her body, which can quickly recover from the injury, and we two will go first."

Prince Montico, Imperial Princess Romandi and Hathor exchanged glances quickly , and no objection was raised, and nodded agreed.

Their three people are all familiar with Chu Nan, and Romandy Imperial Princess is also very familiar with Angelique through the communication with Angelique in those days. Naturally, it is clear that Chu Nan was not there just now. Brag, with the special cultivation technique of the two of them, it's just right to take the lead.

Seeing that the three had no objection, Chu Nan and Angelina raised their hands and clapped their hands.

"Let's go."

Watching the two of them speed up and quickly approach the super-giant beast without any hesitation, the Imperial Princess of Romandy suddenly sighed, lightly. Shake his head lightly.

"Vianelle's first love seems to be over..."

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