Fortunately, the affair between Cenelly and the young priest did not last long, only about five minutes. There was a gasping sound from the corner of the wall, and then calmed down. After a while, there was another sound of Xixing Susuo.

After a while, Cenelly and the young priest walked out of the corner behind Lori Ann. The two were neatly dressed, except that their hair was a little messy, but it was not much different from just now.

"Okay, Senali, go back first, I will report to the High Priest tomorrow, you are waiting for my good news."

"Really? That very good. Thank you, Mons!" Senali happily kissed the young priest on the cheek, which was obviously good news for her.

The two remained warm for a while, and the young priest quietly returned in the opposite direction from which they came just now, but Senari stayed behind.

When the young priest disappeared from view, the smile on Senari's face became a little gloomy and snorted softly.

"Useless guy, I can't handle such a simple thing for so long. What's the use of asking you."

After scolding, Senali turned to see Behind him, Lorien immediately showed a bright smile, stretched out his hand to hug Lorraine's neck, and rubbed his pimple-filled, terrifying-looking face affectionately twice.

"Ai, it's still Lorianne you're much more useful, let you be here obediently and honestly, be more obedient."

After rubbing twice, Senna Li turned over and put it on Rolian's back, patted it on the back, Rolian's huge body stood up, but walked out of the corner with light steps that made people feel a little weird.

It wasn't until she walked out of the corner that was blocked by the shadows that Lori Ann's footsteps returned to normal, and then several believers who were in charge of the sundries in the Temple of Athaway Goddess saw it, but they did not express it. Too many surprises, but instead gave a salute to Cenelly one by one, with a respectful attitude, and watched Lori Ann carry Cenelly away quickly.

Watching the silhouettes of Cenelly and Lori Ann disappear into the darkness, Chu Nan couldn't help but frowned slightly, wondering in his heart.

When I saw this Senari in the endless abyss before, she once said in her self-introduction that she was a Martial Artist from a small country in the heart of silver, so now, she is very likely to be This person from the Kingdom of Saclairda.

But with the strength and innate talent that she can participate in the second stage of the hunting party, she can get strong resource support no matter where she is, even in the Kingdom of Saclairda.

Then why would she want to please a priest of the Athaway Goddess sect in this way?

Is there anything she has to do in the Athaway Goddess sect?

"Let's go, Chu Nan, why are you in a daze?" Angel Belle's voice came into Chu Nan's ears. "If you don't chase after him, Cenelly will be gone."


Chu Nan quickly complied, and the two of them were lucky to dive again with Angel Belle. The Dragon Spy cultivation technique also disappears into the darkness.

Although Lori Ann's speed is fast, it is obviously no match for Chu Nan and Angelique who are at full speed.

The two flew with all their strength, and it didn't take long before they caught up with Senari about twenty kilometers outside the Goddess Temple.

However, after seeing Rorian's silhouette parked in the wilderness from a distance, the two of them stopped at the same time, restrained their voices, and dared not make more movements.

Lorien is not the only one by her side, there is another silhouette.

Although the silhouette looks unremarkable and its aura is not strong, Chu Nan and Angelique both confirmed at the same time that it must be a Star Level Martial Artist!

The reason is very simple, Chu Nan and Angelique didn't even feel the slightest sign until they saw his silhouette with their own eyes.

With the current strength of the two of them, unless the other party is a Star Level Martial Artist, it is impossible for this to happen.

The Star Level Martial Artist was standing next to Cenelly and seemed to be saying something, but most of the time it was Cenelly who was just nodding in response, looking like Listening to Cenelly's report.

It was far apart, and considering that the other party was a Star Level Martial Artist, Chu Nan and Angelique couldn't hear their conversation, they could only watch Senari obediently report to the person It took more than ten minutes for it to end.

In the end, the man explained two words to Cenelly, and the body flashed disappeared immediately, leaving Cenelly standing there and thinking for a while, before jumping on Lorraine's back again and continuing to run forward.

Chu Nan and Angelina quickly followed, and after running wild for a while, they came to a small village that looked very ordinary and peaceful.

Cenari jumped off Lori Ann's back from a distance, patted Lori Ann, and entered the village herself, while Lori Ann obediently lay outside the village and did not follow.

I watched Sennery walk into a hut in the village, Chu Nan and Angelique looked at each other and frowned at the same time.

It was an accident to meet Sennery, just found out When she was with her, the two planned to ask her directly about the whereabouts of the guards. If she didn't want to tell her, they would force her to tell her even if she used a tough method, and then they went to find clues about Pamela.

But seeing that Cenelly actually got in touch with a Star Level Martial Artist halfway through, the two could only temporarily give up the idea.

Obviously, there is a powerful Star Level Martial Artist standing behind Cenelly, and she is still doing something very important. If she appears in front of her now, or if she is directly attacked, If it's not good, it will make too much noise, and even lead out the Star Level Martial Artist just now.

This kind of trouble will undoubtedly bring a lot of trouble to the two of them. If this alarms the people of Athaway Goddess sect, and even Pope Lockmaton, let them both. If people are exposed, they should not have mortal danger, but it is absolutely impossible to secretly detect Pamela's whereabouts.

"Where can I find those guards?" Angelina frowned and thought for a while, then suggested: "Or... let's just go and catch the priest just now, and listen to what he just said. Tone, there should be some status in the Goddess sect of Ithaway here, maybe I can know something from his mouth."

"Although it is a good idea..." Chu Nan spread his hands and looked helplessly Glancing in the direction of the Temple of Goddess in the distance. "But if we dare to enter and arrest people now, believing or not, a bunch of crazy cultists will immediately pop out and tear us apart?"

"What should I do? I can't easily alert others, and I want to ask. To find useful news... Where can I find such a suitable person?" Angel Belli's two beautiful brows frowned again.

Chu Nan also frowned, thinking hard.

His eyes fell on the room where Cenelly walked into just now, watching the lights in the room just go out again, and suddenly his heart moved.

"By the way, I'm thinking of a guy who is in the same situation as Cenelly, and he must know more than Cenelly!"

Angebelie startled.

Anyone like that?

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