Chu Xiaoxi stared at Chu Nan for a while, then suddenly let out a scream and jumped up.

"Very good! Brother! You're awake! You're alright! Very good! Very good..."

After shouting, it turned into a big cry.

"I...cough...don't...don't shake..." Chu Nan coughed again. " now."

"Ah? Oh..." Chu Xiaoxi hurriedly let go of her hands, looked left and right, opened her arms, but didn't hold back for a while. Know what to do.

"Okay...well, you...leave me alone, go...go and see that guy...ahem...see how he's doing." Chu Nan instructed with difficulty.


Chu Xiaoxi complied and walked over to the transformed man.

After walking a few steps, she saw the big pool of blood on the ground, but she felt a little bit of fear in her heart, hesitated for a while, picked up an iron block from the ground, and turned into a man from a distance. throw it in the direction.


The first shot failed because of nervousness.

Chu Xiaoxi settled down, found another iron block and threw it at him.

This time, the iron block hit the transformed man accurately.

This iron block weighs three or four kilograms. It is naturally shocking to hit it from such a long distance.

However, the turned male is still completely motionless.

Chu Xiaoxi threw two more iron blocks over, seeing that the transformed man still didn't move at all, then patted his chest, turned to Chu Nan and said, "Brother, he should be dead."

"Okay, come back."

Chu Nan called Chu Xiaoxi back and motioned her to sit beside him.

"Don't... don't run around, and don't touch me. I... I'll recuperate... I should be able to move."

"Brother, aren't you going to the hospital? You are so seriously injured!" Chu Xiaoxi looked at him in surprise.

"No, own injury, I understand."

Chu Nan gently shook the head, closed his eyes, and stopped talking.

His injury looks very serious, but it's actually much less severe than after the last fight with Maluk.

After using the five-turn Inner Breath in the last battle with Maluk, his meridian was severely broken and damaged, causing him to fall into a coma, unable to do anything, and almost died of it. .

But at this time, although he still suffered serious internal injuries, the only serious ones were the newly opened seven main meridians and twenty-six secondary meridians.

Because these meridians have not gone through the Inner Breath tempering, their tenacious degree is insufficient. Before the last punch just now, they were hit to pieces by the overly powerful Inner Breath, and the damage was even more severe than that of Maluk. After the First World War, the situation was even more serious.

But the other meridians, because they have endured years of tempering, plus the restoration after being almost completely destroyed several times before, have become very tenacious. In such a terrifying Inner Breath impact Although there is some damage, it is still basically intact.

The current situation in Chu Nan's body is actually very interesting.

The previous meridians were still able to function normally, but the newly opened meridians were nearly completely damaged, turning his body into two distinct parts.

But thanks to this situation, Chu Nan can still successfully mobilize the Inner Breath, which is not affected.

With the experience of being injured last time, Chu Nan didn't rush this time, mobilized the only weak Inner Breath left, adjusted it to a high-frequency vibration state, and repaired the meridian who was only slightly injured.

Soon, these meridians have basically returned to a complete state and can function fully.

Then he began to mobilize the Inner Breath again, repairing the meridian that was nearly completely damaged.

After the last injury, he was severely damaged due to the meridian of his entire body, and has been in a coma, naturally recovering very slowly.

And now that he's sane, and only part of the meridian is damaged, it's certainly much easier to repair.

What's more, when he got through and tempering these meridians before, he already knew the situation of these meridians well, and he could control Inner Breath to stimulate the most precise cell activity on these meridians.

It didn't take long before he successfully activated one of the meridians.

After feeling the activity of this meridian cell, Chu Nan sighed in relief and decided to take a break.

Then he remembered a question, opened his eyes and looked at Chu Xiaoxi, and said to her: "Xiaoxi, there is a small river outside this factory, and the water seems to be quite clean, go and wash your face well, Then give me some water, and I also want to wash my face."

"Washing my face?" Chu Xiaoxi looked at him in confusion.

In this case, he actually thought of washing his face first?

"Go." Chu Nan waved his hand without any pretentious explanation.


Chu Xiaoxi could only complied, got up and left.

She just took two steps when she suddenly turned her head.

"I'm gone, what if that guy moves again? Are you not very dangerous?"

Chu Nan was a little funny.

"Okay, he's dead, can he still be resurrected? You can just go, I'll be fine."

Chu Xiaoxi could only turn around reluctantly. When he left, he turned back one step at a time, as if he was afraid that Chu Nan would be informed when he turned around.

"Hey, this guy, I've never seen one so sticky to me before."

Chu Nan shook his head and proceeded to fix the next meridian.

Just after repairing the two, there was a sound of footsteps.

Opening his eyes, Chu Xiaoxi trotted all the way with a pot he found somewhere.

Looking at her cautiously but anxious appearance, Chu Nan is even more funny.

"Brother, here comes the water, you... let me wash it for you." Chu Xiaoxi put down the basin cautiously, then reached out and took out a handkerchief from his arms, soaked in water, even more cautiously He helped Chu Nan wipe his face.

Feeling the incomparably gentle movements of Chu Xiaoxi's hands, Chu Nan couldn't help feeling emotional.

Ever since Chu Xiaoxi grew up and sensible, the two have often quarreled, and even rarely get along in harmony.

But now, she is concerned and careful, as if she is afraid of hurting Chu Nan.

This is the first time that Chu Nan has ever met.

"If you think about it this way, this injury is worth it."

Chu Nan's image of Dunleavy suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Damn it, did I become a sister-in-law like that guy?"

Chu Nan quickly shook his head, but let Chu Xiaoxi wipe the hand on his face fail.

"Brother, why are you shaking your head, don't move, let me wash it for you." Chu Xiaoxi complained softly.

Chu Nan couldn't help grinning.

It seems that no matter what, Konishi's character will not change.

He, the younger sister, will not be really gentle and lovely.

"Okay, it's almost done."

Chu Nan touched his face and looked at Chu Xiaoxi first, and found that although her hairstyle was a bit messy, there was basically no major problem.

“Look at me?” Chu Nan pointed to himself. "Compared with the normal situation."

"Ah..." Chu Xiaoxi turned on the light source on his personal terminal and took a closer look. "It's's just that the face is too ugly."

"It's fine, just change the light." Chu Nan waved his hand, lowered his head and opened his personal terminal, and called out a tune with the most explosive tune. The music starts playing at maximum volume.

Chu Xiaoxi was startled by the sudden sound of music.

"Brother, what are you doing?"

"This is called the layout environment." Chu Nan operated the personal terminal again, and released a virtual projection from it, arranging the warehouse into a Same situation by the river.

"Okay, it's almost time to send a message to my parents. Xiaoxi, remember to act accordingly."

"Huh?" Chu Xiaoxi was completely stunned.

The two of them look like this, and they still need to communicate with their parents?

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