Chu Nan opened his eyes slowly when the first golden rays of the morning sun appeared in the open space in front of the warehouse gate.

Squinting at the bright sunlight outside the warehouse, Chu Nan took a deep breath, and after feeling the clear morning air blowing in from the door, he also smelled a heavy smell that could not be concealed. blood-reeking breath.

Chu Nan tilted his head slightly and looked at the corpse in the other corner of the warehouse opposite, feeling like he was reborn after a catastrophe.

The last punch last night had completely exceeded his limit, and he didn't even give himself the slightest retreat. If it didn't work, then the one waiting for him and Chu Xiaoxi must be the one. The brutal killing of a male ruthless will definitely end tragically.

Fortunately, that punch not only worked successfully, but also worked extremely well. It was a simple ordinary punch that knocked out half of the man's body. He was completely dead and could no longer pose any threat. , Only then did he successfully save the lives of him and Chu Xiaoxi.

Thinking of younger sister, Chu Nan retracted his gaze, looked down, and saw that Chu Xiaoxi was curled up in a ball, lying beside him, sleeping soundly.

Seeing her face finally regaining a calm and peaceful look, Chu Nan felt infinite joy in his heart.

No matter how much she likes to quarrel with herself, she is her younger sister after all.

Protecting her is my responsibility as a big brother that will never back down.

Fortunately, he did it successfully.


Chu Xiaoxi on the ground suddenly trembled slightly and murmured a word.

"Save me...I'm"

I was talking in my sleep.

Chu Nan sighed in his heart.

It seems that the experience of last night has left a deep psychological shadow in her heart, so that she is starting to have nightmares now.

"I hope she will get better in the future."

Chu Nan extend the hand, lightly touched Chu Xiaoxi's face, and lifted her hair that fell on her face up.

Perhaps feeling Chu Nan's touch, Chu Xiaoxi's trembling body gradually calmed down, stopped talking in her sleep, and fell asleep again.

"If my parents see you like this, I don't know how distressed I would be." Chu Nan shook the head and sighed again in his heart.

Last night, with the cooperation of Chu Xiaoxi, he claimed in the communication with his parents that he had rarely come to Sigma City with the younger sister, and decided to simply have a good night in Sigma City, and then the second day. go home.

Although the parents complained a few words, they didn't doubt too much, they just told Chu Nan not to take Chu Xiaoxi to those messy places.

Chu Nan certainly didn't want to trick his parents if possible, but he knew very well that if he let his parents know what happened last night, he would be extremely frightened.

Anyway, things have been resolved now, so they don't have to worry about it.


Chu Nan suddenly shook the head, turned his head and looked towards the two bodies of the transformed man and the brawny man in the distance, slightly frowned.

Is the matter really resolved?

The situation was urgent last night, and he was full of thoughts on how to save Chu Xiaoxi and how to defeat the transformed man. He didn't think too much about other things.

Now that the night has passed, Chu Nan looked back and found something strange.

Only Dong Fang knows about the news of his return home yesterday.

These two guys were able to so accurately kidnap Chu Xiaoxi, who just came out of the house and wanted to pick him up yesterday. The timing was just right.

Although it may be that they found out the flight information of the spaceflight they took in advance by some means, but how should they explain that they knew clearly that what they had obtained from Mu Yutong was the B-Rank cultivation technique What about "Fengshen Wearing Forest Legs"?

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes and thought for a while, took a deep breath lightly, reached out and pressed hard on the ground, feeling a sharp pain in the meridian, but the muscle strength and meridian movement were still smooth, and Without affecting the activity, he endured the pain from Meridian and stood up swayingly.

After standing up straight, Chu Nan's thoughts moved, and an Inner Breath quickly ran a cycle in the meridian within the body, making sure that the activity just now did not affect the meridian, so he was relieved.

One night is of course impossible for him to completely repair those meridians who were seriously damaged, but with the recovery experience after the last injury, Chu Nan only took one night to get those new ones through. , and then the meridian, who was shattered in the last punch yesterday, basically recovered to a basically intact state.

Although it's far from being intact, it's barely able to maintain the smooth functioning of the Inner Breath and basic physical activity within it.

At least, from the outside, he doesn't see much abnormality except that his face is extremely pale.

After running the Inner Breath for a cycle again, Chu Nan raised his leg and took a step.

Although still a little weak, so that the footsteps are a little vain, but there is no problem with normal walking.

Chu Nan walked slowly towards the direction where the transformed man was lying on the corpse.

Only after approaching, did he realize that the wounds on the transformed man's body were amazing.

From his left shoulder down to his left waist, there was an extremely terrifying semi-circular gap, making him almost lose half of his body.

In the gap, you can see the broken white ribs and only half of the internal organs left. The situation is extremely disgusting and terrifying.

Chu Nan couldn't help but feel a hint of regret. He shouldn't have let Xiaoxi come to check on this guy last night.

Such a terrifying situation fell into the eyes of a little girl who had never killed a chicken throughout her childhood and was saddened by the death of a dog on the farm. It was no wonder she had nightmares.

Chu Nan felt nothing.

This guy dared to kidnap Chu Xiaoxi, and even had such a perverted idea, it was naturally the worse he died, the better, he would not have the slightest sympathy.

More importantly, Chu Nan has experienced tens of thousands of battles in the virtual space before. In addition to being killed tens of thousands of times by the enemy in various strange ways, he also killed himself. Countless enemies have seen much more tragic situations than they are now, and they have long since cultivated a very strong will.

Although there are some differences between virtual space and reality, the virtual space simulated by the master lightbrain is extremely realistic, and there will be no difference in the disgusting scene.

Chu Nan walked over slowly, crouched down, and took the transformed man's personal terminal off his arm, then ripped a few hairs from his head and tied it to the personal terminal.

After thinking about it for a while, he reached out and groped on the transformed man again.

After a while, he felt something hard under the right chest of the transformed man.

He went in, but took out a thin book that wasn't too thick.

Although most of the book cover is blood dyed red, a row of text can still be clearly seen.

Chu Nan didn't know these words, but he opened his personal terminal to scan it, and soon, the explanation of this line of words was displayed on the new screen.

Type: Mondia language

Meaning: Purple Cloud Eight Wilderness Forging movement method

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