The difficulty of controlling one person's Inner Breath and simultaneously controlling four people's Inner Breath is of course as different as heaven and earth.

If it wasn't for the experience just now, Chu Nan would never have dared to have such a bold and even arrogant idea, let alone actually use it.

Now that I have tried to mobilize the Inner Breath of the four people and simultaneously adopt the Nine Revolutions Core Technique First Layer cultivation technique to enter the second revolution, Chu Nan immediately felt a huge pressure.

Whether it comes from the powerful burden that Inner Breath brings to the body, even the lightbrain general brain feels a little pressure because of such a complex situation.

However, when he ran the Inner Breath for a cycle, he suddenly found that the Inner Breath he controlled was lighter, and the other three different Inner Breaths were more closely integrated with his Inner Breath, making him more controllable. It's easy, I feel a lot easier all of a sudden.

Chu Nan opened his eyes in surprise and looked at the three in front of him, and found that Imperial Princess Romandi looked thoughtful, Carolla was focused, only Angelique looked excitedly. Looking at himself, looking forward to it, as if preparing to make a fun game.

Apparently, all three of them were keenly aware of Chu Nan's change, and reacted immediately, starting to cooperate with his actions.

Chu Nan couldn't help feeling emotional.

If the three of them hadn't completely trusted him, he would never have dared to have these bold ideas.

What's more, these three are excellent innate talents and can easily understand their intentions.

As a Martial Artist with less innate talent, he can't keep up with Chu Nan's movements at all, and if he doesn't cooperate well, it will only hold back Chu Nan's achievements.

Chu Nan smiled slightly to the three of them, calmed down in his heart, and continued to drive the Inner Breath to run. After a while, he had completed a cycle of running, and officially entered the Inner Breath II mentioned in the Nine Revolutions Core Technique Second Layer cultivation technique. Turn in true form.

The Inner Breath, which had become extremely powerful because of the combined efforts of the four, instantly became more than double the strength, and it became even more terrifying.

Although this made Chu Nan happy and knew that his thoughts were correct, it also brought him more pressure.

Once such a huge Inner Breath gets out of control, it is only possible that all four of them suffer extremely serious internal injuries.

So Chu Nan cautiously continued to control Inner Breath, but did not stop there, but continued to guide Inner Breath to circulate in the four bodies, and soon completed the normal thirty-six cycles of Inner Breath twice. Run, then thoughts move, drive Inner Breath into three turns.


The terrifying Inner Breath under the boost of Rank 3 almost made Chu Nan lose control in an instant. It responds quickly and adjusts the Inner Breath immediately, perfectly avoiding a real runaway.

But Chu Nan also knew very well that his attempts would end there.

According to the situation of Turn 3 Inner Breath, if you forcibly lead Inner Breath into Turn 4 and further gain a powerful boost, Inner Breath will definitely be uncontrollable, when the time comes Instantly hit by the terrifying Inner Breath, the meridian of the whole body is shattered, and it may even die directly, even saving it.

Chu Nan can let himself go on an adventure, but of course it's impossible to take the other three with him.

So he decisively stopped, and after completing the 36-cycle cycle with the powerful Inner Breath after the three-turn boost, when the other three were fully adapted, he turned his mind and began to arouse the energy of the whole body. .

As expected, the space energy that can be induced by the powerful Inner Breath after the three-turn boost has also become much stronger, and the terrifying space energy that Chu Nan never thought of continuously surged. Come over and start injecting the Transmission Gate under his guidance.

The light of the Transmission Gate lit up quickly, and it almost took a breath to reach the intensity when the four joined forces before, and it was still soaring all the way.



Suddenly saw the Transmission Gate lit up like an explosion in an instant, everyone around was startled, and involuntarily took a step back.

Even Prince Lekas moved his expression, stretched out his hand and pulled Elcatel beside him behind him, spreading the Energy Shield to protect him.

However, the Transmission Gate did not explode as they thought, but continued to get brighter and brighter, until it finally stabilized and became several times brighter than any previous activation.

At the same time, Prince Lekas could clearly sense that the energy fluctuations from the Transmission Gate became extremely obvious, but the whole thing was very stable, without any mottled with a hint of impurities before. the taste of.

A moment later, another rock flew out of the Transmission Gate.

Prince Lekas picked it up and saw that there was only a very short sentence on it.

"Send another death row prisoner here."

Prince Lekas frowned, thought for a moment, and waved to the officer not far away.

The officer pushed a death row prisoner he was guarding. Although the death row prisoner hesitated, he obediently walked into the Transmission Gate.

Everyone's eyes widened, only to find that this time the situation was completely different from before.

When N'Zoth entered the Transmission Gate before, the silhouette disappeared slowly, as if it was unstable, but now this death row prisoner has disappeared completely in the blink of an eye, as if he was directly attacked. Transmission Gate swallowed the average.

The crowd looked at each other in blank dismay, but Elcatel had a look of joy on his face.

This situation clearly proves that Transmission Gate is more stable and more powerful than before.

Could it be that the guys at Chu Nan have come up with a new way to make Transmission Gate more powerful?


Four 10th layer.

Watching the death row prisoner walk out of the Transmission Gate with a blank face, Chu Nan and the four were stunned for a moment, and then showed joyful expressions at the same time.


Chu Nan gestured for the three to stop, and then asked Angelique to check the death row prisoner's condition, and found that his body was in good condition. There was no trauma whatsoever up and down, just like a normal passage through the Transmission Gate.

"Hey, did you feel anything special when you walked through the Transmission Gate?" Romandy Imperial Princess asked to the death row.

"I..." The death row prisoner was still at a loss, thinking for a while before calling the head. "I don't feel anything, it's just that it was dark and bright, and then I came here..." The four of Chu Nan looked at each other and felt even more delighted in their hearts.

This encounter on the death row proves that the Transmission Gate is stable enough to allow a guy like him to pass normally.

"Very good! Saying that, Lykas Uncle can come over, he must be waiting!"


Chu Nan again After stopping the Imperial Princess of Romance, he ordered two sentences to the death row, and then explained it to the other three. The four sat down again and continued the Inner Breath fusion after a while.

This time Chu Nan mobilized the four Inner Breath more easily. It only took less than half the time to complete the Inner Breath three turns and activate the Transmission Gate again.

Chu Nan then motioned for the death row prisoner to enter the Transmission Gate.

Without any accident, the death row inmates disappeared without a trace as soon as they entered the Transmission Gate.

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