It is inaccurate to say that the Imperial Princess died in the hands of the four of them. To be precise, it should be considered that it died in the hands of Chu Nan.

Although the three of them have also made great contributions, the most important point is to fully trust Chu Nan, synchronize their Inner Breath with Chu Nan without reservation, and synchronise all the controlled space energy. Leave it all to Chu Nan to deploy, and cooperate with his actions wholeheartedly.

Any bit of error is very likely to have serious consequences, and it is even more impossible to achieve such an amazing record in the end.

If even one of the three of them didn't trust Chu Nan, there was a little hesitation in the whole operation, and the end result could very well be very different.

So it is indeed the combination of the four of them that they can finally kill Marr Venerable now.

But no matter how proud Romandy Imperial Princess is, she must admit that Chu Nan is the key and core of this operation.

If he hadn't come up with a complete plan, the Imperial Princess would not have dared to hope that they would be able to kill a Star Level Martial Artist.

And if it wasn't for Chu Nan, the Imperial Princess of Romance would have impossible to give such a strong trust to another person - not even her father, this is the trust accumulated over a long period of time fighting side by side Chu Nan's special recognition has led to that no one can replace it.

And Chu Nan didn't let her down. If Chu Nan hadn't taken on the most critical but also the most difficult part of the whole plan, he would have to mobilize and deploy the huge space energy to form The cage, exhausted Marr Venerable's Inner Breath little by little, and finally shattered Marr Venerable's last counterattack with the trap generated after the cage was broken. They may hope to let Marr Venerable retreat. But wanting to kill her is simply impossible.

Even Angele used herself as bait in the end, using the flame of life cultivation technique to deliberately seduce Marr. Venerable this step was also in the plan proposed by Chu Nan before, he had expected this step, thinks that Marr Venerable may retreat because her own strength is wiped out, and Chu Nan will definitely be in a short-term serious injury state because of Marr Venerable's counterattack, so she needs Angel Belle to pretend to be him to seduce Marr Venerable stay.

It turns out that Marr Venerable is indeed as Chu Nan expected. The three people who were lying in ambush have lost the trace of Marr Venerable. If she decides to run away in an instant, it may be difficult for them to catch up. Kill it.

However, when Angelique appeared disguised as Chu Nan, Mal Venerable was immediately overwhelmed by hatred and appeared, and was finally beheaded by the four reasonably.

Although Chu Nan described the whole plan to the Imperial Princess in great detail, and successfully persuaded the Imperial Princess to agree to participate in the plan, when the plan was really successful, Marl Venerable Really dead, Romandy Imperial Princess still feels very incredible.

In order to make the plan a success, there must be no mistakes in the whole process, especially Chu Nan can’t make even the slightest mistake, and he still faces Marr Venerable, he must always maintain the best state, do The most appropriate response is required.

He used the space energy in the whole process. Although Romandi Imperial Princess did not experience it personally, he didn't know it so clearly, but just thinking about it, he knew how terrifying the difficulty was.

But Chu Nan did it perfectly.

Yes, perfect, without the slightest flaw.

Thinking of this, Romandy Imperial Princess couldn't help but look at Chu Nan one more time.

This guy has been amazing since the first day I met him, but the success of this time's plan has given Romandi Imperial Princess a new understanding of his abilities, and even... Made her start to feel a little terrifying.

To be able to complete such an impossible plan perfectly, Chu Nan terrifying is not only his strength, but also his mind.

Romandy Imperial Princess has no doubts that Chu Nan will break through and become a Star Level Martial Artist in the future, she just thinks, when this guy really becomes a Star Level Martial Artist, what a terrifying guy?

Angie Belle on the side did not have such a mental activity like the Imperial Princess, she closed her eyes for a while and then opened her eyes happily and said: "I can confirm everything about Marr Venerable. Relevant biological information has completely disappeared, she has died completely. Very good, Chu Nan, we finally solved this annoying Old Witch, I thought we had to wait until you broke through to become a Star Level Martial Artist to find it. She took revenge, but didn't expect to kill her here."

Chu Nan laughed: "Why wait for me to break through and become a Star Level Martial Artist, you can break through. ."

"Because when the Master asked you what to do with her, you said that you would take revenge yourself in the future, of course I won't rob you." Angelique shrugged, With a relaxed face. "But this time it can be considered that you killed her, so you can't talk about it."

"Come on, at this time of year, you don't care what you say, you can kill her. It's not easy." Chu Nan waved his hand, his eyes swept over Romandi Imperial Princess and Carolla, and continued: "Okay, now that Marr Venerable has been killed, our biggest threat has finally been lifted, you two will go next. Any thoughts?"

"en?" Romandy Imperial Princess froze for a moment, then frowned. "What do you think? Shouldn't we continue to find a way to go back now?"

"Unfortunately, this is impossible." Chu Nan sighed. "At least it's impossible to go back to the 39th-layer through the Transmission Gate. Although I successfully activated the Transmission Gate just now, as you can see later, I can't wait..."

Chu Nan suddenly interrupted himself, frowning in thought.

Romandy Imperial Princess and Carolla did not ask questions, but waited patiently as they continued to recover under Angelique's treatment.

After waiting for a while, Chu Nan's face moved slightly, turned his head to look into the depths of the different space, browsed tightly knit, his face was slightly tangled, as if he was thinking about a very embarrassing thing .

"Hey, Chu Nan, what did you think of?" Imperial Princess and Carolla were inconvenient to speak, but Angelique didn't care so much and asked directly.

"Uh...I thought of a way that might allow us to go back to the 39th-layer..." Chu Nan replied hesitantly.

"Then try, is there any problem?" Angelique asked again strangely.

"Yes, and the problem is not small, because...I can't guarantee whether I will survive..."

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