Endless Abyss IV 10th layer, the other side of Transmission Gate.

Romandy Imperial Princess looked at Angelique with a dull look, and it took a while to open the mouth and said: "Hey, I said Angelique...I just let you throw something in there. Try it, you actually threw such a big stone in it! What if you hit the person on the opposite side?"

"It doesn't matter, those who are capable of going down to the 39th-layer should be pretty good. As for if I throw a stone at random, you can be killed?" Angel Belli smiled and didn't care. "Besides, I'm also worried that the stone will be damaged in the passage. If I throw a big one in, even if it breaks, there will still be a part left to pass through successfully."

"No matter how big the stone is, it's going through the passage. The powerful energy of space is of no use." Romandi Imperial Princess gave Angelique a sullen look, turned her head and looked towards the Transmission Gate still maintained by Chu Nan, with a hint of anticipation on her face. "Hey, Chu Nan, do you think there is someone at the Transmission Gate?"

Chu Nan raised his hand to signal the Imperial Princess to wait a moment, and then increased the flow of Inner Breath, strengthening the effect on the energy of the surrounding space. Control, this will eliminate the internal fluctuations in the Transmission Gate caused by Angel Belle throwing a large rock, and return to stability.

At this time, he lifted the head and looked at Romandi Imperial Princess, but didn't answer, but turned his head and looked towards Carola behind, and pursed his lips.

"You shouldn't ask me this question, you should ask her."

Romandy Imperial Princess also turned her head and looked towards Carolla, and found that Carolla was still hanging on her face. With that strange expression, I couldn't help but look strange.

"Hey, Carolla, you...do you still feel like you're being touched?"

"Um..." Compared to just now, Carola is now His expression stabilized somewhat. "I can sense that someone on the opposite side of the Transmission Gate is holding the mass of tissue, and I can clearly feel the touch from that person's palm, and..."

Speaking of this, Carola frowned, after thinking for a moment, she continued: "That person should be a very powerful Martial Artist, just now I was able to detect a very strong radiance in his palm through the co-frequency induction of that group of cells. The energy fluctuates."

"Really?" Hearing this answer, the three of Chu Nan were all happy.

"The only people who came down from the endless abyss could be experts from the empire. I think it should be the empire that responded to what happened in the endless abyss and sent people to rescue." Romandy Imperial Princess He got up and walked to the Transmission Gate, but stopped again and asked Chu Nan, "I should be able to go in now?"

"Don't worry." Chu Nan shook his head, Reached inside the Transmission Gate. "If the big rock that Angelbelli threw just now passes the Transmission Gate smoothly, and the other side is smart enough, then they should give us some reaction."


Endless Abyss 39th-layer.

As the dust settled, a group of people stared at the huge stone on the ground that was as tall as a person, with a wary expression.

After waiting for a while, Prince Lycas released Elcatel and let him use his personal aircraft to stabilize the flight, and he fell down.

An Imperial Family guard squad immediately followed along, grabbing in front of Prince Laikas and saying that the stone was surrounded by circles.

Although there is nothing special about the stone no matter how you look at it, and there is no information displayed in it, everyone is still nervous and looks like they are facing a great enemy.

A moment later, the guard squad Captain took a step closer to the stone, and the Inner Breath ran to the extreme, and then continued to approach cautiously.

But his mind was obviously in vain, and there was no problem until he walked to the stone, and then he touched the stone with his hand under the gesture of Prince Lycas.

Still no problem.

Captain finally calmed down a little and began to search carefully around the stone, trying to find any useful information from it.

When he went around to the other side of the stone, he suddenly exclaimed after taking a look.

"There are words on it!"

"There are words?"

Everyone was stunned, Prince Lycas body flashed, came to Captain's side, and followed Looking over with his gaze, sure enough, on the side of the stone, there were traces that were obviously scratched out on purpose.

These traces are combined together, although Prince Laikas can't understand it, but from the perspective of shape and combination, it is very likely to be a kind of text.

"What text is this?" Prince Lekas frowned.

If it is outside the endless abyss, you can take out a personal terminal and connect to the Pan-Galaxy Network to check the meaning of this text, but now the personal terminal cannot connect to the Pan-Galaxy Network, he will not know So many languages.

Suddenly there was a slight vibration around him, and the silhouette fell, but it was Elcatel who saw that there was no problem with the stone and landed.

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, is there really writing on it? What is it? Let me see..."

Elcatel also followed Prince Lekas' line of sight to the stone. Go, looked at it but immediately froze.

Prince Lekas gave him a strange look.

"What's the matter? Do you recognize these words?"

"Um..." Elcatel looked oddly nodded. "I can even be sure that the person who threw this stone was who..."

"oh?" Who is the stone coming over?"

"Cough..." Elcatel coughed lightly, extended the hand and wiped it on the stone, wiping off the dust and sand that had fallen on the stone, so that all the The scratches are clearly visible. "This text is a very special hieroglyph, and it comes from a small country that is very remote outside the spiral arm of Orion."

Speaking of this, Elcatel suddenly turned his head and looked towards Prince Lekas.

"Your Royal Highness, perhaps you've heard the name of this little country."

"Which country?"

"Earth Commonwealth." Elcatel laughed answer.

"Earth Commonwealth?" Prince Laikas's expression moved, and he re-examined the stone in front of him, frowned: "I remember that there are only two people left, the Earth Commonwealth's Martial Artist who entered the second stage of the garden hunting party. If it weren't for the adventurer who came from the Earth Federation, then it is most likely one of the two, or the two of them together, which do you think would be the case?"

Elcatel astonished looked at Prince Lekas: "His Royal Highness, it's surprising that you are paying so much attention to the contestants from the Earth Commonwealth."

"They are doing well enough, I don't want to pay attention to them. No." Prince Lycas replied lightly, suddenly extended the hand and pressed it on the big stone, wiped the text on it with a swipe of his palm, then stretched out a finger and moved quickly, a moment later, it was written by flamboyant A bunch of text.

After he finished writing, he moved his palm, and a stone as tall as a person was gently picked up by him like it was made of foam. He threw it casually and fled into the Transmission Gate disappeared.

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