Grulick walked out of the hall, looked up at the starlight in the sky, and exhaled heavily.

He was very depressed.

I originally thought that by betraying Chu Nan and the others, and even betraying Prince Lekas, he could quickly help him gain the trust of Pope Rockmaton and even the military treaty alliance of Erehuana, so it was taken seriously and gained a lot of money. resources, improve your strength and your status faster, and even hopefully become a Star Level Martial Artist faster.

However, he didn't expect that Prince Laikas didn't die!

Because Prince Laikas is not dead, it is impossible for him to give him more explicit support and attention, whether it is Pope Rockmaton or the military treaty alliance of Elle Warner. Will cause a backlash on Declan Empire.

Grulick understands the practices of Pope Lochmardon and the Elewana military treaty alliance. In exchange, he would cast him idle as he is now, and let him disappear as much as possible. appear in public.

This is not only good for the Athaway Goddess sect and the Elle Warner military treaty alliance, but also responsible for Grulick's safety, so there is nothing wrong with doing this.

But Glulick was still very depressed.

It's all because of that damn Pope Rockmaton!

I clearly informed him in advance and gave him so much time to prepare, but in the end, Prince Laikas ran away!

They didn't even kill Chu Nan!

"Those bastards!"

Every time he thinks of this, Glulick can't wait to express his anger by swearing loudly.

But he couldn't.

Now he is among a group of fanatical believers of Athaway Goddess sect. If he dares to publicly and loudly rebuke the Pope Your Majesty, whom all believers worship, he will definitely be torn to shreds by these fanatical believers. .

So Glulick could only swallow the breath, and cursed fiercely in his heart, but he still kept a smile on the surface, and from time to time he raised his glass to those who were cheering in the yard. The devotees signaled and accompany them to shout "Praise Goddess".

Praise the fart!

Grulick swallowed the red wine in the glass in one gulp, cursed again in his heart, then put down the glass and walked out of the courtyard.

This yard was occupied by a group of fanatics, and the fanatic aura that belonged to extreme believers was shrouded everywhere, making him very uncomfortable.

Although Pope Lochmarton arranged him and another group of people here to protect his safety in disguise, or to further brainwash him, Glulick did not intend to accept.

He began to regret that he had betrayed Prince Laikas and Chu Nan and the others. Now it seems that this betrayal not only did not bring him the lucrative benefits he imagined, but brought a lot of inconvenience and danger. .

He doesn't worry much about retaliation from Prince Lycas and Declan Empire, because he is totally alone except for Master, who is a powerful Star Level Martial Artist so he doesn't need to worry about it, Declan Empire He couldn't get any handle on him, so he could completely ignore these threats.

He has been thinking about it for several days and finally decided to leave here and start a new life somewhere else.

It is pointless to stay here, instead, it is possible that Ithaway Goddess sect will eventually succeed in brainwashing, or even directly injected by them with a more powerful genetic virus, and eventually turn him into the same as those dozen people. Guys, then leave while you're still sane.

With his innate talent, he is confident that he can break through to become a Star Level Martial Artist in the future.

As long as you become a Star Level Martial Artist, many threats can be ignored.

Even if Impossible wins Declan Empire, but with the strength of Star Level Martial Artist and the size of the galaxy, he can still gallop freely, which is much better than being forced to live in this ghost place.

While making plans in his heart, Glulick continued to walk out of the hospital.

The voices of the carnival crowd behind him gradually faded away, and Glulik had already walked into the wilderness outside the manor. Compared with the incomparable noise just now, this place seemed extraordinarily quiet and peaceful.

Grulick put out a breath lightly and sat down.

He was thinking about the details of his sneaky escape.

It shouldn't be difficult to find an opportunity to escape. The commemoration ceremony will be held in a few days, and everyone in the Goddess sect should focus on the ceremony. Pope Lockmaton's private time is obviously It will also be left to the handover with Declan Empire, and no one will have time to take care of him.

And the people in Athaway's Goddess sect apparently still think that he is still affected by the genetic virus and will not choose to leave voluntarily, so the vigilance against him is extremely low, and no one is deliberately following him these days. , so that now he ran out and no one followed.

Of course, from another point of view, this is also a clear proof that Pope Lochmarton abandoned him, which means that even if Glulick stays, it is unlikely that he will get much from Athaway Goddess sect. benefit.

When the ceremony is held, he should be able to easily find an opportunity to run out and leave quietly.

As for whether to continue to hang out in the Kingdom of Saclairda for a while, or go to the Perseus Arm to explore, or go back to the Orion Arm to find the Master...

Oh No, he not only failed to get the expected S-Rank martial skill reward at the hunting party this time, but also caused a lot of trouble. With the Master's temper, after seeing him, he should give him a good lesson. Or don't go back at this time to get bad luck.

While contemplating his plan of action after leaving the Light of Athaway planet, Grulik suddenly felt a strange fluctuation of space energy in a nearby space, and suddenly heart shivered with cold, without the slightest hesitation back away.


The two silhouettes fell from the sky at the same time, just smashing a hole where he was sitting just now.

Although such formidable power certainly poses no threat to him, the hostility of these two people is obvious.

Grulik brows slightly wrinkle, looking up, thinking who would actually find him here, but after showing him the faces of the two in front of him, his face froze.

these two people, Chu Nan and Angelina!

As soon as he saw these two people, Glulick immediately raised his spirits to the extreme, and Inner Breath worked with all his strength, showing the highest alert attitude.

He never imagined that these two guys would appear in front of him like a Divine Weapon.

According to the information found on the pan-galactic network, the Declan Empire Imperial Family will hold a banquet in the Imperial Palace to celebrate the successful conclusion of the hunting party in three days, and rewards will be issued directly at the banquet. This guy finally escaped with Prince Lekas, shouldn't he be waiting for the Declan Imperial Family in the Declan Empire to award them an award?

Different from Glulik's full-on alertness, Chu Nan and Angelique had a relaxed look on their faces.

Chu Nan met Grulick's gaze and was laughed at him.

"Don't be nervous, we have no intention of killing you for now."

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