"Why is courting death?" Romandy Imperial Princess was a little unconvinced.

"Otherwise, what do you think?" Chu Nan pushed back unceremoniously. "Don't forget, Quel'Thalas Academician and Director Romon are not weak, they still have so many subordinates, and more importantly, they even sent a Star Level Martial Artist like Marr Venerable to hunt them down. We! I can be sure that the other side is very powerful. What they have now is not just Marr Venerable, a Star Level Martial Artist. If you encounter another Star Level Martial Artist, are you sure you will survive?"

Romandy Imperial Princess hesitated.

Before they were able to kill Mar Venerable, it was because the four of them worked together, and they managed to achieve it by taking advantage of all kinds of time and place, plus extremely special means. This does not mean that they really have the confrontation. The strength of any Star Level Martial Artist.

Don't say that she met another Star Level Martial Artist alone, even if the four of them met together, under the special conditions like just now, they would never have the chance to fight, even Even the chance to escape is very difficult.

In this case, Imperial Princess Romandi claimed that she went to track down those enemies in place of Prince Lycas, which is obviously an act of courting death.

After a moment of silence, Romante Imperial Princess sighed, nodding to Chu Nan just now and said: "It's my fault, I don't want to let Lykas Uncle take risks and say stupid things without thinking, thank you Rejected and reminded me."

Chu Nan froze.

Romandy Imperial Princess would actually admit her mistake and apologize, which is a bit unexpected.

"Ah...it's nothing, I just...cough, I just don't want to watch you die. How can you say that you are also a friend I finally made, are you right, Angelique?"

The last sentence was actually asked by Chu Nan to cover up his moment of not knowing what to do and turned to Angelique.

Angie Belle, without Chu Nan's twist, looked straight into the eyes of the Imperial Princess of Romandy, seriously nodded and said: "Yes. Romandy, I like you and think you may become My friend, so I don't want you to not cherish your life like this."

Angebelie's frankness made Romandy Imperial Princess feel a little sorry, her face flushed slightly, a little embarrassed He waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, let's stop talking about these nonsense. Well, now I decided not to do such a stupid thing, but how should the problem be solved? With the character of Lykas Uncle, he decided things It won't change, I can't refuse him either personally or from an imperial point of view."

"Then let him come over safely." Angelique clapped her hands hard . "Judging from the smooth return of N'Zoth just now, our experiment has been successful. The instability of the Transmission Gate stems from the connection between the inside of the Transmission Gate and the alien space. When N'Zoth's fleshy body strength is sufficient, he It can withstand the shock of unstable energy inside the Transmission Gate. So in theory, Prince Lykas should have no problem passing through the Transmission Gate."

"No, what I want is absolute safety. Lycas Uncle can't take that risk." The Imperial Princess shook her head, of course she was thinking the same thing as Elcatel.

But apart from this, she also has more personal feelings.

"Then let them send a few more people over, let's do a few more experiments." Angelica said. "If every experiment is successful, then it should be fine."

"Well...but it's taking too long, and I'm afraid Lykas Uncle won't agree. With his Personality, maybe the next time the four of us work together to open the Transmission Gate, it will be either the death row prisoner or the Laikas Uncle." Romandy Imperial Princess still frowned.

"You tell Prince Lycas that this is not something that can be rushed, we have to..."

Listening to Romandy Imperial Princess and Angelique arguing with each other, Chu Nan fell into deep thought.

According to the previous continuous experiments, it can be proved that the stability of the Transmission Gate, the size and type of objects that can pass through, etc. are all closely related to the energy injected into the Transmission Gate.

The normal Transmission Gate is supported by almost the entire Power of Space because of the space energy replenishment in the endless abyss for many years. Of course, humans and large ominous beasts can easily pass through at will, but Chu Nan now forcibly activates the Transmission Gate but only relies on the power of individuals, at most the four of them work together.

No matter how strong the four of them are, there is a limit to the energy they can mobilize. Obviously, this current limit is not enough for a normal person to pass.

So how to break through this limit and inject more energy into the Transmission Gate?

Chu Nan thought hard.

breakthrough limit...

breakthrough limit...

breakthrough limit...


Chu Nan jumped up abruptly, startling Angelbelle and Imperial Princess who were still arguing fiercely, even though she stayed at the Transmission Gate and continued to study Carol, who was maintaining the Transmission Gate. Lara turned her head around in shock.

The three of them looked at him in unfathomable mystery, Romandy Imperial Princess was about to ask questions in confusion, but Angelique was excited.

“Hey, Chu Nan, you must have come up with a solution, right?”

Chu Nan laughed, one in each hand, and dragged the two to Carola’s side, indicating They are seated.

"Come on, I've thought of a very bold method, which may be dangerous, but if it succeeds, maybe this Transmission Gate will allow people to pass through normally."

"Really?" Romandi Imperial Princess was pleasantly surprised. "How to do it?"

Chu Nan beckons with the hand, disappointed that the other three still took their seats as before, and then held hands again.

What the four of them did next were the same as the steps to open the Transmission Gate when they received N'Zoth and sent N'Zoth back, but at the last step, Chu Nan turned the four's Inner Breath After the perfect fusion, it did not immediately stimulate the energy of the space around the body, but continued to guide the Inner Breath of the four people to circulate in the four people's bodies, and then under the precise control of Chu Nan, they poured into the other three dantians respectively. It poured out all the way, and finally entered his own dantian, but then quickly flowed out.

This kind of operation is very thrilling, because once there is a little problem, the dantian that integrates a large number of Inner Breaths of four people into any one person will cause extremely terrifying damage to it, and may even cause the dantian to completely disappear. damaged.

If Chu Nan hadn't mastered the cultivation technique with the flame of life and Goddess' hymn, no matter how confident he was in his brain and his precise control, he would never dare to take such a risk.

The torrent-like Inner Breath was obviously strengthened after going through a circle in the four-person dantian, but it circulated in the four-person body again along the four-person meridian.

Inner Breath cycle, the source is constant, the flow is endless, until the nine turns.

This Inner Breath operation method is the basic core technique of the Nine Revolutions Core Technique First Layer cultivation technique.

The current Chu Nan is actually using the Nine Revolutions Core Technique in the Inner Breath that controls four people!

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