
The sound of alien beasts attacking the metal door kept coming in, and the four of them sighed in relief.

"Hey, Romanty, how did you get so many beasts? It's not like try not to fight them... oh my god, why are you hurt so much?"

Angebelli had just turned to ask the Imperial Princess a question when she was taken aback.

In order to fight against so many alien beasts just now, everyone didn't pay much attention to it. Now, when I settled down and took a closer look, I found that Imperial Princess Romandy had almost all been dyed red with blood donations. It was a wound, many of which were deep with bone visible, and his face was extremely pale, obviously the injury was extremely serious.

"It's nothing, in order to stop them, there is always a price to pay."

Romandy Imperial Princess's tone seemed to be relaxed, but her expression was weak and her breath was disordered, obviously not only It was only an external injury, and the internal injury must be very serious. After barely saying this, his body swayed and he almost fell down.

Angie Belle hurriedly stretched out her arms and hugged her, holding her flat on the ground, pressing her hands on the chest of Imperial Princess Imperial Princess with both hands, milking white radiance with both hands, and fully launching the cultivation technique of the flame of life.

Angie Belle's "authentic" Flame of Life cultivation technique is much more effective in healing and recovery than Chu Nan's. It didn't take long for the trauma on Romandy's Imperial Princess to heal completely. When I came, the scars from the wound fell off, and not even a trace was left.

After a while, she coughed twice and spat out a mouthful of black blood, but her face improved significantly.

Although clearly still weak, it is clear that the injury is completely healed.

Angie Belle let go of her hand at this time and gestured to Chu Nan.

"Okay, Chu Nan, now it's your turn."

"en. ”

Chu Nan nods, crouches down, and takes the Romandy Imperial Princess Get up, Goddess's hymn cultivation technique is activated, and a lot of dark green breath pours into Romandi Imperial Princess's body, replenishing the life force she lost due to her serious injury.

In a short while, Romandy Imperial Princess has fully recovered, except that there are still undried bloodstains on her body, which looks a little scary, but she has fully recovered as before.

Romandy Imperial Princess jumped up from the ground, jumped on the spot with a refreshed appearance, and laughed.

"Although it's not the first time I've enjoyed you two's treatment, I feel amazing every time. I said you two, can you save me as long as I'm not dead? "

"That's not necessarily true." Angelique shook her head. "The role of the cultivation technique of the inflammation of life is based on the sufficient activity of my own cells and tissues. If you are injured too seriously, the life force will not come out, and the high-intensity cell division and reorganization rate cannot be maintained. This cultivation technique can't save you from coughing. You. Of course, this problem usually lies with the ordinary person. Martial Artists who are strong enough usually do not have this problem, so this cultivation technique is not very good for treating the ordinary person, but the Martial Artist is very effective.”

"If you say that, aren't you invincible?" Romandi Imperial Princess astonished said. "If anyone wants to fight with you, as long as they don't die, you can start over again soon, but the other party can't, and sooner or later they will be dragged to death by you forcibly."

"That's just the same level. "Chu Nan smiled and shook his head. "When we meet an opponent that is too strong, we simply can't hurt each other, so what if we can keep recovering? It's not being abused over and over again."

"Ha, that's true. If it is strong, then this cultivation technique should be the first cultivation technique in the galaxy, not the Obliteration Core Technique of our Imperial Family." Romandy Imperial Princess laughed, but then her expression quickly became solemn. "Okay, stop talking nonsense. Chu Nan, did you find any useful information when you went out just now?"

"No." Chu Nan shook his head again, glanced at the Imperial Princess, and found her With a smug smile on her face, her heart moved, and she asked back, "What did you find?"

"Yes, I..." Speaking of which, Romandy Imperial Princess deliberately lengthened her voice. "Found a Transmission Gate!"

"che, what is this... wait!" Angelique curled one's lip disdainfully, but then quickly responded. "You mean, you found an intact Transmission Gate?"

"Yes." Romandy Imperial Princess nodded excitedly. "Not only a perfect Transmission Gate, but also the Transmission Gate leading to the 39th-layer!"

Chu Nan's eyes widened, even Carolla.

"Wait, why do you think that's the Transmission Gate to the 39th-layer?" Chu Nan asked immediately.

"Because when I discovered it, I happened to encounter a group of alien beasts ready to attack it." Romandy Imperial Princess proudly pointed to the passage connecting the huge underground space. I heard the muffled sound of those metal doors that attacked the metal door later. "Well, those guys are outside right now."

Chu Nan understood immediately.

"In other words...you brought them here in order to prevent them from attacking the Transmission Gate?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I go and provoke it? So many beasts?" Romandi Imperial Princess nods and said. "These guys seem to have received an order. I originally planned to attack the Transmission Gate regardless of me. If I hadn't killed several of them in a row, and finally attracted their attention, the Transmission Gate that I finally found is still the same. I will be destroyed by them. Of course, I don't have the ability to kill them all, I just have to attract them."

"Well, you are doing the right thing." Chu Nan praised, Immediately thought about it.

From overhearing the conversation between Quel'Thalas Academician and Director Romon, it was found that the purpose of their group was to retreat from here as soon as possible, and the preparation for this was to destroy the road leading to it. All Transmission Gates of the 39th-layer, to prevent anyone from coming down from the 39th-layer, interfering with their retreat work, or discovering their secrets here.

And what was used to destroy these Transmission Gates was the alien beasts, including the group of strange birds that Chu Nan and the others had seen before.

Now Romandy Imperial Princess sees that these alien beasts are preparing to attack the still intact Transmission Gate, which proves that the Transmission Gate is most likely the gateway to the 39th-layer that the alien beasts have not had time to destroy. Transmission Gate.

After confirming this conclusion, Chu Nan was instantly happy.

"Romandy, how are you feeling now?" Chu Nan asked.

Romandy Imperial Princess waved her arm, nodded.

"Feeling good, like no injuries at all. What? Are you going to go see that Transmission Gate now?"

"Yeah, if it's too late. , maybe that Transmission Gate was also destroyed by other alien beasts."

"But those alien beasts are blocking the outside, how do we get out?"

"It doesn't matter, we still There is another way."

Chu Nan raised his finger to the top of his head, and the other three looked up and saw a circled area that was obviously different from the other walls on the ceiling of the huge space.

It was the passage through which Quel'Thalas Academician escaped from here with a group of alien beasts.

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