Perceiving this, Chu Nan was instantly refreshed.

The reason why he came back to the secret base that was tracked by Quel'Thalas Academician was to find the Transmission Gate that should exist.

Quel'Thalas Academician and Director Romon mentioned several retreats in their conversations, and now that there is no one in the underground base, they are clearly retreating.

But the place where they were before was the fourth 10th layer of the endless abyss. Of course, the so-called retreat should not be just for the fourth 10th layer. The direction of retreat can only be deeper in the endless abyss. Location - Fourty First Layer.

And now they can perceive the existence of this Transmission Gate, which means that as expected by Chu Nan, they only destroyed the Transmission Gate leading to the 39th-layer, but did not lead to the Fourth First Layer's Transmission Gate is also destroyed.

Although he clearly sensed the existence of the Transmission Gate, Chu Nan was not in a hurry, but continued to maintain a strong sense while cautiously approaching the Transmission Gate.

But it turns out he was overthinking, Quel'Thalas Academician and the others evacuated cleanly from here, not to mention meeting any of their human underlings on the way to the Transmission Gate, even Not even a single alien beast was encountered.

Chu Nan successfully reached the top of the cliff, looked down, and saw that somewhere in the middle of the cliff below was emitting a clear Transmission Gate light, and he could clearly perceive the transmission gate. Special energy fluctuations.

After observing that there was nothing unusual about the situation left and right, Chu Nan jumped in depth.

There is a hole in the middle of the cliff that does not look very spacious from the outside, and the light of the Transmission Gate comes from inside.

Chu Nan flew in directly and walked forward in the cave for a while. Sure enough, he felt that the space around him had changed significantly, and he had obviously entered the area covered by the Transmission Gate.

But here, Chu Nan stopped.

He doesn't know anything about the Fourty First Layer of the endless abyss, so it's not a wise choice to rush there.

And rushing over like this, the biggest possibility is to alarm those guys.

In case they get their attention and let them send an opponent of the same level as Marr Venerable, Chu Nan has no confidence to kill another Star Level Martial Artist.

After thinking for a while, Chu Nan observed the surrounding environment for a while, carefully recorded the location of the Transmission Gate and other related circumstances, and then carefully retreated out of the cave.

Seeing that he was about to reach the entrance of the cave, Chu Nan suddenly felt a warning sign in his heart.

The energy fluctuations in the space shrouded by the Transmission Gate behind him suddenly became extremely violent, frantically surging, as if something was about to erupt from it.

Chu Nan startled, didn't dare to think about it, and without the slightest hesitation, he sped up and flew out of the cave.

However, even though he reacted extremely fast and his movements were extremely agile, he still couldn't completely get rid of the impact behind him.

The terrifying, fierce and powerful space energy impact that is even several times beyond the different space surged out in an instant, directly striking Chu Nan's back, several times with his powerful fleshy body that has gone through countless times of tempering. Couldn't resist completely.


The huge explosion sounded, Chu Nan's body was directly ejected out of the cave by the terrifying shock wave, as if it was shot by a boulder at a high speed. , after flying far away, it fell diagonally to the ground, and a big pit was also smashed on the extremely thick ground of the fourth 10th layer of the endless abyss.

After a while, white radiance lights up in the pit, and a thick green light surrounds it.

Under the dual action of the flame of life and the cultivation technique of Goddess' hymn, Chu Nan's body quickly recovered.

The damage caused to him by this impact even exceeded Marr Venerable's full strength attack, which shows the terrifying energy contained in it.

If it wasn't for his insane flame of life and Goddess's hymn cultivation technique, if he were a general Martial Artist, he would have died at this point.

"Come on, do these guys actually set traps here?"

This was the first thought that came to Chu Nan after he recovered, but it was soon denied by him.

If this is a trap, then the other party's setting is too clever, and the key is that the investment cost is too high.

It would be too wasteful to blow up a Transmission Gate for him who might not come back.

Chu Nan turned his eyes to the location of the Transmission Gate, and found that the cliff had been completely blown up by the huge energy impact of the explosion of the Transmission Gate just now, and now the rocks and debris on the cliff were rolling down. , has filled the cliff into a slope.

And the cave where the Transmission Gate is located has long since disappeared without a trace. It is difficult to find the wreckage of the Transmission Gate from here.

"In this case, is there any hope for the previous Transmission Gate to be reborn?"

Chu Nan frowned and muttered, lowered his head and looked towards himself.

The sudden explosion of the Transmission Gate just now was terrifying, but it was not without benefits.

During the super strong energy shock just now, Chu Nan had a clearer and more intuitive experience of the energy fluctuations in the Transmission Gate. One explosion left a lot of memories in his brain. key data.

With the experience of the previous research leading to the Transmission Gate of the 39th-layer, with these data, Chu Nan has a deeper understanding of the energy composition of the entire Transmission Gate.

After making some calculations, Chu Nan immediately determined that the answer given by Angelique was correct.

The normal operation of Transmission Gate does require an extremely large amount of energy supply, and it is not enough for it alone.

But now that he has this valuable data, he may be able to figure out a way to solve the problem.

More importantly, it would be much easier to get the support of Prince Lycas.

After calculating the newly obtained data in detail in his mind, Chu Nan jumped straight into the pile of rubble after the cliff was destroyed.

Drilling in the stones pile for a while, Chu Nan still accurately found the location of the Transmission Gate with his keen sense of energy fluctuations.

It's just that compared to just now, the energy fluctuations in the Transmission Gate have become quite weak. Obviously, it has been completely destroyed in the previous explosion and cannot function normally.

Of course, this is not the main problem for Chu Nan. Obviously, the Transmission Gate still has relatively obvious energy fluctuations. After careful sensing, he quickly came to a conclusion.

This should be the Transmission Gate leading to the Fourth First Layer of the endless abyss and the Transmission Gate leading to the 39th-layer are almost the same in overall structure, but slightly different in some details.

This is easy to understand, because it connects two different spaces, and it is inevitable that Transmission Gate will have differences in details.

But the basic overall structure is the same, which proves to be common in some aspects, which is very important for Chu Nan to figure out what the mechanism of the Transmission Gate in the Endless Abyss is.

More importantly, if it can cooperate with the experts hired by Prince Lycas, it should be possible to truly restart the Transmission Gate leading to the 39th-layer.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan no longer hesitated and flew back towards the location of the Transmission Gate.

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