"Okay, that's all."

I don't know how long it took, Pamela's fleshy body has been recast many times After that, Angelina suddenly put out a breath and let go of her hand.

Chu Nan also retracted his hands and looked down at the fleshy body that Pamela had successfully recast on the ground again. The fleshy body has actually changed significantly compared to before.

For example, the muscles of Pamela's fleshy body were too strong before, so that she looked like a female athlete who was keen on bodybuilding and avoided being an ordinary girl, and now she However, the whole body still has obvious muscles, but it does not appear abrupt, but it integrates well with the whole body, giving people a feeling of being strong but not sturdy, which can be said to be a very perfect figure.

Even the two bulges on her chest that seemed a little too big and protruding before have shrunk in a circle, but it looks more harmonious and beautiful after it is smaller, and there is no more that on it. With the appearance of protruding blue veins, even the skin is fairer, whiter and moister, which is much more attractive than before.

Simply put, Pamela now has changed from the muscular girl before to a normal, youthful and healthy young girl.

And these are only superficial changes, in comparison, the deep changes are more obvious.

Before this, both the blood flow and Inner Breath flow in her body seemed too turbulent, obviously a little abnormal. Now that the fleshy body has been recast so many times, whether it is blood flow or cell vibration in her body The physical data is only stronger than the ordinary person, but it is normal as a Martial Artist.

As for an important indicator of being a Martial Artist, the circulation of Inner Breath is also much more stable and orderly, and it is no longer as disordered and in a mess as before.

As for the other aspect - the genetic characteristics...

"The genetic information she shows now is completely stable, It shouldn't be the case of mutation again, but here "..." Angelina pointed to her head. "The change has occurred. I can't give an accurate judgment on how much her brain cells have been affected and damaged, so whether her memory can be completely restored I didn't dare to confirm."

" What if she loses her memory?" Chu Nan asked with a frown.

"No way." Angelique Shrugged, somewhat helplessly replied: "The human brain has always been the most difficult thing to study thoroughly, and even the most sophisticated ones cannot fully control it. You see, you can make such a huge change because your brain is specially affected by deep hypnotherapy, but if the effect on you is not this positive, but something else , then it's hard to say what you will become, and you may even be brain dead at that time."

"Are you scaring me?" Chu Nan rolled the eyes.

On the way here, Chu Nan revealed his secrets to Angelababy, and even explained his brain mutation when he received treatment at the Western Cloud Academy Logistics Management Center. .

Beyond her expectations, Angelababy was not as surprised and unbelievable as he had imagined. I'm so happy for Chu Nan.

As for why? Just like what she just said.

"I'm not trying to scare you, I'm just telling a fact." Angelique pointed to Pamela who was still lying down. "We can help her get her fleshy body back completely and get her out of the genetic mutation, but we want her to be exactly the same Pamela you were talking about... I'm not sure about it to be honest."

Chu Nan looked down at Pamela whose body had changed greatly, deeply frowned.

After thinking for a while, he took a deep breath to regain his composure.

"Anyway, wake her up before watching." Chu Nan suggested.

"Well...it shouldn't be a problem, you can try it." Angelina thought for a while and agreed.

Chu Nan's palm pressed down again and landed on Pamela's chest. Goddess's hymn cultivation technique was activated, and life force was injected.

Under the supplement of a lot of life force, Pamela quickly regained consciousness, her eyelids moved and her eyes opened.

Chu Nan and Angelique both looked at her nervously while raising their guard.

The two have no way of determining what Pamela will look like now. If she wakes up and attacks the two of them directly as in the base before, it will be troublesome.

But Pamela's reaction was far beyond their expectations.

After she opened her eyes, she first met Chu Nan's gaze, glanced at Chu Nan, then turned to look at Angelique beside her, and then looked down at Chu Nan's hand on her chest. , showing a thoughtful expression, and then asked, "Chu Nan, are you healing me?"

Chu Nan was startled, then overjoyed.

"You know I'm Chu Nan? Very good! Then do you know who you are?"

"Your question is strange, of course I'm Pamela." Pamela took another look at Chu Nan's hand on her chest. "Can you take your hand away first? Let me get up."

Chu Nan quickly withdrew his hand, laughed a little embarrassedly.

"Cough...I was helping you heal just now, nothing else, don't mind..."

"I know, you did this when we first met Many times, I've gotten used to it." Pamela sat up straight and turned her head to look towards Angelique. "Who is she? Your friend?"

"Um...my girlfriend to be exact." Chu Nan replied. "She's an expert in genetic engineering. If it weren't for her, I might not be able to solve your problem by myself."

"My problem?" Pamela looked down at herself, silent. After thinking for a while, he raised his head and said to Chu Nan: "Can you tell me in detail what happened in the middle?"

"No problem."

Chu Nan said from himself Several people and Prince Lycas came to find the lost Imperial Family younger generation and started talking until they rescued Pamela from the underground base and brought her here to recast the fleshy body.

"Angie Belle found that you have a mixture of different genetic information in your body, guessing that you may have been impacted by multiple genetic information, or simply injected with multiple different genetic viruses. , that caused the gene mutation to become what it is now, do you have any impression of the process in the middle?" Chu Nan finally asked.

"Gene mutation?" Pamela looked down at her body again, reached out and touched the two bulges on her chest, pondered then said: "My body has indeed changed a lot. A big change, at least it's a lot bigger here. But I just remember being knocked unconscious by space turbulence, and I don't know what happened after that."

"Wait!" Chu Nan frowned. "You said you didn't know anything about what happened between you?"

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