"Well, I just vaguely remember that I had a hand with you guys just now, and then I was..." Pamela turned her head and glanced at Angelique. "It should have been knocked out by her, and then I came here and didn't wake up until just now."

Angelbely stuck out her tongue at her: "I'm sorry, if I didn't knock you out just now. , we're having a hard time dealing with it."

"I know." Pamela nodded. "I don't mean to blame you, but I would also like to thank you and Chu Nan for helping me solve such a serious problem."

Angie Belle was about to say a few words of modesty to Pamela, but was caught by Chu Nan. Nan interrupted directly.

"Wait, Pamela, make it clear, you really don't remember what happened in the middle? You don't remember you left your Declan Imperial Family in the healing bay in that base. 's special mark? Don't remember that you escaped from that base? Don't remember that you caught up again?"

"Why do you ask that?" Pamela asked in confusion. "I have been in a coma since I encountered the turbulence of time and space, and I don't know what happened in the middle."

Chu Nan gasped in his heart.

If what Pamela said is true, she has been in a coma all the time, then it is completely inconsistent with what Chu Nan is currently grasping.

What he knew was that Pamela found an opportunity to escape in the former base in the endless abyss, and then disappeared, but then she didn't know what happened, and was taken by Essevi. The Goddess sect was recaptured and locked in the place just now.

From the information obtained from various aspects, this is basically a complete time chain.

But now Pamela said this, but there was an obvious contradiction immediately.

Then there are only two explanations.

The first explanation is that after Pamela was arrested again, she had a genetic mutation for reasons that are not yet known, resulting in brain damage, memory loss, and loss of the period in between. memory.

The second explanation is that someone is lying.

Chu Nan certainly wouldn't suspect that Pamela was lying. He carefully recalled the experience of these days and immediately came to a conclusion.

This is a trap from start to finish!

From the time he and Angelique returned to the space in the endless abyss to find Pamela's whereabouts, they had actually fallen into this trap!

Pamela didn't leave a mark in that treatment chamber at all, she simply failed to escape, and she became like this now, it must be the people in Athaway's Goddess sect who did it deliberately, As for the purpose, I am afraid that Chu Nan and Angelique will be brought over.

As for the later contact with Grulik, and then mixed into the Goddess Temple under Grulik's recommendation, I am afraid that it was all arranged by the other party, and he was once again deceived by Grulik.

Even before they came forward to "beat the grass to scare the snake" to alarm the High Priest Siegfried, and then the High Priest Siegfried immediately came to check on Pamela's situation, it was the other party's intention The gestures posed were intentionally letting them find Pamela!

This is the highest probability conclusion that Chu Nan lightbrain's brain infers from various scenarios, but he still can't figure it out, why did the other party do this?

He doesn't undervalue oneself, he and Angelique both have extremely high value, but Athaway Goddess sect shouldn't know so well, nor should it cost so much He even took out Pamela as a bait and set such a big trap to lure them.

Is it worth it?

While strong doubts arose in his heart, Chu Nan also had a strong sense of crisis.

He stood up abruptly and said resolutely: "Let's go quickly, or it might be too late!"

Angelberry and Pamela looked at them suspiciously Chu Nan, I don't understand how he reacted so suddenly, and even became so anxious.

Just as they were about to ask questions, the two of them had a warning sign in their hearts, their expressions changed, and they looked out of the cave with Chu Nan.

Darkness outside the cave in the sky, a light full of holy flavor suddenly descended from the sky, setting the sky as bright as day, spreading it in, and making the cave brighter.

A voice familiar to both Chu Nan and Angel Beili came in, causing their faces to change dramatically.

"Thanks for your help, you have solved a very important problem for the alliance. Please come out now, let us warmly welcome the two of you."

It turned out to be Pope Rockmaton!

Chu Nan's face sinks like water.

He just calculated the consequences of all this in his mind, and came to the conclusion that this was most likely Athaway Goddess sect deliberately targeting him and Angelique. Although he didn't quite believe it, the data calculated. As a result, he couldn't help but believe, and now Pope Lockmaton has appeared.

He was completely unexpected, but after thinking about it, it made sense that Pope Lockmaton would actually appear in person.

Obviously, the other party made it clear that they would not give them any chance to escape, and this time they were decided.

Chu Nan took a deep breath, took off his coat and trousers from behind and handed it to Pamela.

"Let's put it on first, and go out later and ask them for a set of clothes."

After saying that, he nodded to Angelique and took the lead to go out.

When I came to the entrance of the cave, I saw that several silhouettes in the night sky were bathed in the upgraded light, and there was one person in the middle, of course, Pope Lockmaton, whom Chu Nan was already quite familiar with.

And behind Pope Lockmaton, Glulick was also floating in midair, looking at Chu Nan with a smug smile.

Chu Nan first looked towards him, sighed, shaking his head gently.

"I admit, I'm stupid this time. I've already been deceived by you once, but I still choose to believe you again. As Qibeili suggested, directly implant hidden dangers in your body, at least you won't betray me so unscrupulously."

Grulick floated forward slightly, staring at Chu Nan Fangsheng laughed.

"As I said before, you are not vicious and merciless enough to be a major event material. Of course, even if you are ruthless enough to use those tactics against me, you would think that Does it really work for me? With the protection of Pope Your Majesty, do you really think you can actually threaten me? Ha! Stop dreaming!"

"Glulick, I To remind you again, the brilliance you received did not come from my protection, but the kindness of Lord Goddess to you." Pope Lockmaton spoke slowly.

"Yes, yes, it's my fault, thanks to the blessing of Lord Goddess, so that I can be defeated without any threat." Glulick hurriedly nodded to be taught.

After teaching Glulick, Pope Lockmaton's eyes fell on Chu Nan again.

"It's better not to try to resist, Goddess is on top, you have no chance of escaping."

After that, he focused his attention on this time before he dressed up and walked out of the cave. Pamela on the Imperial Princess.

"As for His Royal Highness Pamela, don't worry, in three hours, Ambassador Orel will be a guest in the temple, and at the same time lead the Imperial Princesses of your country to return to the empire, but you will Return with them, and may Goddess's brilliance bless you to return safely."

Pamela raised her head, looked towards Pope Lochmardon, and suddenly spoke coldly.

"What if I don't go back?"

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