Among school and friends, Chu Xiaoxi has always been recognized as a little beauty, especially her big eyes like willow leaves are often called "as if It's the same as talking", which is particularly admirable.

Combined with the cheerful smile that is always full of energy on her face, when everyone sees her, they will involuntarily fall in love with this young and beautiful girl.

But now, her big eyes have already been filled with bloodshots, and even the tears are about to dry out. There is only infinite horror in her eyes, and there is no smile on her face. Down sluggish and gray.

When she was caught by the two strange people who suddenly appeared, she was afraid, but still had hope.

She was even more hopeful when she saw with her own eyes that the big brother had found this place and killed the brawny man who had been threatening her with a knife.

big brother is the runner-up in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Contest, a powerful Martial Artist who has been praised by two Star Level Martial Artists!

He must be able to save himself from these two hateful fellows!

But when Chu Nan fought the perverted guy who could transform, Chu Xiaoxi instantly became desperate again.

She's not a Martial Artist, and of course she can't tell what kind of martial skill the two of them are using, or even their movements.

But at least she can tell that Chu Nan has always been at an absolute disadvantage.

Even though he also hit the transformed man, the transformed man was simply like nothing.

On the contrary, every time he hits Chu Nan, Chu Nan is easily knocked away like a rag.

Seeing the big brother vomit blood again and again, but stand up again and again to fight with the transformed man again, Chu Xiaoxi's heart is extremely painful, and she really wants to shout out He gave up.

But she couldn't.

Not only was her mouth blocked by the seal and couldn't shout at all, but also because she knew very well that if Chu Nan gave up, he and herself would face an extremely tragic fate.

"big brother, you must win!"

With this only glimmer of hope, Chu Xiaoxi stared at the two of them without blinking until the last grips.


The loud noise that far surpassed any previous fight echoed in the small warehouse, causing Chu Xiaoxi's ears to hurt.

A wave of air born from the fight between the two even rolled up the thick dust on the ground, forcing her to close her eyes.

The moment before she closed her eyes, she had already seen Chu Nan and the transformed man flying backwards like cannonballs at the same time.

When she finally reopened her eyes and looked left and right, she found that Chu Nan was lying motionless in a corner of the warehouse in front of her left, and there was a terrifying bloodstain extending all the way in front of him, until the two of them just now. The place to fight.

And where the two fought, there was a much more terrifying bloodstain.

Corresponding to the blood spilled by Chu Nan, there is a bloodstain that is much thicker and terrifying in the other direction, extending to the right front of Chu Xiaoxi, another one in the warehouse. corner.

At the end of the bloodstain, the transformed man's entire body fell to the ground in an extremely unnatural twisted posture, also motionless.

Looking from the side, you can see a huge hole in his entire left body from the waist to the shoulder, and even only half of the internal organs in the chest cavity can be faintly seen.

In this way, he obviously couldn't die any longer.

"Very good! He's dead!"

Although Chu Xiaoxi's stomach was tumbling for a while at the terrifying scene in front of her, she felt extremely nauseated and wanted to vomit, but she felt a sudden surge in her heart. surprise.

This guy was actually killed by the big brother!

very good!

My big brother and I can both survive!


Chu Xiaoxi turned her head sharply, looked towards Chu Nan lying on the other side again, and found that he was still motionless.


No way...

The surprise in Chu Xiaoxi's heart instantly disappeared without a trace.

Could it be that...big brother also...


Chu Xiaoxi flicked her legs hard, making a sound from her mouth, whimpering in the direction of Chu Nan, trying to wake up Chu Nan.

But Chu Nan didn't react at all, as if... as if he were dead.

Chu Xiaoxi tossed for a while, and finally gave up, with two more lines of tears welling in her eyes.


No! !

No! ! !

I don't want to!

big brother he... big brother how could he die!

Chu Xiaoxi's eyes widened, tears kept falling from the corners of her eyes, she just stared at Chu Nan in the corner, her mind went blank.

The sunset outside the warehouse gradually fell, the golden sunlight gradually receded from the warehouse, and the night gradually enveloped the entire abandoned factory.

There is no sound in the small warehouse.

