Chu Nan took 48 minutes to reach the location indicated by the coordinates.

After making a dull sound like an ominous beast growling, a lazily human voice sounded beside it.

"Okay, stop screaming, Antu sounds much better than you."

Chu Nan turned his head and followed the starlight to see a sudden emergence from under a tree. Grulik, who came out, smiled and said: "Hey, Grulik, you said that you have blocked all the genetic viruses between the subcutaneous layer and the muscles, and they have not been eroded. How do I think you are still affected? ?"

"Forget about that damn genetic virus, because of that shit, I haven't had a good night's sleep for so many days, and I've been bored to death."

Glulick waved his hands irritably, looked left and right, then waved to Chu Nan, turned and jumped behind him, disappeared.

Chu Nan flew over and found a hole behind the tree that was dug at an unknown time, so he jumped in too.

"Are you alone?" Glulick asked Chu Nan as soon as he jumped off.

"Of course." Chu Nan nodded. "Do you still expect Prince Laikas to come back? His goal is too obvious. It's impossible to hide in a spaceship like me and stay alive and die."

"I know, but just by You can't save the Imperial Family younger generation alone," Glulick said. "I'm afraid that Pope Rockmaton will stay here for a while. If he finds out, you will be dead end."

"Really?" Chu Nan smiled slightly. "The Star Level Martial Artist is actually not that terrifying. If it was arranged in advance, I might not necessarily die."

"I don't know where your confidence comes from." Glulick shook his head . "Although your strength has always exceeded my expectations, I want to remind you that this Pope Rockmaton is not an ordinary Star Level Martial Artist, he is definitely more than any Star Level Martial Artist you have ever seen before. Powerful."

"Stronger than Prince Lycas?" Chu Nan Fan Wen.

Grulik rolled his eyes: "Do you want to raise a bar with me?"

Chu Nan laughed, but he didn't dare to make too much noise, so he glanced at Grulick , moved in his heart, and asked: "Actually, I am even more curious about why you did this. Before you could choose to go to spaceship and leave safely, why would you take such a big risk to stay here? If you find out, you will definitely not be able to run away."

"It has nothing to do with you." Glulick replied coldly, sticking his head out of the pit to look left and right, and then turned to Chu Nan beckons with the hand: "Okay, it's almost time, let's go."

Seeing Grulik dodged and rushed out, Chu Nan had to put away the questions in his mind and follow him silently.

Ever since that day, he and Glulick were connected by "accident" and made a promise to Glulick, Chu Nan has incarnated as the connection between Glulick and Prince Lekas People, Prince Lekas was very interested in the information provided by Glulick, and after many discussions among the three parties, the plan was finally determined.

Prince Laikas took the others safely first, pretending they had left, while Chu Nan returned to meet Glulick privately to find the place where the Imperial Princesses were being held.

As long as the whereabouts of the Imperial Family younger generation can be found, they will truly achieve their goal of this operation.

Following behind Glulik on the prairie, sometimes running fast, sometimes crawling slowly, after a full two and a half hours of stealth, the two have actually left this incomparably vast area. The prairie stopped outside a hill.

"The guys at the base move some supplies here every once in a while, and if I'm not mistaken, the guys from the Declan Imperial Family are locked inside." Glulick Pointing to the other side of the hill, Chu Nan sound transmission.

Chu Nan glanced at the dimly lit hill in front of him under the night sky, but could not help but frowned as he did not find the entrance.

"That means you didn't see the Imperial Family younger generation with your own eyes?"

"You don't need to see it with your own eyes." Glulick shook his head. "If it was an ordinary young Martial Artist like us, it would definitely be with us now... domestication, but they're definitely not doing the same thing as us with the Imperial Family younger generation, and it's impossible for them to show up in public. And I There is evidence..."

Glulick opened the personal terminal on his wrist and brought up a picture on the pop-up virtual screen.

This picture shows a group of them playing in a circle with ominous beast pets. Glulick zoomed in on the picture and pointed to a woman wearing Athaway Goddess in the lower right corner of the picture. Man in sect believer costume.

"This is a photo I took on purpose, do you see it? This guy has a scar on his neck."

Chu Nan stared at him and found the man. The believer has a dark scar on his neck.

"What does this scar represent?"

"If you saw it with your own eyes, you would not have asked this question." Glulick shook his head and continued to point at the man's neck The quick scar on the top said: "This scar is not an ordinary scar. I recognized it at a glance. It must have been influenced by the cultivation technique of the Obliteration Core Technique. Although that guy has good strength, this injury is It hasn't gotten better."

"Really?" Chu Nan glanced at the scar again, but because the image was not so high-resolution, he couldn't tell. However, he believed Glulick's judgment, and asked again: "But what does this have to do with you being sure that those Imperial Family younger generation are locked here?"

"Of course, because this guy is every time One of the group of people who escorted supplies here. I tracked them down and saw him get in. If I'm not mistaken, the scar on his neck is probably a certain Declan Imperial Family The Imperial Family younger generation will stay.”

Chu Nan looked up again, looking towards the hill in the distance, gently nodding, agreeing with Glulik’s inference.

"Anyway, just go in and see."

Grulick was slightly startled, frowned: "You want to go in? It's too dangerous. Are our Isn't the plan to wait patiently for Prince Lekas to bring someone over with him? If you're found out after going in, it's a trivial matter, but it will definitely alarm those guys, in case they transfer the Imperial Family younger generation to another one Where are we going to find it?"

"I have to be 100% sure that the Imperial Family younger generation is in there." Chu Nan shook his head. "And you don't have to worry about me being found, unless Pope Rockmaton is inside, no one will be able to find me."

Grulick grabbed Chu Nan's arm, preventing him from immediately charging ahead.

"This is not something you can decide alone. The success of your actions also affects my future destiny. I will not allow you to rush over to take risks like this."

Chu Nan turned his head to laughed at him, and did not answer, but the Inner Breath turned, and the Metal Gear Solid culture technique was launched.

Grulick's eyes widened and he watched in surprise as Chu Nan's silhouette slowly disappeared in front of him, as if it wasn't there at all.

Don't say that he can see Chu Nan, he can't even detect the breath on Chu Nan's body, what's even more exaggerated is that he was holding Chu Nan with his hand just now, but now he can't see it from his hand. Imperceptible to any touch of realism.

Chu Nan seems to have really disappeared!

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