Chu Nan, returning to the Transmission Gate, was taken aback.

Compared to the previous chaos after the circular mountain range was destroyed by the Marr Venerable blow, the area around the Transmission Gate is not only clean and flat, but there are also several more tents on the ground, surrounded by tents. In the center of the building, there is even a parasol filled with all kinds of living materials, which is dazzling and dazzling.

The most extreme thing is that there is a simple translucent room next to it. The room shines brightly. You can vaguely see a slender silhouette twisting her body in it, and she can still see it. I heard the sound of hua hua flowing from the inside, and there was steam coming out of the gap in the room. It turned out that someone was taking a bath inside!

Chu Nan's eyes swept over, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

He had only been away for a few hours, and this place has changed from a rubble just now to a wild campground like it is now, which is really unexpected.

I glanced left and right, and found that Carola was still maintaining the Transmission Gate at this time, and things of various shapes flew out from the light of the Transmission Gate from time to time. The 39th-layer Prince Lycus is throwing things this way through the Transmission Gate.

Chu Nan flew over to take a look, and found that the things thrown over were the various living materials he saw under the parasol, the large and small bags were tight, and he didn't know what was inside. What exactly is it.

But just looking at the number and posture, you can guess that there must be a very rich variety of things inside.

“Hey, Carolla, how about Angelique and Romandy Imperial Princess? Didn’t they have them here with you?” Chu Nan asked Carolla.

"Angela is over there, Imperial Princess Romandy is taking a bath." Carola pointed to the left and right respectively.

Chu Nan glanced at the translucent room where the sound of water was still coming out, looked at the head, then looked towards the other side that Carolla pointed to, and saw the ring-shaped mountain that had been blown up in half. Range Halfway up the mountain, Angelique was squatting there and didn't know what she was doing.

"Are these things thrown from the other side?" Chu Nan squatted down, checked the things that flew out of the Transmission Gate just now, opened a larger package and found it. There is a set of bedding facilities.

Although it looks like a Declan Empire military item from the logo above, the workmanship is pretty good, the material feels good, and it should be comfortable enough to sleep on.

"Well, they were all thrown by the Imperial Princess," Carolla nodded replied.

Chu Nan snorted and couldn't help but turned his head again and looked towards the translucent room, but heard the sound of water in the room stop, the silhouette inside moved, and the Imperial Princess was holding a The towel came out while rubbing his hair.

The two looked at each other, both were startled.

Romandy Imperial Princess has just taken a shower and is still naked and wearing nothing.

Chu Nan glanced at it, quickly turned his face away, and scolded embarrassingly.

"Hey, Romandy, why did you come out like this after taking a shower?"

Romandy Imperial Princess first looked slightly embarrassed, and subconsciously wanted to cover her vitals with a towel part of the body, but then stopped moving and walked towards Chu Nan with a calm face.

"Okay, I've been watched by you for so long just now, what is this now?"

While speaking, Romandy Imperial Princess wiped herself clean and generously Fang Di checked the package and found a set of clothes to put on.

"Hey, Chu Nan, did you find anything useful after you've been there for so long?"

Hearing the rustling voices behind him, Chu Nan turned around. She turned her head and looked towards Romandi Imperial Princess, and was surprised to find that she had now put on a set of clothes that clearly belonged to a girl. Although it was a bit simple, it was a light fit, perfecting her good figure and slightly heroic temperament. manifested.

This discovery surprised Chu Nan.

According to the previous communication between the two parties, now opposite the Transmission Gate is Prince Laikas and a group of Declan Empire Imperial Family guards led by him. If they provide clothes, they will only be in the army at most. Some uniforms, how can you prepare such a suitable set of clothes for Romandi Imperial Princess?

Seeing the amazement in Chu Nan's expression, Romandi Imperial Princess laughed explained: "I left some spare things on the spaceship before I entered the abyss, and I asked them to fetch it for me just now. Come here."

Here, Romandy Imperial Princess also leaned over the package, and removed a fluffy doll from one of the small packages.

"Well, this is a toy I like very much. I will feel more at ease when I sleep with it at night."

Chu Nan looked at her dully.

This guy... actually made the people on the opposite side run outside the endless abyss just to get these things. Should it be said that Prince Laikas loves her too much, or that Chu Nan was too much before. Underestimate the power of an Imperial Princess?

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?" Romandy Imperial Princess was a little curious about Chu Nan's reaction.

"Oh no...I just..." Chu Nan grinned, waved his hand with a weird expression: "I think you and this puppet... um... don't get along well."

"Oh? Why do you think so?" Romandi Imperial Princess seemed curious about Chu Nan's words and immediately asked.

"Well...that is...I always think your character is very...very straightforward enough to be masculine, often more like a boy, didn't expect you too Loving these things like a little girl makes me feel...subtle."

"Oh? Really?" Romandi Imperial Princess laughed, both smiles and laughter perfectly suited to Chu Nan What I just said is hearty and generous. "This proves that you don't know me well enough. I can be masculine like a boy when I should be masculine, but that doesn't stop me from being a normal girl, it's not surprising to like these things. Really speaking of which , I feel that Angelique is less like a normal girl than me. As her boyfriend, you should be very clear."

Chu Nan suddenly laughed bitterly.

Yes, I really want to talk about which one is less like an ordinary girl, Angel Belle is definitely a lot better than Romandy Imperial Princess.

"Okay, don't say that, just answer the question I just asked." Romandy Imperial Princess waved her hand and continued to ask.

"Well...there is a new discovery, I found a Transmission Gate that may lead to the endless abyss of the Fourth First Layer. But it's a pity..." Chu Nan spread his hands helplessly. "It was bombed too."

Romandy Imperial Princess raised an eyebrow.

"Your new discovery should be more than that, right?"

"That's right." Chu Nan smiled nodded. "The Transmission Gate that exploded in front of my eyes gave me a lot of inspiration. I think it might help us to restore the current Transmission Gate faster."

"Really?" Romandy Imperial Princess showed a surprised expression. "How?"

Chu Nan gave a mysterious smile.

"Remember how we killed Marr Venerable in the otherworld?"

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