This plan was actually made before everyone left on the spaceship arranged by the Ellehuana Military Treaty Alliance more than a month ago.

Because Prince Laikas is too conspicuous, so he took everyone back to Declan Empire first, leaving only Chu Nan lurking here, finding those Imperial Family younger generation through contact with Glulik The whereabouts of them, and then patiently wait for Prince Laikas and everyone to return safely.

Although Chu Nan has been lurking here and can't get in touch with the outside world, he has no doubts that Prince Laikas can bring everyone back safely. As expected, it is almost time to go to activate the Transmission Gate. Prince Laikas and the others were picked up smoothly.

The only thing that's not entirely certain about the whole plan is whether their research to start Transmission Gate will proceed fast enough, and now it turns out that with the support of the Chamber of Commerce from Nourytham , coupled with some of the precise data that Carolla brought back to her before Chu Nan, the research on Transmission Gate has indeed made great progress.

As soon as he appeared, Prince Laikas immediately fell on Chu Nan and asked, "How is the situation now? Has the other party noticed your actions?"

Chu Nan glanced at Angelique, Imperial Princess, and Carolla who came out of the Transmission Gate behind Prince Lekas, and motioned to them nodded, then replied, "I shouldn't have noticed. But now that I have activated the Transmission Gate, the other party should be aware of it."

"Since you activated the Transmission Gate, it proves that you have found the whereabouts of the Imperial Family children, right?" Laika the Prince asked again.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness." Chu Nan nodded, a trace of sadness passed over his face. "As early as a month ago, with the help of Glulik, I found the whereabouts of the Imperial Family younger generation, and during this period of time, I made sure that they are all alive and well, but...the only thing missing is Pami. Pull the Imperial Princess."

Prince Laikas' face suddenly sank: "Why is she the only one missing? Could it be that she..."

At this point, Prince Laikas waved his hand. interrupted himself.

"Forget it, I don't have time to talk about this now, since you have probably already alerted those guys, then we don't have time to continue to delay here, go, Chu Nan, you take me to imprison those Imperials. Where the Family younger generation is, Aimar, Sacralu, you and Romandy and the others go to deal with the guy at Rockmaton, and rescue the other young martial artists as well."

"Okay. ."

The two middle-aged men behind Prince Laikas all complied.

Chu Nan then noticed their existence, his eyes fell on the two of them, and the two of them just let go of their breath, and immediately let him start.

these two people's aura is extremely powerful, although it is slightly weaker than the full-strength Prince Lycas, but there is no doubt that the two should also be Star Level Martial Artists.

Declan Empire is really strong, and Prince Lekas just went back to earn a lap, so he brought two more Star Level Martial Artists with him.

If it weren't for the fact that the Transmission Gate was not stable enough to transmit too many people at once, Chu Nan even believed that Prince Lekas would bring some more Star Level Martial Artists in one breath.

Prince Laikas decided to make it, and everyone no longer hesitated, and they were ready to split up.

But when it was time to leave, Chu Nan suggested that Angelique be with him and Prince Lycas.

“Those Imperial Family younger generations are very likely to be injected with different genetic viruses. If Angel Belle is there, it can solve a lot of trouble.”

Prince Lycas Glancing at An Qibeili, she didn't raise any doubts. With a wave of her hand, everyone set off immediately.

This time is different from when Chu Nan left before. Prince Laikas' idea was to use thunder to rescue the Imperial Family younger generation before the other party could react, so the three Without any idea of hiding his figure at all, under the leadership of Chu Nan, he headed towards the secret base hidden at the bottom of the mountain as quickly as possible.

When the entire group was in the endless abyss before, Chu Nan and Angel Beili didn't have the chance to go full speed. Now Prince Lekas originally wanted to fly with the two of them, but didn't. 't expect the two of them flew with all their strength, and the speed was far beyond his imagination.

In less than ten minutes, the three of them had already arrived outside the secret base.

"hmph! How dare you imprison the children of my clan here, the courtship is not small."

Glancing at the hill, Prince Laikas was coldly snorted, not waiting for Chu at all. Nan's reaction, body flashed, has already flown to the hill and shot it with one palm.


Chu Nan and Angelina only felt an extremely strong spatial energy fluctuation. It is absolutely impossible to say that a particularly small hill collapsed like a pile of sand in an instant. Countless sand and gravel splashed out, but it instantly turned into fly ash under the strong black aura emanating from Prince Laikas.

Chu Nan was speechless.

The formidable power of the Star Level Martial Artist is really extraordinary. More importantly, Prince Lekas has the Obliteration Core Technique, but he can level the entire mountain directly and easily.

His original plan was to sneak in and talk about the situation of the Imperial Family younger generation before deciding how to sneak attack, but didn't expect Prince Lekas to be so blunt.

However, this simple and crude approach also has an advantage, that is, it is fast.

The entire hill instantly turned into nothingness in the blink of an eye, but it did not affect the secret base hidden in the cave in the slightest. After all the soil and sand disappeared, the base inside was still intact. The top cover has been removed.

Several believers wearing Athaway's Goddess sect costumes looked up and looked towards the sky, and found that Prince Laikas was standing in the sky like Heavenly God, and lost any ability to respond for a while.

Prince Lekas was just snorted, and all those people felt that they were unable to move even a little bit, and they were horrified.

However, they had no resistance at all, and could only watch Chu Nan and Angelique also fly in, and began to move everyone out of the treatment cabin from room to room.

Prince Lekas fell down and saw a group of people on the ground with their eyes closed, apparently in a coma, and couldn't help frowned.

"How are they?"

This sentence is not for Chu Nan, but for Angelique.

After getting along with Angela for a while, he also knew that this girl not only does not have to be as strong as Chu Nan, but also reaches an expert level in terms of the human body, so just now Chu Nan wanted Angela Li also took it, and he agreed immediately.

Actually, when these people were removed from the treatment cabin just now, Angelina had already done a simple check on them, hearing this replied: "Their physical condition is fine, In this way, it's more of a cultivation technique problem."

"Oh? What cultivation technique problem?"

Angie Belle shrugged, turned her head and looked towards Prince Lycas .

"I'm going to ask you, Your Royal Highness. Their cultivation techniques are all Obliteration Core Technique, right? I think only you have a say in this cultivation technique."

Prince Lycas nodded, did not ask again.

Chu Nan's heart moved.

The current situation of these people may be a bit similar to the previous situation when Vianne Neel fell into a coma at the 1st Stage of the Garden Hunting Party. It is probably that someone stimulated these Imperial Family children to try to resist with cultivation techniques, but they let the children fall into a coma. They've always been energetic and useless.

"His Royal Highness, if I'm not mistaken, they keep the children of nobles here, mostly because they want to get the Obliteration Core Technique from them."

Prince Lycas looked unchanged, just coldly snorted again.

"There are thousands of people in the galaxy who want to obtain the secrets of the Obliteration Core Technique from the children of our family. It is not surprising that these guys want to do so. But they are too underestimated by the children of our family. , too underestimated the Obliteration Core Technique. If the Obliteration Core Technique is so easy to get started, how can my Declan Imperial Family stand in the Milky Way for thousands of years." , but it is impossible to refute at all, because this is the irrefutable history of the Milky Way in the recent tens of thousands of years.

At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded.

"Lykas, your Declan Imperial Family has always been so arrogant, but this time, are you really sure that your incompetent children won't reveal the mystery of your Obliteration Core Technique?"

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