Pope Lochmarton stopped suddenly.

The twelve Star Level Martial Artists around them also stopped almost at the same time, and all of them had puzzled expressions on their faces.

They had been tracking Prince Laikas and Chu Nan in the different space. Because Prince Laikas was too powerful, they couldn't catch up easily, but they were not in a hurry. After all, Laika Prince Si can't run far with those four little fellows.

And in the surrounding sectors, all important locations in both the positive space universe and the different space have already been controlled by the alliance, and they simply cannot escape.

When Prince Laikas couldn't hold on any longer and was forced to abandon the four little fellows, it was their time of death.

But now, they suddenly lost their sense of Prince Lycas and the others.

Not only did the aura that belonged to Prince Laikas suddenly and completely disappeared in front of him, but even the aura of the four little fellows also disappeared.

Even though they were all extremely powerful Star Level Martial Artists, they couldn't sense any trace at all.

This phenomenon is too strange.

It is not surprising that Prince Lekas can restrain his breath and avoid their induction. After all, his strength is more powerful, and Declan Empire Imperial Family cultivation technique is magically known as the number one in the galaxy. What special can he have? It is not surprising that the cultivation technique hides its tracks.

But if you want to do this, you must completely restrain the Inner Breath, and do not make any changes to the energy of the surrounding space. In this way, wouldn't it be impossible for him to allocate his energy to protect the other four. people?

You must know that even though the other four little fellows are geniuses, they are all Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists. The four were put to death.

“hmph! I haven’t seen each other for more than ten years, this Lykas has become so cold-blooded and cruel, that even the juniors in his Imperial Family are so easily abandoned.” Pope Lockmaton couldn’t help coldly snorted.

But on second thought, when he found out he was ambushed earlier, Prince Laikas abandoned the dozen or so rescued Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation without the slightest hesitation and escaped by himself. Such action is not uncommon.

And if he replaced himself in the current position of Prince Laikas, he would have to do better, not to mention abandoning the four little fellows, and even take the initiative to throw them out to delay the pursuit, for the sake of Buy yourself more time to escape.

In the eyes of Pope Lochmarton, in such a high position as him and Prince Lycas, this approach was originally as it should be by rights.

"Don't worry, he doesn't dare to show his breath, he can only hide in place and cannot move, this is simply bringing about one's own destruction!" Pope Lockmaton waved his hand and sounded transmission. "Go on, find him and kill him!"

The other twelve Star Level Martial Artists glanced at each other, all nodded, and at the same time, their breaths soared, and they let go of the induction with all their strength, and moved towards Lykas just now. The direction where the prince's breath disappeared flew past.

Although the alien space is said to be as endless as the positive space universe, it is limited to a certain extent after all. If you want to escape completely, you can only break through the walls of space and leave.

But breaking the wall of space is not small, and it is impossible to escape their induction.

Prince Laikas is silent now, and can only hide in place. Even if he can float along the violent space energy airflow in the different space, it is impossible to escape too far.

Combining the strength of their thirteen, of course it was impossible for him to escape.

Pope Lochmarton took the lead, and the other twelve Star Level Martial Artists were scattered around, seemingly scattered, but in fact, they were distributed into a huge circle, sweeping across the area in a flat plane.

In doing so, it is bound to ensure that Prince Lekas is invincible.

But after they flew for a while, they suddenly felt a strange movement in the different space ahead.

A wave of apparently abnormal energy suddenly appeared, but it was obviously not caused by the cultivation technique used by human Martial Artists, but more like a naturally generated energy turbulence in a different space.

Pope Lochmarton couldn't help frowned.

It is not uncommon for energy turbulence to suddenly appear in the different space, mainly from the shadow transformation of the positive space universe.

The corresponding positive space universe in this area is the galactic center position, the surrounding stars are extremely dense, and the metamorphic stars with particularly large masses... such as red giant stars, white dwarfs and even black holes are not uncommon, so different It is also normal for the space to be affected by the produce transformation.

But now there is a sudden energy turbulence here, which makes him have a bad premonition.

Sure enough, in the next moment, this energy turbulence quickly grew stronger. The spatial energy flow in the surrounding space was originally extremely violent and terrifying. In addition, it was abnormally thick and thick. Now it is stirred up like this, Immediately stirred, the space was like a pot of boiling sticky porridge, and it was like lava from a volcanic eruption, full of thrills everywhere.

As the Star Level Martial Artist of the human Martial Artist cream of the crop, of course they are not afraid of these energy turbulence, but the chaotic alien space still brings them a lot of trouble, the most obvious It is that their sensing ability has dropped a lot.

“hmph! Lykas is really getting better and better-for-nothing. At this time, it’s just whimsical to actually want to get out of trouble with this little child-like thing!” Zong coldly snorted disdainfully, and once again sent a message to the other twelve Star Level Martial Artists: "Pay attention to the situation outside the turbulent flow, and don't let Lykas take the opportunity to escape."

As soon as the voice fell, Lockmaton The Pope suddenly found that black air seeped out from the energy turbulent in front of Zhou, instantly contaminating all the turbulent currents.

Seeing this scene, he immediately let out a sneer.

"Ha! Laikas, this guy, finally couldn't help but shot, but do you think you can beat so many of us by yourself with these little tricks? It's ridiculous!"


The sound was transmitted to the energy turbulence in front of it along with the strong spatial energy vibration. The black gas mixed in the turbulent flow seemed to be frightened, and it slammed back again.

Just as everyone was stunned, a larger amount of black gas suddenly burst out, and the energy turbulence in the entire space became even more terrifying.

"Be careful, this guy may be desperate."

Pope Lochmarton reminded everyone, raising his spirits and preparing to resist the terrifying energy turbulence that had been thrown in front of him and It is very likely that the fierce counterattack of Prince Lekas will follow.

Although his words showed a lot of disdain for Prince Laikas, he was very clear in his heart that Prince Laikas, as a Star Level Martial Artist who was second only to Emperor Greymane Your Majesty in the Declan Empire, was very powerful. The strength is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people, no matter how confident he is in himself, he does not think that he can defeat the opponent in one-on-one.

For the success of this operation, the alliance even photographed him a full twelve Star Level Martial Artists in one go, which can be said to have made a lot of money, enough to see the importance attached to Prince Lycas.

And now that they have forced Prince Lekas to such a point, his subsequent counterattack must be extremely fast and must not be taken lightly.

However, when Pope Rockmaton focused on his luck and raised his mind to fight, he was surprised to find that the amazing terrifying energy fluctuations in front of him did not bring him anything. It didn't make him feel any threat.

This energy fluctuation is extremely amazing in the induction, and the formidable power is extremely terrifying. However, when it is really surrounded by this, it is found that the energy fluctuation in it is extremely smooth and obedient, and it does not seem to be in a violent state at all. It's more like following certain rules, as if being controlled...

"Wait!" Pope Lockmaton was shocked.

next moment, he already felt the space around him changed drastically, and then his eyes darkened and brightened, and the foreground objects changed instantly.

When he settled down, he found that he had come to a jade green all over his body, and he could hear the gurgling water in his ears, and even swooped into the real natural phenomenon in his nose.

However, in the face of such a wonderful scene, Pope Rockmaton's face did not look happy, but instead sank suddenly.

He definitely remembered correctly, this place was clearly somewhere on the 47th floor of the endless abyss that was under the control of the Ellehuana Military Treaty Alliance.

In other words, at that moment, he was forcibly sent to this place in the different dimension.

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