The atmosphere was instantly silent, even stagnant.

After a while, Romandy Imperial Princess coughed lightly, looking a little embarrassed.

"Sorry, Carolla, I didn't know this would cause you such a lot of damage."

"No apologies, I'm a consumable, actually it's normal It's less than thirty times." Carola shook her head slightly.


This adjective made Chu Nan and the three of them stunned again, only Angelique looked thoughtful and seemed to think of something.

"Cough... well, I don't think I need to do a few more tests." Aware of the awkward atmosphere in the field, Chu Nan waved his hand and broke the silence. "The experiment just now was very successful. Since that meat...cough, that Carolla's Avatar has successfully returned to the 39th-layer, it proves that this Transmission Gate should be fine as long as I maintain it. Uh..."

Chu Nan pondered and hesitated.

It stands to reason that since the test is successful, the daoist should be sent to try it next, but the success of the previous "meat ball" test does not mean that people will be successful when entering, so he is destined to propose safety. Chipley took the risk and tried it, and he couldn't say it.

"I'll do it." Romandy Imperial Princess stepped out first. "Angebelle, you continue to stay here to take care of Carolla, I'll try it first."

Chu Nan looked at Romandy Imperial Princess in surprise as she stood in front of the Transmission Gate.

Although her character is straightforward and generous, she shouldn't be so impatient under normal circumstances, and she hesitated when Chu Nan first suggested someone to experiment, obviously she didn't plan to take this risk Risk, why is it only the first successful test, she is so active?

Chu Nan understood when he caught a glimpse of shame on the Imperial Princess's face.

This Imperial Princess is obviously ashamed of the request she made to Carola just now, and because she is ashamed, she wants to take the initiative to take the initiative to make up for it.

Chu Nan couldn't help but smile.

This Imperial Princess is quite cute...

"Hey, Chu Nan, what are you laughing at? Hurry up and start the Transmission Gate, I have to go back to the 39th -layer, take a look." Romandy Imperial Princess caught a glimpse of the smile on Chu Nan's face, her pretty face involuntarily brightened, and she couldn't help but said angrily.

"Hey, I have to rest for a while, and by the way, I'll wait for Carola's feedback, maybe there will be changes." Chu Nan withdrew his hands in a funny way, and sat on the ground to concentrate on breathing. .

Maintaining the energy supply of the Transmission Gate indeed consumes a lot of energy for him. If he keeps it up, according to the consumption rate just now, he calculates that he can only maintain a stable state for about 7 minutes at most.

Seeing Chu Nan closing his eyes and adjusting his breath, Romandi Imperial Princess couldn't say anything else, so she could only hold her breath and walk back.

Carolla had already recovered well at this time. She saw Romandi Imperial Princess approaching and said proactively: "For the stability and reliability of the experiment, I suggest that we conduct several similar experiments before we can Doing a daoist attempt. I can still..."

"Stop talking." The Imperial Princess interrupted her by raising her hand. "As the Declan Imperial Family, my pride doesn't allow my success to be built on your loss, understand?"

Carola blinked, obviously she didn't understand The meaning of Romandy Imperial Princess, even more did not understand her insistence, was about to speak again, but suddenly her body trembled again, and then there was a strange expression on her face, it seemed to be itchy, painful, and a little bit A different kind of blush...

Her strange reaction startled both Imperial Princess and Angelique.

"Hey, Carolla, are you alright? What's the matter?" Angelique asked hurriedly, as she asked, while sticking to Corolla with her hands, the flame of life cultivation technique was ready to activate at any time. .

"I...I'm fine...should...should...someone picked up...picked up that blob of tissue, I...I think it should be... at this time at the 39th-layer Transmission Gate The person. That person, is... touching me..."

"Huh?" Angelique and Imperial Princess looked at each other in blank dismay.

What is this strange development?


Endless Abyss 39th-layer.

Dozens of Declan Empire military-style airships are suspended above a valley, completely covering the sky above the valley.

In the mountain below, within the valley, a group of soldiers dressed in the uniforms of the Declan Empire Imperial Family Guards stood solemnly, guarding every exit of the valley, and any wild beast, ominous near the valley Beasts and alien beasts were all killed early.

The center of the valley is a piece of debris that looks like it has just suffered a violent explosion. All kinds of messy stone residues are scattered everywhere, and the surrounding vegetation also radiates outward from a certain position in the middle of the valley, showing that the previous The center of the explosion is here.

At this moment, at the center of the explosion, Prince Lycas stood there with a serious face, while Elcatel looked around all around with a look of interest, with a hint of excitement and anticipation in his expression. .

In front of Prince Lekas, a soldier in the uniform of the Declan Empire Imperial Family Guards had his legs taut, his body straight, his head trying to be straight, but always hanging involuntarily Come down, not daring to directly touch the sight of Prince Laikas.

"You found this thing here?" Prince Laikas held a small ball with a faint jade-colored light in his palm. If Chu Nan and the others were here, they would immediately find this thing It was the group of homologous gene cells that had been detached from Carola before.

"Yes." The soldier answered loudly immediately.

"Tell me how I found it." Prince Lycas said solemnly.

"Yes!" The soldier did not dare to hesitate and continued to answer loudly. "When we searched the airspace nearby, we detected an abnormal burst of energy fluctuations in this valley, and then detected an abnormal light in the valley, but by the time we arrived, the abnormal light within the valley had already appeared. It subsided, and the abnormal burst of energy fluctuations also disappeared at the same time. We searched around here and only found this abnormal phenomenon."

"en. "Prince Lycas, nodded, gently squeezed his hand with his fingers. The "meat ball" of , felt the special elasticity brought by it, and was puzzled.

This thing feels like a ball of meat to the touch, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the meat ball anyway.

If this thing caused the abnormal energy burst just now, it would be too unimaginable.

But the reason why this accidental discovery was reported and attracted both him and Elcatel to check it out in person was in this place.

This valley doesn't seem to have too many strange places in the 39th-layer of the endless abyss, but according to the results of the exploration, combined with all the data collected before about the 39th-layer of the endless abyss Look, this place was originally supposed to have a Transmission Gate leading to the fourth 10th layer.

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