"Hey, now do you believe I have the ability to sneak in there and not be detected?"

Chu Nan's voice came clearly into Glulick In his ears, but Glulick still couldn't find the existence of Chu Nan. He could only perceive the direction of the sound coming from the very close distance up ahead through the weak vibration of the space energy, which was where Chu Nan was just now.

Grulick was silent for a moment and released his hand.

"Go ahead. But remember, you are not qualified to fail, because it is not only you who will die after failure, but may also include me."

"Relax, I I'm still young and I don't want to die yet."

Chu Nan's laughter sounded in Grulick's ears, and then fell silent.

Grulik lay on the ground silently and waited for a while. Suddenly, Inner Breath turned and burst into the surrounding space to send out perception, but there was no response. Only then did he believe that Chu Nan had left.

Grulick shook his head, taking another look at the hill in the distance.

"It's as if you're the only one who is young..."

After muttering softly, Glulick was about to turn his head to leave, but suddenly felt different. He was just about to run the Inner When Breath attacked at any time, a silhouette group appeared in front of him, it was Chu Nan.

"Hey, Grulik, I almost forgot one thing." Chu Nan reached into his arms with a smile, took out something and handed it to Grulik. "This is the antibody injection that Angelbely has researched based on the genetic virus injected into your body these days. Because of the tight schedule and incomplete materials at hand, this injection cannot completely eliminate all the genetic viruses in your body, but it does It can make you immune to the erosion of the virus for a certain period of time. After having it, you can find the opportunity to have a good sleep in the future. Remember, just take a small sip at a time, but don't drink too much, it will cause problems ."

After saying this, Chu Nan shoved that thing into the dazed Grurick's hands, the Inner Breath circulated, and the silhouette disappeared again.

Grulick was stunned for a while before he recovered. He looked down at the bottle of greenish-looking liquid in his hand, and couldn't help shaking his head with a wry smile.

"This guy...is very thoughtful..."


With the help of Metal Gear Solid's cultivation technique, Chu Nan Quietly approached the hill.

After walking around the foot of the mountain, Chu Nan easily found a gate built along the hillside at the foot of the mountain.

This gate has a brownish-yellow appearance with jade green. It is very hidden at the foot of the mountain. If you don't know in advance that there is an entrance here, you might just miss it if you just pass by.

At this time, the gate is closed, and there is no gap to enter. Chu Nan is not in a hurry and continues to lurking at the foot of the mountain to wait patiently.

Many starlights circulated overhead, and the night faded away. When the first ray of light from the stars projected from the far horizon, the gate at the foot of the mountain suddenly opened slowly, and two people walked out from inside.

Chu Nan waited for a while, and when two more people came out, he quietly touched it, and then got into the door in front of the two of them.

A corridor in the door leads to the depths. After walking in the passage for two minutes, the front is suddenly open, and a hall nearly 100 square meters in size and more than three meters high appears in front of it, and several passages around the hall are connected , like a spider web leading to all directions.

Chu Nan lay on the ceiling of the hall and observed patiently for a while, and found that there were not many people below, only occasionally people passed by, so he chose a passage with the fewest people and got in.

After groping in this passage for a long time, I saw the rooms on both sides of the passage being displayed side by side. Looking through the gaps of the doors that occasionally someone went in and opened, you could see that every room was filled with decorations. There is something like a nutrition compartment, and there is a person lying in each nutrition compartment.

After searching in this way for a while, Chu Nan seized the opportunity of someone entering and got into one of the rooms, his eyes fell on the man in the nutrition warehouse, and he took a closer look, and quickly recognized the man. came out.

Although the appearance of this guy has changed slightly, he should be a prince named Akador on the missing Imperial Family younger generation list provided by Prince Laikas.

The Prince of Akador had his eyes tightly closed at this time, but from the faint ups and downs of his chest, it could be seen that he was still alive, but he didn't know why he was sleeping in the nutrition bin.

After looking around to confirm his situation, Chu Nan didn't make any more moves. When the people in the room opened the door and left, they also quietly left.

Next, Chu Nan turned into a "follower party" and sneaked into one room after another, only to find that there was a person lying in the nutrition compartment in each room, although many of them were not. I knew each other, but I still recognized more than a dozen Imperial Princesses on the list given by Prince Laikas.

Although this discovery allowed Chu Nan to confirm Glulick's judgment, and also confirmed the previous speculation, the missing Imperial Princesses also fell into the hands of Pope Rockmaton, and indeed He was imprisoned here, but Chu Nan's anxiety deepened.

Still haven't found Pamela.

The reason why Chu Nan came here with Prince Lycas, in addition to the relationship with the Imperial Princess, is the most important thing to come to find Pamela, but if you don't find it here With Pamela's presence, Pamela's situation is probably more dangerous than imagined.

Because not everyone would go in to investigate, Chu Nan could only wait patiently, and it took three days to finally search every room.

According to the search in the past three days, he found eighteen of the nineteen Imperial Princesses on Prince Laikas's list in these rooms, but Pamela was the only one missing.

This makes Chu Nan feel uneasy, but at this time, he has nothing to do.

After thoroughly understanding the situation of the secret base at the bottom of the mountain and confirming that the Imperial Princesses were not in mortal danger, Chu Nan quietly retreated.

After finding a hidden place outside the base but just seeing the gate of the base, Chu Nan used the Inner Breath, activated the Earth Element Cultivation Art, and the whole body slowly sank into the soil layer. middle.

Now he can only wait patiently.

As the sun sets and the sun rises, the light of the stars swept across the ground.

Ten days have passed, except for Chu Nan occasionally sneaking into the base to observe the situation of the Imperial Princesses, the rest of the time is lurking in the soil layer, not showing a half sound.

The night fell again, Chu Nan suddenly quietly emerged from the soil, took a look at the base in the distance, and immediately launched the Metal Gear Solid cultivation technique, turned and swept in the other direction go out.

About half an hour later, he had once again arrived at the location of the Transmission Gate where he had come with Prince Lycas, Angelique and the others.

This grassland is still quiet and peaceful, there is nothing unusual, and there is no trace of the Transmission Gate.

Chu Nan first observed carefully and made sure that there was no one else around. Then he swept to the Transmission Gate. The Inner Breath circulated, and quickly increased to four turns. Inner Breath, he sensed the left by the Transmission Gate. traces, injecting a lot of space energy into it.

A moment later, the Transmission Gate lights up, and the intact but slightly weak Transmission Gate is revealed.

Chu Nan looked up and was a little worried.

Although Prince Laikas assured Chu Nan that he has the ability to open the Transmission Gate when he left, if he can't, the plan will fail now, whether it is Chu Nan's situation or those of the Imperial Family younger generation. I am afraid that the end will be quite dangerous, and it is almost impossible to find and rescue Pamela.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Chu Nan to sense an influx of energy that was far more powerful than he could control. The Transmission Gate's light instantly became much brighter, and a moment later, a silhouette appeared from the light. It was Prince Lycas who came out.

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