Of course the two did not know what kind of private agreement Prince Laikas had reached with Pope Lochmardon at that time, nor what changes had taken place in these days. Why did the Declan Empire do this, they just need to know that Pope Lochmaton will be here.

Of course, they went to ask the whereabouts of Pope Pamela of Lochmaton face to face. people.

While those people will most likely be transferred to another location, coming here is the most likely option for leads anyway.

After descending to the surface of the light of Athaway's planet, the two initially followed the flow of people to the largest city on the planet, and also the main temple of Aythaway's Goddess sect here. After a while, the two of them pretended to be out of strength and disappeared quietly.

After coming to a quiet corner, Chu Nan and Angelique performed the Metal Gear Solid culture technique at the same time, and it didn't take much effort to reach near the Shrine of Goddess of Essevi.

This shrine is said to be a shrine, but in fact it is a building complex covering an extremely wide area. A gigantic Divine Idol of Ithaway's height of almost the same height stands tall and can be seen clearly even from a distance of several kilometers.

The two did not break into the temple rashly.

This is the largest stronghold of Ithaway Goddess sect in the Kingdom of Saclairda. Although there may not be the most powerful Star Level Martial Artist, there must be a lot of experts. likely to be discovered.

The two appeared outside the shrine, again pretending to be ordinary members of the church, and infiltrating the crowd.

Although the ceremony is approaching, the Temple of Ithaway Goddess is very heavily guarded, but in order to allow believers to participate in such a major ceremony, the Temple of Ithaway Goddess has opened some areas for believers they visit.

Chu Nan and Angelina followed and mixed into the temple, walked roughly around, and basically completed the exploration of the area inside the temple.

More importantly, they can basically confirm that there is no powerful Martial Artist inside the temple enough to threaten the two of them.

Once this is confirmed, the next thing will be much easier to handle.

The two patiently waited until late at night, sneaked into the temple by night, and searched the temple up and down.

The result should not be surprising, although they found a lot of hidden places, but there is no information related to those imprisoned Imperial Family younger generation.

However, one discovery caught the attention of both of them.

"Hey, Chu Nan, don't you think...this ominous beast looks a bit like Lorraine?" Angel Belle pointed to a dark shadow in the corner of the temple below and transmitted to Chu Nan sound .


Chu Nan froze for a moment, then looked in the direction Angel Belle pointed to, using the light of Essevi, the largest satellite of the planet above his head. ——The light from Goddess's brilliance, it was clear that the black shadow in the corner was actually a huge ominous beast.

Now this ominous beast is lying on the ground and can't see the shape of the whole body, but from the details of its head and body shape, it is really familiar.

To repeat, for Chu Nan, there is no such thing as "familiarity", which makes him feel familiar, so there must have been the same or highly similar memory images before.

Chu Nan quickly searched the memory in his mind and quickly found out the reason why he felt "familiar".

He did see this ominous beast, the ominous beast he saw when he met Grulick in that special space before.

As for Lori Ann, it was the name given to it by the girl who treated this ominous beast like a pet at the time.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan took a closer look at the ominous beast, and reconfirmed that this ominous beast was not just like it, it was simply Lorianne.

Because he clearly remembered that when the four of them went to visit those ominous beasts - oh no, pets, the girl once told them in a very sad tone that Lorianne had an accident when she was a child. , resulting in a very serious injury to the side of the ear, and almost died of serious injury, and now there is still a very obvious scar.

And now, the ominous beast he saw had a scar on the side of the ear, the same shape and size as Lorianne's.

Chu Nan told Angelique about this discovery and got her consent.

"That's good news." Angelique looked a little excited. "Since Lorianne is here, then the girl named Cenelly should also be here. Cenelly is here, which proves that the other people should be there, so those who guarded Pamela may also be there."

"en. ”Chu Nan agreed with Angelina's judgment. "Let's wait, if we can find Senari, maybe we can get some useful information from her."


The two found a Hidden in a more hidden corner, while sensing the surrounding situation, staring at "Lori Ann".

After waiting patiently for about an hour, two silhouettes suddenly sneaked all the way from the wall.

"It's Cenelly." Angelique's voice entered Chu Nan's ears. "The other man I don't know."

Chu Nan glanced over and confirmed that the slightly thinner silhouette was indeed Senali who had only met a few times before but was impressed. As for the other one, it depends on the appearance Young men, who should be over thirty years old, are wearing Ithaway Goddess sect priest costumes.

At his age to be able to be a priest, that should be a very promising member of Athaway's Goddess sect.

The two of them looked at all around carefully as they walked over, with a guilty conscience, so when they came to Lori Ann, Cenelly stopped Lori Ann from opening her mouth and let out a low growl, and coaxed Lori Ann affectionately. , and then the two of them and the man came to the gap between Rolian's back and the corner of the wall.

After a while, there was a rustling sound inside, followed by a deliberately suppressed moan.

Chu Nan couldn't help blushing slightly.

Although he is still a **** virgin, but seeing this scene and hearing this kind of voice, of course it is clear what happened.

This Senari is actually having an affair with this young priest!

It would be fine if he was alone, but now with Angelina by his side, Chu Nan felt a little embarrassed no matter how close the relationship with Angelina was.

He turned his head and looked towards Angelique, but found that her expression was the same as usual, not to mention embarrassed, and there was not even a trace of strange expression fluctuations.

Aware of Chu Nan's gaze, she turned her head and laughed at Chu Nan.

"Don't mind, when Master taught me human sexuality, he took me to peek at many similar mating scenes, which is nothing."

Chu Nan face On black.

He couldn't remember how many times he complained about Ovérie Venerable in his heart.

This guy has taught a little child like this!

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