Prince Lycas frowned slightly, looking towards the direction the voice came from.

Pope Lochmarton floated in mid-air, his face no longer had the gentle and tiny look on his face every time he saw him before, looking down at Prince Lekas and Chu Nan and Angelique. The eyes of the three were extremely cold, and they contained traces of anger.

Seeing the three of them look over, his eyes fell on Chu Nan, and he let out a coldly snorted full of high winds.

"No wonder Lekas, you walked so swiftly before, which surprised me, but you left such a mice here. If I remember correctly, your name is Chu Nan, right? ? Yes, your courage is really not small, you dare to stay here alone, lurking under my nose for so many days, both courage and strength are extremely good. Compared with you, the youngster in the alliance can be Much worse.”

“many thanks Pope Your Majesty compliment.” Chu Nan grinned at him, then asked, “But I want to ask, two Venerable Aimar and Sacraru How's it going now?"

"You mean the two trash just now?" Pope Lochmarton let out a sneer full of disdain, then turned his head, looked towards Prince Lekas, and gently looked the head . "Laikas, if I were you, since I returned to the Declan Empire safely this time, I wouldn't come here again, and I wouldn't come here with just the two of them. You don't think this is courting death at all. Is it?"

Prince Lekas, complexion sank, was about to speak, but suddenly his eyebrows were raised, and a look of shock appeared in his eyes.

On the other hand, Chu Nan and Angel Belli both had their eyes wide open and their faces full of shock.

Because after Pope Lockmaton finished saying these words, more than ten extremely terrifying auras suddenly burst out in the surrounding space, and a dozen silhouettes suddenly appeared from the void, in the The sky will form a circle, just wrapping the Chu Nan trio in the middle.

These more than ten people can directly perform Space Jump, and their aura is only weaker than that of Prince Lekas, not more than the Star Level Martial Artist brought by Prince Lekas, Aimar and Sacraru. weak.

These dozen people are actually Star Level Martial Artists!

Prince Laikas glanced around, his eyes narrowed slightly, and suddenly sneered.

"Oh, what a big battle! What? Are you all determined to kill me this time? You are so brave! You are not afraid of triggering two major wars. A battle between the spiral arms?"

"We didn't plan to do that." Pope Lochmardon shook the head and pointed a finger at Chu Nan. "But who made the mouse you keep so useful? He discovered these noble Imperial Princesses, and he has completely exposed our plans. Since wars always have to be provoked, why can't we catch them? Taking this opportunity to let your Declan Empire lose an important General?"

Here, Pope Lockmaton sighed, his voice full of regret.

"Actually, Lekas, if you return to Declan Empire obediently and honestly, then nothing will happen, and this will stop here, but who made you think so much? Then no wonder the vicious and merciless alliance. Ha, to be honest, I thought you were a serious threat a long time ago and wanted to get rid of you. It's just that you have been nesting in the Declan Empire and have not given This is my chance. Now that you have brought it to your door, I am so happy!"

Prince Lykas's face was sinking, his eyes swept over everyone in the sky, even with his incomparably powerful strength and countless experiences The experience of life and death test also felt almost hopeless at this time.

The Star Level Martial Artist was almost impossible to kill, which was also based on the strength of the same level. Now, in order to put him to death, the other party even sent more than a dozen Star Level Martial Artists in one breath. , even if his strength can be called Peak among all the Star Level Martial Artists in the galaxy, it is absolutely impossible that one person can match these dozen people together.

What's more important is that the place where they are now is located in the depths of the endless abyss, the most central part of the Silver Heart, and the Transmission Gate is obviously also controlled by the other party. Afraid that it is basically impossible to pass through the different Space Jump, and want to escape through the normal space flight, it is even more wishful thinking.

It is extremely difficult to escape from the silver heart, even more how to face the pursuit of more than a dozen Star Level Martial Artists.

At this time, of course, he couldn't take into account the lives of the Imperial Princess Romandi and the Imperial Princesses on the ground now, because he couldn't even guarantee his own life.

But after all, he was experienced, and he has gone through countless trials of life and death, and even in this situation, he has not completely lost his confidence.

After looking around, he was about to exhale and raise his voice again, and continued to question Pope Lockmaton a few words. Raise your voice loudly.

"You're lying!" Chu Nan raised his finger to the sky, pointing his finger directly at Pope Lochmaden in the sky. "Sir Pope, this is definitely a trap that you have planned for a long time. Even these imperial princesses are deliberately exposed for me to see, so as to lure Prince Laikas to bring reinforcements and destroy them. I said Right?"

"oh?" Pope Lochmarton looked at Chu Nan with a playful look. "Why did I do this? If it was to lay a trap to kill Laikas in advance, I could do it when you first came here, why should I delay it until now? You know, Laikas was safe and sound before. Back to the Declan Empire."

"Because you weren't fully prepared. We came so quickly that the first time we came here was beyond your expectations, so you were the only one here. Star Level Martial Artist, of course you can't kill Prince Lykas. And now you have the opportunity to decide to do so. Am I right?" Chu Nan snapped.

"Your idea is very bold, but what evidence do you have?" Pope Romaton looked at Chu Nan with some amusing.

Chu Nan ignored him, but looked around, and suddenly raised his voice again, shouted: "Grulik, come out!"

The voice came from a distance, After a while, a silhouette slowly flew into the air on a hill not far ahead, floating below Lochmaton, looking at Chu Nan with a strange smile on his face.

"Hey, Chu Nan, it's really surprising that you can guess that I'm here."

Chu Nan's icy eyes cast over.

"If at this time, I don't know that I've been deceived by you, a scumbag, then I might as well throw myself into the river. Come on, Glulick, why did you do this? You are the Martial Artist on Orion's spiral arm, what good will it do you to join the Elle Warner Military Treaty Alliance?"

"The benefit?" Glulick laughed heartily. "There are so many benefits! Not only can I get countless benefits from my allies, such as almost infinite money and beauty, such as the most powerful cultivation technique, but also the appreciation of His Holiness the Pope, allowing me to open myself to Goddess. Below your feet. What's more important is..."

Here, Grulik looked towards Chu Nan's eyes became extremely cold and terrifying.

"Do this and you're dead."

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