Mar Venerable does not see a "complete" Chu Nan.

She just saw a silhouette floating in the different space in the distance, and didn't see what the silhouette looked like, but from the white radiance of the breasts that covered the silhouette, this guy was undoubtedly Chu Nan.

Mar Venerable and Chu Nan have fought more than once, and I've seen several times this guy wraps himself up in this weird white radiance, and it doesn't take long for him to come back to life and come alive again.

So now... is he using this cultivation technique to recover again?

This discovery made Marr Venerable startled.

She thought that Chu Nan must have been shattered under the terrifying energy hedging of the two just now, because its fleshy body strength was impossible to withstand such an impact.

However, now I can see that Chu Nan is still intact, and even has the ability to run the cultivation technique to recover!

"This damn boy, it's so easy to die!"

Mar Venerable couldn't help but scolded angrily, his mind turned a few times, and immediately turned to Chu Nan She flew over directly.

She didn't believe that Chu Nan still had any ability to fight back. This kid can survive the terrifying energy shock just now. It is already a Divine Vestige. If there is still energy, Unless he has been hiding his strength, he has actually become a Star Level Martial Artist.

But this is obviously impossible.

If this kid has the strength of a Star Level Martial Artist, why does he have to go around so many circles with himself and be chased and killed by himself and run away in embarrassment?

Of course, if you don't take this opportunity to kill this kid completely, then whether there will be as good a chance as now to kill him in the future. Will also break through to become Star Level Martial Artist.

At that time, even if Marr Venerable is in his peak state, he can't say that he will definitely be able to defeat Chu Nan. Even if Ottofo Venerable is invited, it is impossible to say that it is easy for another Star Level Martial Artist. kill.

So just think about it briefly to understand that now is the best chance to kill Chu Nan, and almost the only chance!

Mal Venerable was never willing to let this opportunity go, so she gathered the faint Inner Breath remaining in her body without the slightest hesitation, and stared at Chu Nan floating in a different space in the distance. Without blinking.

The last and best chance, must not let this kid have any chance of surviving!

In just one breath, Marr Venerable has already swept across a large distance in the different space, and directly leaped to the side of the silhouette shining with milk white radiance, condensing the whole body Inner Breath, the palm falls, the breath instantly Outburst, a palm pressed to silhouette's chest.

Although her eyesight has been greatly reduced due to various reasons, and she can only be comparable to the primary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, she is a Star Level Martial Artist after all, no matter if this palm falls. The speed, angle, and palm technique itself can be called excellent. Although the Inner Breath is not very powerful, the formidable power on the palm is amazing enough.

And now Chu Nan is bound to be seriously injured, and even on the verge of death, how could he resist her slap?

The palm fell, and it broke into the light without any fake, and hit the silhouette's chest.


Feeling the vibration on her chest after the palm hit, Mar Venerable suddenly widened her eyes and looked surprised.

The feeling from this palm...why is it so soft? This feeling is obviously wrong...

The white radiance covering the silhouette of the palm suddenly faded away, and all of them converged into the silhouette's body, revealing a silhouette that was obviously smaller than Chu Nan's.

And the place where Marr Venerable's palm was pressing on his chest at the moment had a bulge and a high rise, and the top of the tallness that came out from between Marr Venerable's fingers was a little bright red.

The silhouette exposed at this time is not Chu Nan at all!

Angie Belle glanced at Marr Venerable's palm on her cock, suddenly reached out, grabbed Marr Venerable's wrist, and then raised her head to laughed at her.

"Hey, Marr Venerable, you can't run away now."

Marr Venerable was shocked, knowing that she had even hit the opponent in the end. the ambush.

She wanted to break free, but the blow to Angelique just now had consumed her last remaining Inner Breath, and now she is almost the same as the lowest Martial except for her badly damaged fleshy body. Artist is no different, how can it be possible to break free from Angel Belle, who has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Angie Belli's palm surged with the Inner Breath, and the energy in her body condensed. Marl Venerable suddenly felt that her body was completely locked, and even the possibility of struggling completely disappeared.

Just when she was still holding the powerful fleshy body relying on the Star Level Martial Artist to strive for the last possible escape, she suddenly felt three powerful Inner Breaths coming from the front and back of her body, two of which were in the front and back. The breath of the stock reveals a strong meaning of extinction, which is obviously related to the Obliteration Core Technique.

"It's impossible! That kid should have been seriously injured just now, how could he recover now and still launch such a powerful attack?"

Mar Venerable was horrified. , turned his head sharply to look, and saw Chu Nan's silhouette ghost-like coming out of the different space behind him, and the right palm was shot out. The palm was filled with thick black air, the body was aura strong, and the expression on his face was cold and focused. Where can I see the slightest injury.

"This damn boy is really a little monster..."

This was the last single thought that came up in Mal Venerable's mind.

next moment, she was completely imprisoned by Angel Belle, and she was hit by the strongest attack of Chu Nan, Romandi Imperial Princess and Carolla who gathered the strength of the whole body. In the Obliteration Core Technique Under the special application of Angel Belle's flame of life cultivation technique, her super powerful fleshy body at the level of Star Level Martial Artist dissolves like a snowman.

Maintaining the complete inner space energy of the fleshy body disintegrates, her entire fleshy body is instantly destroyed by the violent space energy in the different dimension and becomes the tiniest elementary particle.

In this case, she certainly had no chance of surviving.

Marr Venerable, dead.

Chu Nan, Angelique, Romandi Imperial Princess and Carolla watched Mal Venerable's body disappear quickly, and finally turned into nothingness. After two minutes, Romandi Imperial Princess couldn't help but speak.

"She...she died?"

Chu Nan gently nodded


"Well, even Angelique and I can't possibly survive this situation, and of course she's dead without a doubt."

Romandy Imperial Princess Chu Nan gave Chu Nan a strange look.

Why does this guy need to be able to mention him and Angelique? Could it be that if Mal Venerable couldn't survive, he and Angelique might survive?

Although this is very unbelievable, but thinking that Marr Venerable died in front of her this time, Romandi Imperial Princess felt that Chu Nan's words were not so unbelievable.

This guy has amazed her time and time again, but all the amazement she's given her in the past combined is far less than what this time has given her.

This is a Star Level Martial Artist!

The Star Level Martial Artist standing at the top of all Martial Artists!

But now, she actually died at the hands of her four Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists!

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