A young man in his thirties who was wearing the standard costume of Athaway's Goddess sect also flew over and stopped beside Pope Rockmaton, Glancing at the Transmission Gate, he bowed to Pope Rockmaton and asked, "Your Majesty, are you just letting them go? It's rare that Prince Lekas dares to come alone. We don't have a better chance."

"You guys..." Pope Lockmaton lightly sighed. "Looking a bit farther. Although there is a chance to kill Prince Lekas this time, with his strength, we will definitely pay a very high price to kill him. Even more how to kill him is impossible for us to hide. , Declan Empire will know sooner or later that we did it. At this moment, the alliance is not ready for a direct war with the Declan Empire, and it will not do us any good to kill Prince Lekas directly."

"But Prince Laikas is the number two person in the Declan Empire. His death will definitely cause internal unrest in the Declan Empire. According to the analysis of the Alliance Strategy Department, this may even lead to civil unrest in the Declan Empire. And being able to kill Prince Laikas will inevitably lead to civil unrest in the Declan Empire. A major blow to the confidence of those in the Declan Empire, and a boost to the morale of the alliance, it should be a very good deal no matter how you look at it."

"Is that so?" Pope Lockmaton turned his head Looking at the high priest beside him, there was a hint of intriguing deep meaning in the gentle smile that always hung on his face. "Let me ask you, after the news spreads, who will Declan Empire think made the move first?"

"Of course it's the Alliance..." The High Priest responded, seeing Pope Lockmaton's face With a slightly weird smile on his face, a coldness suddenly appeared in his heart, his eyes opened, and all the expressions on his face were immediately restrained, and he lowered his head. "I understand, thank you Your Majesty for your pointers."

Pope Lochmardon doesn't need to be too clear, he is not a fool, think about it, he has already figured out why Pope Your Majesty clearly The attitude towards the heretic of Declan Empire is very radical, but it has chosen such a conservative approach in this matter.

It's very simple, if you do this, even if you finally achieve your goal, you really kill Prince Laikas, but in this way, Athaway Goddess sect is bound to become the biggest enemy of Declan Empire.

For the future of the alliance, it is okay for Athaway Goddess sect to make some contributions or even sacrifices, but it would be too insulting to Athaway Goddess' wisdom to send the entire sect to the burial. name.

Pope Lochmarton laughed, raised his hand and patted lightly on the shoulder of the High Priest.

"Among the chief priests, you are the youngest, and I am most optimistic that you will be able to take over the glory of Goddess in the future, but you still seem a little immature in some things. May Goddess's wisdom be able to Showing you where to go."

"Yes, Goddess is on top, and I will always follow in Goddess's footsteps."

"Very good."

Locke Pope Marton nodded with satisfaction, then glanced back at the Transmission Gate, slowly raised his right hand, stretched out his index finger, a gleam of silver light emerged from the pointer, slowly condensed and formed, like a silver plate, the whole Transmission Gate is shrouded in it.

Under the illumination of the silver plate, the light of the Transmission Gate gradually became dim, and finally disappeared a little bit, disappeared.

Pope Lochmarton put out a breath lightly, and a look of exhaustion flashed across his face.

Forcibly suppressing the naturally generated space vortex in the endless abyss is also a heavy burden for him, the powerful Star Level Martial Artist, if he does not have a deep understanding of the Transmission Gate here, the alliance There is a strong internal research, even with his special cultivation technique, it is impossible to do it.

"Okay, close the Transmission Gate on the other side at the same time, study the remaining children carefully, and don't relax for the honorable Imperial Princesses, continue to increase the dose, let They spit out the Obliteration Core Technique earlier. And with the alliance..."

After a short rest, Pope Rockmaton explained something to the high priest beside him. Wave him away.

When the High Priest left Pope Lochmarden, he turned his head and stared at the quiet space where the Transmission Gate had disappeared. He suddenly tapped his chest and performed the weird etiquette that Chu Nan had seen before.

"Goddess is above, the seed has been sown, may the light of Goddess spread through these seeds to those Barbarian lands, let them also accept Goddess' baptism and become your faithful followers."

After muttering in a low voice a doctrinal scripture that no one could understand, Pope Rockmaton turned around and "walked" from the air back to the low-altitude hovering shuttle again.

The shuttle took off and left after a while, and the entire space regained its due calm.

The light of the stars gradually recedes in the sky. Although the starlight provided by the numerous bright stars in the starry sky in the endless abyss makes the night not so gloomy, it is still much dim compared to the daytime.

The ominous beast growls from time to time in the quiet prairie, mixed with the rustling sounds of some small animals, but it still looks alive.

A gust of night wind blew through, causing the grass on the prairie to sway, but when it reached the location of the Transmission Gate, it seemed to have suddenly encountered a transparent wall, scattered up, down, left and right. Bunch of scattered air currents.

A little fluorescent light suddenly lit up, and then the Great Accomplishment quickly expanded into a faint glittering light.

When the light expansion tunnel was the same size as the original Transmission Gate, a silhouette came out of it.

"Sure enough." Chu Nan flew away from the forcibly opened Transmission Gate. With a change of mind, he pulled back the space energy that had been mobilized into the Transmission Gate, and the light of the Transmission Gate disappeared in an instant. .

next moment, he had already flown far away on the prairie and disappeared into the night.

Half an hour later, Chu Nan quietly fell from the air, leaned over the grass, looked up, and saw a row of not tall, but well-ordered wooden houses.

This is the temporary base of Athaway Goddess sect that they have just left for less than a day.

Chu Nan swept left and right, but did not approach, but locked his eyes on the three finished trees arranged in a zigzag outside the base that did not seem to have any abnormality.

After waiting patiently for a while, and after confirming that there was no movement around, Chu Nan ran the Inner Breath, launched the Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique, and quietly lurked towards the three trees.

Although it was only a short distance of less than one kilometer, it took him more than twenty minutes to climb slowly.

Wait under the tree, Chu Nan swept under the roots of the tree, and saw two raised rhizomes entangled at the foot of one of the trees, like two pythons. .

"It's here."

Chu Nan cautiously climbed over, reached out between the two rhizomes, and touched the ground. He didn't run any cultivation technique, just pure use Fleshly body strength digs through the soil, and soon I feel my fingers touch something soft.

I took it out and looked at it, but it was a piece of fabric torn from nowhere.

From this bright starlight, there are only two numbers that are common to the Milky Way.

These two numbers represent a coordinate.

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