"She's in a very wrong state, it's better to let her pass out first." Angelique beckoned to Chu Nan, who was still a little confused. "Let's go, we can't stay here for too long."

Angelbely picked up the fainted Pamela, held it in her hands, and flew out of the base.

Chu Nan had to shake his head to keep up.

Although the two of them tossed in this secret base for more than an hour, it was still dark and quiet outside, and no abnormal sound could be heard all around.

In this case, of course, the two of them could not continue to return to the Goddess Temple, but chose the opposite direction and continued to escape far into the depths of the mountain range.

It took more than two hours for the two of them to carry Pamela and fly a thousand kilometers away, chasing the night to another higher mountain.

"Okay, let's do a check here first."

Angelbely found a cave on the back side of the mountain and drilled into it, placing Pamela on the ground Lie down and put it down, then put both hands on Pamela's chest, and white radiance emerges from the palms, covering Pamela's entire body.

Chu Nan is very clear that Angelababy is of course not healing Pamela, but using the special effect of the flame of life cultivation technique to conduct an in-depth examination of Angelababy, so as to to solve the problem she is facing now.

Although Chu Nan can infer from many features that the mature girl who appeared on the ground with a completely different body shape and a certain change in appearance is Pamela, but obviously now this Pamela has either lost If he lost his mind, either his memory was affected, or he was stimulated by some other thing, otherwise the impossible would launch a frantic attack on Chu Nan as soon as he saw Chu Nan.

Judging from what Ithaway Goddess sect has done before, these problems are likely to be related to human genes.

Chu Nan can easily control all kinds of data about the human body, but if he goes deep into the problems of human genes, he doesn't know anything about it, and he can only rely on Angelina to find out the problems.

Angelberry's examination of Pamela seemed so detailed that it took nearly an hour to put away the cultivation technique, and the white radiance of the palms faded.

"How's it going?" Chu Nan asked immediately after seeing her withdraw her hands. "Did Pamela have some genetic virus implanted by those guys?"

Angebeli looked down at Pamela, who was lying on the ground and was still in a coma and sleeping state. Eyebrows furrowed deeply.

"I can now be sure that my previous speculation was correct. She did have a genetic mutation, which caused such a huge change in size. But...is this because of the influence of a genetic virus? , I'm not so sure."

"Why?" Chu Nan was a little strange. "If it wasn't because of the genetic virus, how could she suddenly have a genetic mutation, and then have such a huge change?"

"Gene mutation can be triggered by many reasons. One of the simplest and most rude ways, but in addition, there are actually many ways to produce such a result. For example, it may be that she encountered some beast attack when she was venturing in the endless abyss , so it was affected by the special gene of the alien beast, and then the mutation occurred, such as..."

Angie Belli eloquently listed several situations, but Chu Nan did not understand any of them.

He is not an expert in this field, and he only came into contact with some knowledge in this field because of acquaintance with Angelique and Elvie, so naturally he can't judge what is going on. These, he is concerned about another issue.

"Then why is she now like this...a look like she lost her mind? Is there any way to make her recover?" Chu Nan asked.

"It should be that the effect of the gene mutation on the cells of the whole body also involves the nerve cells in her brain, causing her logical thinking ability to become disordered, or it directly affects her memory, so she can't recognize it. Wait a minute!"

Angelbely interrupted herself suddenly, she seemed to have thought of something, and looked at Chu Nan in surprise.

"I remembered, Chu Nan, remember? She was always attacking you when she launched an attack, but she basically ignored me?"

"en? Oh... I remembered when you said that, it's true." Chu Nan nodded. "But what does this show?"

"It shows that she still has an impression of you in her brain, and she still has a memory related to you." Having said this, Angelique looked The gaze towards Chu Nan became a little weird. "If you look at it this way, your relationship with her is very unusual."

"Hey, you said you won't be jealous because of this?" Chu Nan gave Angelique a white glance. "If that's the case, it's not surprising. Remember what I told you about her before? She doesn't know many people, and the people she contacts are very good. It's not surprising. But what does it mean that she has a memory of me? It can make her return to normal?"

"She still has some memories of you, which proves that her brain does not It was not completely changed into another brain due to the influence of genetic mutation, and some parts remained intact, which means that we have the hope of repairing her." Angelique Beili said.

"How to fix it?"

Angie Beili glanced at Chu Nan: "Didn't you help her many times before."

" Are you talking about helping her recast the fleshy body?"

"Of course."

Getting Angelina's affirmative answer, Chu Nan didn't hesitate, and immediately stretched out his hand to probe into An Qibeili. On Qibeili, the cultivation technique of the flame of life carried out a comprehensive inspection of her body, and found that her current fleshy body is not only completely different from the previous one, but more importantly, the comprehensive data of the fleshy body It is much stronger than the fleshy body that was obviously flawed and even unable to support cultivation technique.

This change has brought greater difficulties to Chu Nan's recasting of her fleshy body. Fortunately, Chu Nan is much stronger than when he met Pamela on the unknown planet. , and with Angel Beili by her side, it wasn't too difficult for the two of them to work together.

Under the action of the flame of life cultivation technique used by both of them at the same time, Pamela's fleshy body re-condensed little by little, but the fleshy body after the re-condensation did not change as Chu Nan thought. It must be closer to the way it was before, but it is still the same as after the change.

Of course, it's not all the same.

If you look closely, you will still find that Pamela's recast fleshy body has undergone some subtle changes, but it has become more detailed and reasonable, so that the whole fleshy body is no longer as overly as before. Strong, and closer to what a young girl should look like.

Angie Belle lightly sighed after noticing this slight change.

"It seems that the gene has stabilized in her body and has been fully integrated with her fleshy body. We help her recast the fleshy body, which will only make this genetic trait more and more stable."

"Then what?" Chu Nan frowned. "Doesn't this mean that she will never return to her original appearance?"

Angie Belle did not look pessimistic like Chu Nan, but instead asked with a smile: "Why must she return to her original appearance? What? Didn't you tell me before that her fleshy body has been severely damaged since she was a child because of the cultivation technique, which has resulted in a huge defect. Now, the genetic mutation caused by this unknown reason just fills her defect and makes her fleshy body. The body has become strong enough, it can even be said to be perfect. Now this fleshy body is definitely enough for her cultivation to run her own special cultivation technique, which is a good thing for her."

"But what about her memory? ?"

"Memory has nothing to do with fleshy body strength. If we help her continue to recast her fleshy body and stabilize her genes, she may still recover her memory because her brain cells are restored, but if we don't continue to help her, With her current genetic disorder in her body, I am afraid that her fleshy body will collapse and die in the end."

"So we have no choice, right?"

"That's it. "

Chu Nan sighed.

"Then what are you waiting for, keep doing it."

The special milk white radiance belonging to the flame of life lights up again in the cave, Pamela is bathed in the light, fleshy The body is recast again and again, and each recast produces subtle changes.

And after subtle changes again and again, her fleshy body is getting closer and closer to perfection.

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