Angelberry, who was flanking next to her, also retreated at the same time and stood with Chu Nan.

"What? You don't think I'm my opponent, do you want to run away?" Seeing that the two of them retreated together, Glulick burst out laughing. "Ha, it's not that easy to run!"

Grulick's mind changed, the scorching sun fusion Divine Art continued to motivate, and the Inner Breath ran wildly, actively chasing Chu Nan and Angelique In the past, he actually planned to entangle them in turn, so that they would be killed together when Athaway Goddess sect came.

As soon as he took a step, he suddenly trembled violently, and suddenly he felt the powerful Inner Breath rushing frantically in the meridian of his whole body, like an out of control flood. stand up.

Grulick's whole body meridian was hit hard in an instant, and his whole body was damaged from the main meridian to almost every peripheral meridian, and the out of control Inner Breath immediately gushed out of the meridian like a flood that burst a dyke , in an instant frantically scours his whole body.

"pu ——"

Grulick's mouth was a mouthful of blood spurted, he had lost all control over his fleshy body in an instant, and he thumped an unusually crisp thud Falling to the ground, let alone continue to attack Chu Nan and Angelique, even one of his own fingers can't control it.

Chu Nan Shi Shiran came over, squatted down in front of Grulik, and smiled at Grulik, who was trembling all over, obviously in extreme pain.

"Hey, don't you understand what's going on?"

Grulick endured the pain from every inch of his body, and clenched his teeth tightly so that he wouldn't let himself Making a painful voice, staring at Chu Nan with doubts in his eyes.

He really didn't understand, why did it suddenly become like this?

Just now he clearly got a major breakthrough in the fusion of the scorching sun and Divine Art. He should have been in the Peak state. Under the Divine Art Great Accomplishment, he even had the confidence to defeat Chu Nan and Angel Bei with one against two. Li two, but didn't expect such a change to happen suddenly.

Seeing the look on Grurick's face, Chu Nan shook the head, sighed.

"Ai, thank you for being a genius who can break through Heavenly Reign Grade at such a young age, don't you understand such a simple truth? It's actually a good explanation for it to become like this, that is, your fleshy body strength is insufficient To support your cultivation technique needs. To tell you the truth, I have seen a lot of cultivation techniques like you that forcefully activate cultivation technique to improve strength in a short period of time, and I can easily perform better than you, but this way It is too burdensome for the fleshy body and is not suitable. Although this cultivation technique of yours is indeed good, it is also impossible to violate the most basic principles of Martial Artist. To be honest..."

Chu Nan suddenly approached Gru Rick, with a sarcastic smile on his face.

"Your cultivation technique is actually not complete. The person who taught you didn't tell you this question, so I'm afraid they didn't have much goodwill towards you. If I'm not mistaken, he simply is I'm using you to experiment with cultivation techniques."

"It's impossible!" "I am the master's most proud dísciple, the best dísciple with innate talent, and the dísciple that he expects the most. He is impossible to treat me like this, impossible..."


A palm suddenly fell on top of Glulik's head, causing Glulik's voice to stop abruptly.

Chu Nan watched in amazement as Angelique's palm moved away from Glulick's head.

"Hey, Angelique, I haven't molested enough yet, why did you kill me?"

"You wicked guy." Angelique etc. He glanced at Chu Nan, then pointed to the night sky. "There's not that much time for you to play."

Chu Nan raised his head and saw several silhouettes appear in the night sky.

The man in the middle is Pope Lochmarton.

Chu Nan immediately put his mind away, stood up straight, and prepared.

Although I managed to escape from Pope Rockmaton and two other Star Level Martial Artists last time, it was mainly because of surprises. Now I have learned the lesson from the last time. If I still use the same tricks I'm afraid it won't be that easy.

If not taken seriously and prepared, they are now actually quite dangerous.

Pope Lochmarton looked down at Chu Nan and Angelique below, his eyes swept over Glulick, who had turned into a corpse and could not sense any breath at all, his face could no longer be seen. Keep your usual amiable smile and terrifying gloomy expression.

Coldly snorted by Chu Nan's gaze.

“hmph! I thought you two managed to escape last time, and should have escaped far away. didn’t expect you two to be so bold, not only hiding here for a few days, but even daring to show up Killing yourself. What a guts!"

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes and looked at Pope Rockmaton, and looked the head.

"It's not that we are bold, but that something must be done. Your Excellency, do you think it is necessary for you to hunt us down like this?"

" It's not necessary to kill you, but she..." Pope Lockmarton turned his gaze to Angelique. "We have to get it."

As soon as the voice fell, Pope Rockmaton's aura skyrocketed, and the two suddenly felt an incomparably powerful pressure falling from the sky, and they went straight to the two like Mount Tai pressing the top. come.

Chu Nan and Angelina raised one hand at the same time in a very tacit understanding, clasping their fingers together, Angelina's Inner Breath surged frantically, and Chu Nan controlled the full mobilization.

At this point, Chu Nan was already ready, and without any delay, he perfectly and fully integrated his own Inner Breath and Angelique's Inner Breath, and instantly adjusted to five with Nine Revolutions Core Technique. When he changed his state, he slapped it with a backhand, and it was actually forcibly blocking Pope Rockmaton's blow.

The space above the two of them was broken, and they felt the space energy in the crazy different space flowing out of the Space Crack. Chu Nan changed his mind and planned to use this space energy for his own use, and open the temporary space again. Transmission Gate.

Before they came here to kill Grulik, the two had long thought that they would alarm the people of the Goddess sect, and would most likely attract an unstoppable enemy like Pope Rockmaton, so Plan the escape route and method in advance, but you don't panic.

With the experience of successfully escaping last time, this time they are more well-prepared, more experienced, and naturally have no reason to fail.

However, just as the light of the Transmission Gate flickered in front of Chu Nan, and it was about to open, Pope Lockmaton in midair suddenly spoke up.

"Wait a minute, let's have a good talk."

"en?" Chu Nan and Angelique stopped their raised right feet in surprise, and looked up. towards Pope Rockmaton, but saw that he had withdrawn his hand, and the huge pressure on the two of them had also withdrawn in an instant.

Pope Lochmarton still lowered his head and looked directly at the two of them. After meeting the slightly suspicious eyes of the two, he nodded to the two of them, and then waved his hand.

The rest of the people who appeared with him immediately stepped back, and disappeared from sight after a while, it seemed that they planned to leave them a space to talk privately with Pope Lochmardon. .

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