Muffala Venerable looked at the desolation and tranquility around him, the stars above his head were extraordinarily bright, the pressure around his body dropped sharply, and the space energy environment changed from the extreme chaos and violence just now to a moment of extraordinarily tranquility. It has become as peaceful as it is now, but it is thick and thick. When I understand it, I have now returned to the positive space universe.

This change made him feel a little confused, but it also gave birth to a strong sense of vigilance.

What happened?

He was clearly still chasing Prince Lekas with Pope Lochmardon and eleven other powerful Star Level Martial Artist companions sent by the Alliance. The space has changed, and he has actually returned to the positive space universe.

Could it be that in that instant, he had actually crossed the wall of space?

But if that's the case, he couldn't possibly notice the spatial energy changes around him just now.

Recalling it carefully, the change in the space energy just now gave him a very familiar feeling, as if... it seemed to be somewhat similar to the change in the space around him when he passed through the Transmission Gate.

"What's going on?"

Mufarah Venerable wondered.

If this is a sudden change that occurs naturally in the different space, then there is no problem. After all, the endless abyss, the different space corresponding to the galactic center, is originally different from other different spaces in the Milky Way. What happened? The changes are not surprising.

However, the sudden change just now appeared after Prince Laikas launched a counterattack, which caused an ominous thought in Mu Fara Venerable's heart.

“is it possible that this is the unique cultivation technique of the Declan Empire Imperial Family?”

Mufarah Venerable shook the head, thinking that this inference is not very reliable.

If Prince Lekas has such a peculiar cultivation technique, and can even directly generate a Transmission Gate to force a powerful Star Level Martial Artist like him to be sent out of the different space, then he is almost invincible, because there is no one. Martial Artist can truly master Space Power, Prince Lycas can do it, and even has the terrifying power to kill them all by one person, so why run away.

After taking a deep breath, Muphala Venerable put away those messy thoughts, thought move, and prepared to break the wall of space again and return to the different space.

The accident just now made him leave the main force. If Prince Laikas has been killed by Pope Lochmardon and the others after returning home, then he has nothing to do, and it is inevitable to see everyone again. A little embarrassing.

But he just made a move when he suddenly noticed something different.

The space energy in the nearby space was violently compressed, the wall of space was instantly opened, and a silhouette appeared, it was Prince Lycas!

Muffala Venerable startled.

Prince Laikas was still being chased and intercepted by Pope Rockmaton and eleven other companions in the different dimension, how could he be able to get out so easily?

And he was able to appear by his side so just right!

What's going on here?

Prince Laikas grinned at Mufala Venerable, without giving him any more time to think, the Inner Breath flowed, and black energy was already rolling over his body in an instant, but he was immediately firing on all cylinders, Obliteration Core Technique Pushed to the limit, the field was completely shrouded.

Mufarah Venerable complexion changed, didn't expect Prince Laikas to come up and use all his strength. This is really not in line with common sense in general combat, and it is not in line with his current situation.

Originally, with the strength of Prince Laikas, there is still a slight possibility of escaping from their pursuit, but if he consumes too much in the battle with himself, he will face the Rockmaton Church in a while. Wasn't Zong and his companions even more powerless to fight back?

More unexpected things are yet to come.

Generally speaking, the battle between two Star Level Martial Artists actually looks much more boring than the low-level Martial Artist battle, because most of the time they open the field to each other to test, with the Star Level Martial Artist is super sensitive to space energy, just one test can roughly detect the strength of the opponent, so as to decide whether to fight or retreat next, or change the corresponding combat strategy.

So on the surface, the battle between the Star Level Martial Artists is actually not fierce at all, and even the hands and feet will not move.

However, at this time, Prince Laikas gave up the collision test in the realm directly, completely beyond Mufala Venerable's expectations, and rushed towards him with a cloud of incomparably rich black energy.

With the powerful strength of Prince Lekas, he has come to the Mufala Venerable in an instant.

Seeing the black air tumbling in front, the surrounding space seemed to be swallowed up by the black air, and the fluctuation of space energy was instantly affected by the Obliteration Core Technique and became extremely inactive, Mu Fara Venerable was shocked.

Although I have long heard that the Obliteration Core Technique is the first cultivation technique in the Milky Way, with the super-powerful properties of Exterminating All Living Things, Mufara Venerable didn’t take it seriously until he got in touch with it, thinking it was just a The exaggeration of others.

And now that he met his own eyes, he instantly understood that it was not an exaggeration at all.

Faced with the Obliteration Core Technique used by Prince Lekas, he was completely unable to mobilize the energy of the surrounding space as easily as usual, and even his own realm could not be fully opened.

In desperation, Mu Farah Venerable chose the best way to deal with this situation - counterattack.

He rolls over without the slightest hesitation and is slapped.

Although his strength is not as good as that of Prince Lycas, he is still a powerful Star Level Martial Artist after all. The formidable power produced by this palm is astonishing, and the palm space flickers, but it is completely deformed.

However, Prince Laikas's reaction was once again beyond Mufarah Venerable's expectations.

Faced with his counterattack, Prince Laikas did not evade in the slightest, or he simply did not evade the idea of escaping, but he deliberately brought his body up to him.


Prince Laikas forcibly received the palm of Muphaera Venerable, but the rich black air had already wrapped around Mufaala Venerable, engulfing him completely. People devoured it.

At a critical juncture, Mufala Venerable's powerful strength as a Star Level Martial Artist burst out, with starlights all over his body, and his Star Sea Divine Art was fully activated, ready to activate the Power of Starlight, fully mobilize space energy into itself to counterattack.

However, Prince Laikas didn't give him this chance at all. The black air was so thick that it completely blocked the connection between Mufala Venerable and the outside world. He couldn't absorb half of the Power of Starlight at all, and he even got out of the black. There's no way to do that.

Knowing that he had lost the opportunity because of Prince Laikas's completely unreasonable posture and desperately trying to get up, Mufala Venerable did not dare to hesitate any more, took a deep breath, and tried his best to breathe. Running, Star Sea Divine Art started again, mobilizing the terrifying space energy contained in its powerful fleshy body, and the starlight shone in an instant, almost completely dispelling the black air.

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