Chu Xiaoxi's tears had already dried up completely. Her Both eyes were spiritless as she looked at Chu Nan lying on the ground in front of her left, losing any strength to think and act.

Gradually, it was getting late at night.

Although it is already summer in the northern hemisphere of Ziyunxing, the night in early summer is still cool.

As the night gets darker, the temperature gradually decreases.

Suddenly, a cool breeze blew in from the door of the warehouse, whipped up a puff of dust, and then blew on Chu Xiaoxi.

Chu Xiaoxi only had a sleeveless short jacket on her upper body and a short skirt on her lower body. She shivered involuntarily when the cold wind blew.

However, this chill made her wake up all of a sudden.


big brother won't die!

Just now my big brother tried his best to save me, now it's my turn to save him!

Chu Xiaoxi's brain resumed operation.

She turned her head, glanced at the rope behind her that tied her hands to the post, then swept left and right, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

Not far in front of her, through the moonlight, you can see a small knife emitting a cold light.

This knife was used by the brawny man to coerce her, but because the brawny man was punched to death by Chu Nan just now, it fell to the ground.

Chu Xiaoxi tried her best to slide down and stretched her legs out.

With her soft body and a pair of long legs, she practiced dancing since she was a child, and finally reached the knife with her left thumb after sweating profusely.

Then she cautiously and little by little moved the knife to her side, then moved it behind her, and after dozens of attempts, she finally grabbed the handle of the knife with her hand.

Next, she moved the knife little by little with difficulty, rubbing the blade lightly on the rope.


The sound of the blade rubbing slowly on the rope kept ringing in the warehouse, adding a little extra to the quiet warehouse An angry.

It took nearly ten minutes, Chu Xiaoxi finally felt his hands loose for a while, but the knife had cut a rope.

She was very excited, and she continued to work hard despite the sweat on her forehead.

Because of a broken rope, her hands have more room to move, and it is naturally easier to grasp the knife, so the next progress will be much faster.

In about three or four minutes, she finally cut off all the ropes and regained her freedom.

She threw the knife, reached out and tore off the seal on her mouth, stood up, looked towards Chu Nan and rushed over.

However, after only two steps, her legs went weak, and bang fell directly to the ground.

This is because she had been kneeling on the ground just now in order to cut off the rope, her legs were already numb and numb due to severe ischemia.

However, at this time, she couldn't care less, she patted her thighs with her hands to make the bloodline open again, then stood up with difficulty, and staggered to Chu Nan's side.

"Brother! Brother! Wake up! Wake up!"

Chu Xiaoxi leaned over and turned over Chu Nan, who was lying on the ground, only to find that he was covered in blood. It looks horrific.

Putting his hand to his nostril, Chu Xiaoxi was pleasantly surprised to find that there was still a faint breath inside, and it seemed that he was still alive!

"Brother! Wake up, wake up! I'll take you to the hospital right now, you won't die, you won't die!"

Chu Xiaoxi cried Shouting, while trying to help Chu Nan up, he intends to carry him behind his back and take him out of here to the hospital.

However, although Chu Nan is not fat, but because he is over 1.8 meters tall, plus he has practiced martial arts all the year round and has a strong physique, how can a thin little girl like Chu Xiaoxi be able to carry on her back.

Just as she was about to get up, Chu Nan's heavy body pulled her and fell down.


Chu Xiaoxi fell so badly that she couldn't manage the pain, she turned her head to look at Chu Nan in panic.

Chu Nan also fell to the ground sturdy just now. With his current weakness, it can only be worse.

But she couldn't carry Chu Nan at all, and it would be even more unrealistic to drag her away.

What should I do?

Just when Chu Xiaoxi was so anxious and panicked that she didn't know what to do, Chu Nan on the ground suddenly pu' sounded, spit out a mouthful of blood, and then coughed twice.

Chu Xiaoxi's eyes widened.

Big brother is awake?

Chu Nan's eyelids opened slowly and slowly, looking at Chu Xiaoxi, who had a panicked and concerned face in front of him, and forced a smile.

"Xiao...Xiaoxi...I...I originally thought...that I could rescue myself...but keep doing this...tossing...I...I'm afraid... It really doesn't help."

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