In ten minutes.

The 10th layer of Endless Abyss IV has basically completely collapsed, and the bottom of the ring-shaped mountain range cannot be seen at all. A flash of light flashes at the bottom, and the silhouettes of Chu Nan and the four suddenly appear from the light.

When the light faded, Romandi Imperial Princess frowned, squatted down and touched the ground, then looked left and right, felt the subtle spatial energy fluctuations in the surrounding space for a while, and then asked Chu Nan: "If I'm not mistaken, the way you're saying is to use this Transmission Gate to get us back to the 39th-layer?"

"Yes." Chu Nan nods.

"Then what's the problem?" Romandy Imperial Princess was still puzzled. "Didn't we just use you to activate the Transmission Gate to hide in another dimension to avoid Marr Venerable's kill, and even kill her in turn? Why do you still think the problem is too big to guarantee that we will survive?"

"It's easy." Chu Nan shrugged. "I can now guarantee the smooth activation of the Transmission Gate and send you to another dimension, but I can't guarantee that it will directly send you back to the 39th-layer like a normal Transmission Gate. You saw it just now, in fact, when the Transmission Gate After losing my power support, we immediately fell into the different space from the special space in the Transmission Gate. Judging from this situation, this Transmission Gate is actually another kind of compression of space, the high-end of the different space Use, if it loses the energy support, it will not be able to complete its effect."

Romandy Imperial Princess pondered for a moment, gently nodding.

"I see what you mean. You should be worried that if the transmission of energy cannot be guaranteed all the time, then the Transmission Gate will not be able to keep working all the time, and we will eventually fall into the alien space and have no way to return. To the 39th-layer, right?"

"Yes. Apart from this, I have another concern."

"What is it?"

"If it fell into the alien space just after starting up like we did just now, it's okay to say, because it is not far from the channel entrance of the Transmission Gate, we can come back smoothly, if we leave in the middle, then no one knows. Somewhere in the space, when the time comes, you will be completely lost in the different space."

Hearing this, not only Romandy Imperial Princess, but Angelique also frowned.

She thought for a while, but slapped her hand again and said happily: "I don't think it's a problem, Chu Nan, didn't you fall into another dimension before and come back smoothly, even if you are temporarily lost in the starry sky? Among them, as long as we are in the galaxy, we can always find the way back."

"Hey, Angelique, I like your optimistic spirit, but you don't think it's bad to wait. We went back smoothly, how many years have passed outside? We may even die in the stars." Chu Nan rolled his eyes helplessly.

"I'm fine, Master doesn't have to worry about me anyway, I just need to be with you." Angelique he said with a smile.

"Okay, serious business, don't joke." Chu Nan scolded her, and then said resolutely: "In addition to the problem of disorientation, I am also worried about another problem. According to the situation just now See, Transmission Gate kicks us into another dimension after losing energy support, but that's just what we've just seen, in case something else happens, like throwing us straight into a more unfathomable mystery It's not impossible to even directly produce a more serious space collapse. So..."

"So why don't we try it?" Romandy Imperial Princess suddenly interrupted Chu Nan's words, The eyes are just Chu Nan. "I understand what you mean and the dangers that may be encountered, but we only have two options now, the first option is to take a risk, and the second option is to wait here for the next time the Transmission Gate opens. I I tend to try it, what's your opinion?"

Seeing Romandi Imperial Princess staring into his eyes, Chu Nan was stunned.

I have not known Romandi Imperial Princess for a long time, but I have been in contact with many times, and I have experienced various scenes, which made him experience various reactions of Romandi Imperial Princess, But this is the first time I have seen such a strong side of her.

"I also think I can try it." Angelina nodded and said. "Romandy and Carolla were both tempered by us just now with fleshy bodies. They should be able to survive in different dimensions or even harsher environments. Even if we may not be able to successfully return to the 39th-layer, we should also die. No. As for the problem of getting lost... We can actually go back to the positive space universe at any time to identify the direction. Although there is no specific star map, at least we can know whether we are walking outside the galactic center or inside. Anyway, I think it should be better than waiting here for the Transmission Gate to open again."

"Um..." Chu Nan groaned.

I have to admit that Angelina's opinion is very reasonable. In fact, during the time when she returned to Transmission Gate from another dimension, Chu Nan had already rethought this plan, making the dangerous Greatly reduced, but the question now is...

"We have to send someone to do the experiment first, and I have to be responsible for maintaining the Transmission Gate, so no, so who are you three going?" Chu Nan was helpless He looked at the three in front of him.

The three looked at each other in blank dismay.

This experiment is as dangerous as Chu Nan said, and may even kill him directly. Chu Nan cannot go because he wants to maintain the Transmission Gate, so who would be better to go?

Carola blinked her eyes at a very regular but somewhat strange frequency, but did not speak. Romandy Imperial Princess hesitated for a while, but Angelique answered directly after thinking for a while. : "Come on. I have spent the most time with Chu Nan and cooperated the most times. I am more familiar with his cultivation technique and have a better understanding than you two. I am obviously the most suitable."

"But..." Romandy Imperial Princess frowned deeply.

The pride of being the Imperial Princess made her not allow her to take risks like this to see Angelique, whom she had already identified as a friend, but she knew that Angelique was right, she was. The most suitable candidate.

Chu Nan is of course well aware of this. When he asked this question, he had already determined that Angelique was the only candidate, but now seeing Angelique Li took the initiative to propose, but he hesitated.

"No...Angelbely, I think...we can think of a better way, I..."

"No, I know you definitely don't A better way." Angelique interrupted Chu Nan by shaking her head. "If so, you already said it, didn't you?"

Chu Nan could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Ange Belle really knew him too well, he really couldn't think of a better way after thinking for a long time, and this person is indeed Angel Belle far more than Romanty Imperial Princess and Carolla more suitable.

Nothing else, just by mastering the cultivation technique of the flame of life at the same time, the two can establish a subtle connection that is difficult for outsiders to understand, so that in case of any accident Chu Nan can immediately make reaction.


At this moment, Carola suddenly stopped blinking and opened her mouth.

"Actually you don't have to send someone."

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