After the Perseus spiral arm penetrated into the galactic center, it continued to connect a large piece of Star Domain in the galactic center, which was regarded as the territory of the Erehuana Military Treaty Alliance.

Although the Three Great Influences of the galaxy, including the Ellewarna Military Treaty Alliance, are at the top of all powers in the galaxy, they are of course impossible to occupy the entire galaxy, especially in occupying the most important resources in the entire galaxy Within the Silver Center of the Stars, the Three Great Influences can only occupy a relatively large piece of it, and there will still be a lot of Star Domain left out of control.

The Kingdom of Saclairda is a kingdom outside the Three Great Influences in the Heart of Silver.

This kingdom whose cross-section is more than 600 light-years wide and 400 light-years high is actually a circle larger than the current territory of the Earth Federation, but it is left in the galactic center area. But it's just a small country that's not particularly conspicuous.

even more how his territory happens to be adjacent to the control area of the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance, so although it has not officially joined the Erejuana Military Treaty Alliance, its relationship with the alliance is not. It has always been very close, the most obvious manifestation of which is that in the Kingdom of Saclair, the Athaway Goddess sect has become the state religion, and the density of believers has even surpassed the most popular ones in the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance. countries.

The Vulcambe galaxy, the second largest galaxy outside the capital galaxy of the Kingdom of Saclairda, is also the galaxy in the entire Saclairda Kingdom that worships Athaway Goddess the most, and the most maddened believers.

This galaxy with two habitable planets currently has a population of more than 600 million, and the population alone has even exceeded the capital galaxy with only one planet.

And on these two habitable planets, the one formerly named Salamkrris, now renamed Ithaway's Light, is more populous and prosperous, and at the same time this planet is still Athaway Goddess sect is the only official sect station in the entire Saclairda Kingdom, and is responsible for presiding over the only one sect high priest in the kingdom.

Under such conditions, the planet has almost become a religious planet, with Goddess followers who are significantly more fanatical than anywhere else.

A cosmic spaceship docked at the space station of the Light Planet of Ithaway. Chu Nan and Angelique followed the head out of the spaceship and went down to the space station.

Looking around, Chu Nan couldn't help curling one's lip when he saw that all around were people wearing obvious Athaway Goddess sect costumes.

"Hey, Angelique, it looks like we're wise to pretend to be religious. Otherwise, I'm afraid we'll be burned as heretics when we get here."

"You Do you think this is Medieval Europe?" Angelababy gave Chu Nan a white look, but she couldn't help frowning when she saw the surrounding believers all with fanatical expressions on their faces. "But pretending to be a religious is right, it can save us a lot of trouble."

"Well, let's go, let's go."

I saw the flow of people starting to rush towards the surface track. , Chu Nan beckoned and motioned for Angelique to follow along.

After finding the traces left by Pamela in the abandoned base, in order to find out the exact information about Pamela, the two decided to find those who were in charge at the base at that time. Ithaway's Goddess sect cultists guarding the Declan Imperial Family younger generation.

They don't have any more good ways to do this, but according to the news released on the pan-galactic network, it shows that in a few days, the Athaway Goddess sect will hold a grand ceremony here to commemorate The brilliance of Athaway Goddess shone on the entire 100 standard rounds of the galaxy in the Kingdom of Saclairda—in fact, Athaway Goddess sect officially entered the kingdom of Saclairda for one hundred missionary rounds, and Pope Lochmardon may be present in person.

The reason why this news attracted the attention of the two is mainly because it was shown in the news that in this grand ceremony, the ambassador of the Declan Empire to the Kingdom of Saclairda would be present to congratulate them in person.

The reason why this news was especially noticed by the two of them is not that the two of them just discovered this, but that this news has attracted the attention of many people, which is why it is in the pan-galactic network. was specially reported on.

Because the Declan Empire Imperial Family has never believed in any religion, although the religious development within the Declan Empire has not been deliberately suppressed, it has been developing extremely poorly. completely different.

Also because of the Declan Empire Imperial Family's attitude, the official Declan Empire's attitude towards religion has always been at a distance, never showing any eagerness.

And now, the Declan Empire's ambassador to the Kingdom of Saclairda has to personally attend this ceremony commemorating the religious gods and congratulate it, which is really intriguing.

There are many people who speculate that this may be the softening of the Declan Empire Imperial Family's attitude towards religion, and this time the first choice is the Goddess sect, which may mean that the Declan Empire Imperial Family has been decried. The influence of Servi Goddess, this incident will be the opportunity for Servi Goddess sect to enter the Declan Empire.

Of course, there are also many people who guess from another angle.

This time the ceremony event held by the Ethaway Goddess sect is in the kingdom of Saclairda, but everyone knows that the Ethaway Goddess sect is taught by the Three Great Sects within the Elewana Military Treaty Alliance. First, Declan Empire made such an action, not only to show goodwill to Athaway Goddess sect, but also to send a friendly signal to the Elewana military treaty alliance.

If that's true, it's a major event that will rock the entire galaxy!

You must know that since the cross-arm war 6,300 years ago, the relationship between the Declan Empire and the Elevana military treaty alliance has not always been the same, but it has never been discussed. Of course there is any kind of harmony between the two parties in private, but there has never been any close expression on the official surface.

In everyone's mind, the Two Great Influences are the default enemies, while the other Great Influence, the Chamber of Commerce, is based on the characteristics of merchants and does not favor any party. , nor offend any party.

However, now, Declan Empire has actually taken the initiative to express goodwill to the Ellejuana military treaty alliance!

Such an astonishing event will of course attract the attention of countless people, causing a lot of discussion and speculation in countless media, and countless news and related commentary articles are flooded on the pan-galactic network, making Chu Nan When Angelababy wanted to search the pan-galactic network for some information related to Athaway's Goddess sect, it was impossible to skip to this message.

Of course, the two of them knew very well that the inside story of this news was by no means the goodwill of the Declan Empire to the Elewana military treaty alliance, as those guys had guessed.

The only possibility was the private agreement between Prince Lycas and Pope Lochmardon at that time.

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