(Still a supplement)

The environment in the fourth 10th layer of the Endless Abyss is very calm.

Chu Nan cautiously hid on the side of a mountain, watching in the sky a group of alien beasts spread their huge wings and flew away until they completely disappeared into the sky. No other alien beasts found themselves in hiding, and they jumped from a pothole on the ground.

The pothole is bottomless. After walking for a while, a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of you. After walking for a while, the surrounding light reappeared, and a new passage appeared in front of you.

Turn into this passage and walk forward for a while, and a huge underground space appears in front of you.

This place, of course, was where he and Angelbere had tracked down the flock of strange birds before they met Quel'Thalas Academician.

"Hey, Chu Nan, you're back." Angelina's voice sounded, she jumped in front of Chu Nan, and asked expectantly, "Have you found a new Transmission Gate?"

"I found it." Chu Nan replied, seeing Angelica's face showing a happy look, and Carola, who turned her head from the other side, also clearly focused her attention, but then she turned away. Shrugged again: "It's a pity that it was destroyed."

"Are you kidding me?" An Qibeili hammered Chu Nan's shoulder angrily, tilted her head for a while, and wrinkled. Double eyebrows. "I think about it...the past few days you and Romandy have gone out and found a total of ten...seventeen Transmission Gates, but none of them are still intact. Can we infer from this, those guys Actually destroyed all the Transmission Gates?"

"No, it should be all the Transmission Gates leading up to the upper floors. I overheard Quel'Thalas Academician and that Director Romon. From the dialogue, they should only temporarily cut off the connection between this layer and the upper layer, and they still have to retreat, so the Transmission Gate leading to the Fourth First Layer should still be there, but we haven't found it yet. "

"But that's useless, right?" Angelique shouted the head. "We can't go back to the 39th-layer, and even if we go to the four 11th layers, we can't go back."

"Perhaps, if there is really no way, maybe we will live in this ghost place. It's been a long time. I heard from those two guys that the Transmission Gate will regenerate naturally within a certain period of time, and then we can hope to go back through the Transmission Gate again." Chu Nan said helplessly.

"I don't care." Angelique grinned, pointed at Chu Nan, and shook her finger. "But you can't. You are still participating in the hunting party. If you wait until the Transmission Gate spawns naturally and then go back, you will definitely be judged as naturally disqualified by them."

Chu Nan bitterly laughed:" There is no way, anyway, we can't find a way to go back now."

Angie Belli rolled her eyes and suddenly turned around to pick Carolla.

"Hey, Carolla, that thing you took out last time can communicate with the outside world?"

"Yes." Carolla nodded and said.

"Can we use it again? Just use it to tell people outside that we were trapped here because of an accident, and we didn't actually die, especially Chu Nan is still alive and well, let us Don't those guys from Declan Empire disqualify Chu Nan because of this?"

Carolla shook the head: "No, in order to avoid detection by Declan Empire, I just hid it in my body I got one Hive Space Jump, and I don't have a second one to use."

"Is that so?" Angelique bowed her head in disappointment. "Could it be that Chu Nan can only be disqualified like this?"

"Don't worry." Carolla comforted Angelique at this time. "Based on time speculation, the Honeycomb Space Jump is almost reaching its goal. It will communicate what we have encountered here and reveal where we are. If nothing else, Chamber of Commerce will make a decision soon. Reaction, I don't think we should wait long for rescue."

"Although I believe in the technical capabilities of your Chamber of Commerce in Nogentum, but..." Angelberry was still tight frown. "If this ghost place is so good, we don't need to dig through the Transmission Gate layer by layer. Even if you guys from the Chamber of Commerce know we're here, we won't know when their rescue arrives. "

"Okay, Angelique." Chu Nan came over and patted Angelique's shoulder. "Don't be too disappointed. If there is really no way to get back as soon as possible, then we can only accept the fact. Although it is a pity to lose the qualification, it is also a pity to lose the opportunity to obtain an S-Rank martial skill reward, but after all, it is not It's the end of the world, as long as we don't die. You can go on vacation and adventure with me during this time. What? Don't you like it?"

Angie Belle rolled her eyes, her face Bring back the smile.

"No, of course I like it. As long as you don't think it's a problem, I don't think there's anything wrong with it. Anyway, the Master and I often venture outside together, and often the two of us are trapped inside. It's a very desolate and dangerous place, and I've long gotten used to it. Not only are you here, but there are two more Carolla and Romandy, and we can even put together a table of mahjong."

"Mahjong… ..." Chu Nan was speechless.

Does this guy actually know the Chinese way of entertainment for thousands of years?

"Speaking of Romandy...why hasn't she come back yet? Isn't there something wrong?" Chu Nan frowned, looking towards the direction of the entrance passage of the underground base.

Just as I was about to go out to check the situation, I heard waves of obvious spatial energy fluctuations coming from the passage.

Chu Nan quickly exchanged glances with Angelique and Carolla, and the three of them bounced off the ground together.

The three of them are familiar with the energy wave they sensed in front of them. They should be Romandy Imperial Princess who went out with Chu Nan to search for the Transmission Gate before, but behind her was one after another powerful However, the slightly chaotic energy fluctuations should obviously belong to some alien beasts.

It seems that the Imperial Princess of Romandy should be being pursued by a group of alien beasts.

The three rushed out of the passage that directly connected to the huge space, and when they looked to the right, they saw that the Imperial Princess was fighting with a group of different beasts, and they were fighting and retreating. , slowly retreated towards this side.

The narrow passage became her most solid backing at this time, because of the huge body of the alien beasts, there would never be more than three alien beasts that could attack her at the same time, so she had to deal with it and not. Not too hard.

But it was obvious that she had been injured before, and her breath seemed a little disordered, so it was not easy to deal with it.

Chu Nan hurried up to meet the Imperial Princess.

The four of them alternately stepped forward to forcibly force the group of alien beasts away, but they did not continue to fight, but under the command of Chu Nan, they also fought and retreated until they retreated to the huge underground space. at that channel.

Angel Belle, Romandi Imperial Princess, and Carolla's three body auras suddenly soared, and they slapped out a palm, forcing all the alien beasts in front of them, and Chu Nan was on the next wall. After a pat, the metal door fell in a flash, completely blocking the passage, blocking all the attacks of the alien beasts.

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