It has been a few days since Prince Lycas and Elcatel led their men down to the 39th-layer, but the past few days have completely spread out their men and even recruited a bunch of adventurers to search around , but has not been able to find the Transmission Gate leading to the fourth 10th layer.

All the recorded Transmission Gates that can be found have suffered the most complete damage, not to mention the continued guarantee of transmission to the four 10th layer functions, even the original appearance has been destroyed.

Prince Laikas was almost at a loss in this situation and wanted to enter the 4th 10th layer but could not find a way at all, when he suddenly received this news, it was of great significance to him.

But now I just found something similar to a meat ball, which really makes people unable to grasp more information, making Prince Lekas feel a little clueless.

He pondered for a moment, and his eyes fell on Elcatel, who was looking around, beckons with the hand.

"His Royal Highness, is there any problem?" Elcatel walked over with a smile, and his eyes fell on the "meat ball" in the palm of Prince Laikas. "I have a bit of an impression of this thing, and it has something to do with something developed by a subsidiary of our Chamber of Commerce."

Prince Lekas raised his eyebrows: "Then you know that it appears here on behalf of What?"

"Well...there is not enough information, so I can't give you a complete analysis and answer." Elcatel shook the head, and then continued: "But if we analyze the information currently known, , I'm sure there must have been a little accident at the Transmission Gate in this place. Of course, it was a good accident for us."

Elcatel reached out to take the meat ball from Prince Lykas's hand, in the palm of his hand He pinched it, and then looked carefully in front of him for a while, then his brows were suddenly furrowed, and he tried his best to think.

After a while, he seemed to have thought of something, and said to Prince Lekas: "His Royal Highness, I must get in touch with the Chamber of Commerce immediately, please help me open a temporary communication line. "

"The reason." Prince Lykas looked at him blankly.

"It has something to do with this thing." Elcatel pointed to the meat ball in Prince Lycas' palm. "I dug out something in my memory that has something to do with this thing. This thing seems to be related to a subsidiary of our Chamber of Commerce. I think if I can get in touch with Chamber of Commerce, then You should know the details of this thing, maybe you can find some useful clues. Before that, I suggest sending someone to keep an eye on this place, maybe..."

Elcatel's voice was not finished, Prince Laikas suddenly looked With one move, he grabbed Elcatel with one hand, the body flashed, and it flew into the air.

The other Imperial Family guards in the valley were a little slower, but they also retreated in unison, posing a posture of alertness towards the valley's Central Zone.

Elcatel sees the unfathomable mystery, but of course he knows there must be a mutation, otherwise Prince Lycas wouldn't have been alerted to react.

Sure enough, just as the thought in his mind flashed, a splendid light suddenly appeared in the center of the valley, and then the light exploded, becoming a strip of light connected together. The light was born, and the whole valley was covered in an instant.

Although Elcatel is not a powerful Martial Artist, he can't sense the special changes in the space energy in the valley, but just looking at the situation in front of him with his eyes, he clearly knows that this valley was originally thought to be destroyed. Transmission Gate, actually restarted!

Prince Lekas frowned and stared at the Transmission Gate in front of him.

He certainly sensed the energy fluctuations from the Transmission Gate clearly, but it was precisely because the senses were so clear that he was puzzled.

He knew very well what happened to these Transmission Gates in the endless abyss, and also knew why these Transmission Gates were destroyed, so now that the Transmission Gates suddenly reopened, what he immediately gave birth to was not Surprise, but vigilance.

And now there are some small differences between the space energy fluctuations circulating back and forth in this Transmission Gate and those experienced in other Transmission Gates before, which made him very concerned.

Normally, it takes a long time for the Transmission Gate to regenerate naturally after it is destroyed. Now it is only reopened after a few days. It is more likely that there are human factors.

"Be vigilant!" Thinking of this, Prince Lekas raised his voice and shouted, and his own Inner Breath turned with his mind, staring at the inside of the Transmission Gate.

With his strength, even if a highest S-Rank alien or a Star Level Martial Artist suddenly pops up from the Transmission Gate, he still has absolute confidence that the other party cannot do anything. threatening behavior.

The rest of the Declan Empire Imperial Family guards were even more prepared upon hearing the order of Prince Laikas.

They can be selected into the Imperial Family Guards, and now they are acting together with Prince Lykas. Naturally, they are all soldiers with good strength. Everyone has the strength of the intermediate Voidbreak Grade at least. Under the siege of nearly a hundred fully armed Voidbreak Grade Martial Artists, coupled with the blessing of special cultivation techniques, even Star Level Martial Artists are difficult to get benefits in front of them.

With such a powerful formation, no matter what comes out behind the Transmission Gate, there will be no waves.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the Transmission Gate of the rays of light flashed, their expressions were tense, and they did not dare to be slighted.

The past few days they went all the way down in the endless abyss. Along the way, they met many groups of adventurers who entered the depths of the endless abyss. Not only did they learn the horror of this beast tide from their mouths, but they also Having personally experienced the impact of the beast tide many times, I know very well that the endless abyss is very unstable during this time, and it is not surprising that anything happens.

The light in the valley continued to flicker and intensify, and after a while it finally stabilized, turning into a halo-shrouded area.

This scene is similar to the Transmission Gate seen in other places, except that the brightness of the light that finally stabilizes is slightly inferior.

Prince Lekas hesitated.

The best way now is to send someone in to try it out, but he obviously can't take this risk himself - not because he is worried about any danger, but if there is an accident and it is teleported elsewhere, it will affect him. The next action, sending his men down is probably the same as sending him to death, there is no need for this.

He thought about it for a while, and was about to approach some confidently sensing the energy fluctuations in the Transmission Gate, when he suddenly saw a little black shadow flickering in the Transmission Gate, gradually getting bigger, showing a complete shape like is a silhouette.

Although he didn't sense any threatening aura from that dark shadow, Prince Laikas also raised a little bit of vigilance.

The rest of the Imperial Family guards are already full of breath, ready for change and danger.


Under everyone's gaze, the black shadow suddenly escaped from the transmission gate's light shroud, and flew out from the inside, but it fell with a bang. on the ground.

Everyone looked at each other, all stunned.

This isn't a who at all, it's a human-sized stone at all!

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