Grulick froze for a moment, then sneered.

"Kill? Just rely on you two? What a joke."

"Just kidding?" Chu Nan laughed, pointing directly at Grulick, his expression turned cold. "Grulick, I can kill you alone, not to mention Angel Belle's help now. Do you really think that if the two of us want to kill you, do you have a chance to escape? "

Grulick fell silent.

Although he really didn't want to admit it, after the direct confrontation with Chu Nan in the days following the 1st Stage of the Garden Hunting Club, he clearly realized that Chu Nan's strength is far beyond his imagination, and he can definitely defeat him. No problem.

even more how, after encountering him in the endless abyss, Chu Nan's strength is actually stronger than the 1st Stage of the Garden Hunting Club. I don't know if he was deliberately hiding his strength before, or whether What breakthrough has been achieved during this time.

Only Chu Nan alone, he has no confidence to be able to defeat, and with Angelina, who is not much worse than Chu Nan in strength, the two of them as lovers will definitely join forces. Very tacit understanding, then if he is determined to kill him, he really doesn't think he has many chances to escape.

But of course he wouldn't just admit it.

"Don't you think there is a chance to kill me here?" Glulick pointed to the manor in the distance, coldly snorted and said. "Even if you tried your best to kill me, do you think you can run away if you alert others?"

" overestimate yourself." Chu Nan's face Bring back the smile, look the head. "Do you think it would really take us two to kill you? Don't forget, neither of us are afraid of getting hurt."

Grulick's face sank suddenly.

He suddenly remembered that the two guys in front of him were not ordinary Martial Artists. The two of them had extremely abnormal and unimaginable recovery abilities. Even if they were seriously injured, they could recover in a short period of time. If they really fight for their lives, the two of them can launch their most powerful cultivation technique without any scruples, and launch their strongest attacks without any scruples about their injuries.

Of course the two of them were fine after the incident, but they only had to die.

If both sides really work hard, he only has to die.

“even more how you think too much, do you still expect the people of Athaway Goddess sect to save you? You believe or not, if Angelique and I kill you , and then reveal his identity, even if Pope Lockmaton knows, he will only send us back obediently, and even he will protect us well?"

Grulick's face darkened.

Of course he understands that Chu Nan's words are by no means unreasonable.

Although he did not know that Prince Laikas and Pope Lockmaton had reached some kind of private agreement, since Prince Laikas is not dead, he only needs to observe the actions of Pope Rockmaton afterward. Understand that the relationship between the two parties has changed.

As Chu Nan said, if Chu Nan and Angelique both killed him here, then even if they were openly identified, Pope Rockmaton wouldn't take them for anything. Sample.

Because Glulick is now simply a "black family", a target that Pope Lochmarton deliberately hides and does not want to expose, if he is killed by Chu Nan and Angelique, the actual On the contrary, it was the intention of Pope Lockmaton.

In fact, the fact that Chu Nan and Angelique were able to find his location so accurately, and appearing directly in front of him like this, has already made Glulick suspect that this is Rockma at all. Pope Dunn is using Chu Nan and Angelique to get rid of him.

Think about this, Grulick took a deep breath.

"Then why don't you do it?"

"I said just now, we don't intend to kill you for the time being." Chu Nan replied with a smile. "Listen clearly, it's temporary."

Grulick's heart moved, his eyelids twitched.

"So, you have something to come to me?"

"You really are a smart person." Chu Nan nods. "That's right, if it's just to kill you, there's no need for us to come here in such a hurry with the rewards of the Declan Empire Imperial Family, in fact, we're just for another thing, or... to find someone. "

"Looking for someone?" Glulick frowned. "What does it have to do with me?"

"You should remember that I asked you to help detect the detained Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generation?" Chu Nan asked.

"Of course."

"And did you know that among the Imperial Family younger generation imprisoned, there is an Imperial Princess named Pamela?"

"Pamela?" Glulick frowned and thought for a while, showing a look of memory. "This name... I seem to have heard it somewhere..."

Chu Nan couldn't help but glance at Angelique, wouldn't it be such a coincidence?

They just wanted to know the news of those guards from Grulik, and then went to the guards to inquire, but didn't expect Grulik to know about Pamela's existence.

Chu Nan frowned: "Where did you hear that?"

He wouldn't put any trust in Glulick because of his previous behavior, but if he could He will not let go of any news related to Pamela.

"Let me think..." Glulick touched his chin, lost in thought.

After a while, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"I remember. Hey, Chu Nan, remember how I took you to the place where the Imperial Princesses were held?"

"You What do you mean?"

"I told you, I deliberately paid attention to where those guys entered, and then I deduced where the Imperial Princesses were kept, and the facts proved that I deduced That's right, isn't it?"

"To the point." Chu Nan frowned.

"Don't worry. What I'm trying to say is that I just remembered that the last time I heard the name Pamela was when I overheard the guards on one of those occasions. I remember ...their conversation at that time not only mentioned this Pamela Imperial Princess, but also seemed to say... by the way, that she made a big mess at the time, and it seemed that she also... ran away!"

Chu Nan and Angelina moved, they couldn't help but looked at each other again, and they were nodded.

Since Glulick has eavesdropped on Pamela's escape from those people, it proves that what he said should be true.

In other words, he will most likely be able to provide more useful information!

Thinking of this, Chu Nan felt a tinge of excitement in his heart, but his expression was still solemn, and said solemnly to Grulik nodded: "If you can take us to find those guards, and finally find Pami La, I promise to give you a chance."

"Promise? Chance?" Glulick asked in surprise.

"Yes. If we can successfully find Pamela, then I promise that this time I will not hold you accountable for betraying us and let you go. You said that you are willing to believe my promise. "

Grulick shrugged and spread his hands.

"I can't believe it this time, can I?"

"You're smart."

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