Chu Nan suggested that she and Angelina should try it first, not just because they both have special cultivation techniques to protect their bodies and are not afraid of injury, the most important reason It is he and Angelina who have known each other for the longest time, have experienced life and death together several times, and have the most tacit understanding.

There is no need for special arrangements. When the two flew to the vicinity of the super-giant beast, they separated naturally. Angelbely's whole body slammed into white radiance, and the whole figure seemed to be wrapped in a light ball. Among them, the life burning effect was instantly turned on to the extreme, and then it was thrown directly at the alien beast like a small sun.

Although the alien beast immediately sensed the anomaly and responded, Angelbely moved too fast and cut in before the alien beast's limbs swayed, forcibly hitting the alien beast side position.

And then...

She was bounced back.

Seeing that Angel Beili hit the side of the alien like a ball and bounced back immediately, Chu Nan stopped rushing towards the giant beast and flew over to catch Angel Beili. .

"Hey, are you alright?"

Angie Belli, who was held in Chu Nan's arms, looked dizzy and eyes blurred, and only after she tried her best to shake the head. Reluctantly recovered, he turned his head to look at the giant beast, his face full of surprise.

"This guy is too hard!"


Chu Nan frowned, hugging Angelique to avoid the giant beast. Fighting back, seeing Angelique recovering a bit, he let go of her.

"I'll try."

Chu Nan body flashed, rushed towards the giant beast, but instead of making a big splash like Angelique, he tried his best to restrain himself Breath, and control the fluctuation of the surrounding space energy to a very small range, and quietly flew to the rare beast side.

Looking up, I found that the outside body of the rare beast is extremely thick, and there is no fluff on the skin. It looks like a whole piece of rock, and I know it should be extremely hard without hitting it.

Chu Nan looked around and found nothing special, so he concentrated Inner Breath, quickly completed the four turns, and then added some high level Wind Element element power cultivation technique, and shot it with one palm.


The palm of the hand clapped on the giant beast's skin, only making a muffled sound, but not even a mark was left on the skin.

Chu Nan only felt that although his Inner Breath was thrown into the giant beast's body, it was quickly dissipated and did not cause any effective damage at all.

However, giant beast sensed the existence of Chu Nan because of this palm, and with a shake of his body, a strong vibration immediately erupted on the outer skin, and the energy in the whole body immediately oscillated greatly.

Chu Nan could only withdraw immediately and retreat.

This is Prince Montico, Imperial Princess Romandi, and Hathor, who also rushed over and gathered beside Angelique. Seeing that Chu Nan was also forced to retreat, Montico The prince frowned and asked, "How's the situation?"

Chu Nan looked down at his palm and looked the head.

"This guy's skin is too hard, and his body is too large, such an attack is probably better than scratching his itch."

their three people are all for Chu Nan's strength is very well understood. Seeing that even Chu Nan can't effectively kill this giant beast, he couldn't help but frowned deeply.

"Strange, I've been to the Endless Abyss many times, how come I've never heard of this kind of guy? If it had existed before, it would have been discovered long ago. "Romandy Imperial Princess looked at the giant beast in the distance, and murmured doubtfully.

"This beast tide is unusual, and it's not too uncommon for this kind of rare beast to appear." Prince Montico shook his head slightly, thought for a while, and asked Hathor. : "Hasol, you know the habit of ominous beast, so what do you think should be the weakness of this guy?" After that, he didn't answer immediately, but flew towards the giant beast.

He didn't fight the giant beast directly like Chu Nan and Angelique did, but cautiously dodged the giant beast's attack, flew around the giant beast and then flew again return.

"How is it?" Everyone's inquiring eyes immediately focused on him.

Hashor pondered for a moment, but his eyebrows did not relax at all.

"I took a closer look just now, and now he has no obvious weakness on the outside of his body. If he has to say there is, it can only be in that part..."

Everyone agrees Looking in the direction Hathor pointed, he found that the place he pointed was clearly under the giant beast's butt, which was the part where it was sitting now.

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay.

Giant beast is sitting there now, even if there is a weakness in that place, it is completely covered by his butt, how can he find and attack it?

This guy is so huge, it's obviously impossible to rely on manpower to pull it away, unless it moves on its own, then the weakness will not be exposed at all.

"Hasol, how sure are you?" Chu Nan suddenly asked.

"Not good said..." Hathorshook the head. "If it's the type of ominous beast I know of, then its weakness must be there, but I'm not too sure about this guy...changed so much and so big."

" That is to have some certainty?" Chu Nan laughed. "It's enough to know that he does have weaknesses. I'm afraid that this guy has no weaknesses at all."

The three of Prince Montico looked at Chu Nan in amazement.

"You have a solution?"

Only Angel's eyes turned, and the expression on her face became a little weird.

"Chu Nan, are you planning to drill through?"

"Hey, I'm not sure yet, try it out."

Chu Nan fell suddenly, squatted down, and pressed his palm to the ground. After a while, a dark brown light appeared on his palm, and he quietly sank his entire palm into the ground.

While the prince Montico and the others who were still in the sky were still surprised, they saw Chu Nan's face beaming with joy, and then the whole body showed a dark brown light, and then the whole person suddenly went deep into the ground and disappeared. trace.

Prince Montico was stunned.

"Hey, Angelique, what cultivation technique did Chu Nan use? Did he go underground?" The Imperial Princess couldn't help asking.

Only Angelique had an expression on her face that she had known for a long time, hearing this said with a smile: "This is a very special cultivation technique he knows, which can be used in the underground. Walk through at will, I think he intends to drill directly under the giant beast's ass and try to attack the giant beast's weakness."

The three of Prince Montico couldn't help but stay together.

Is there such an operation?

After thinking about it for a while, the three of them turned their heads and looked towards the direction of the giant beast, still not daring to relax.

Even if Chu Nan got through like this, how could he launch an effective attack on that giant beast like a mountain?

Even if giant beast really has a weak spot under his ass, how can Chu Nan be beaten?

And even if he does hit, can he return safely in this situation?

Prince Montico's faces were all worried, but only Angelique, who should be most worried, remained relaxed.

This is not heartless, but she and Chu Nan have experienced countless trials of life and death together, and she already has absolute confidence in Chu Nan.

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