"Don't doubt, I didn't mean to ambush you, and to be honest, there's no need for that now."

Pope Lochmarton's voice fell from the sky, but It was not transmitted through air vibrations, but was obviously transmitted directly into the ears of the two through space energy microwave vibrations.

Chu Nan frowned and glanced at him, knowing that he did not maintain such a posture to continue to maintain aloof and remote, but to maintain a safe distance between the two to avoid causing them to be higher. Be wary.

At this distance, even if he suddenly launches an attack, Chu Nan has the confidence to jump into the different space together with Angelique and leave calmly through the transmission gate track that has been laid long ago.

And he used space energy microwave vibration to transmit the sound, which proved that what he said next was related to a relatively secret topic that he did not want to disclose.

From these two points of view, Pope Rockmaton seems to be quite sincere.

Chu Nan pondered for a moment in his heart, and first confirmed that the fluctuation trajectory of the Transmission Gate he had left was not affected and destroyed. She nodded, winked.

Angelbely instantly understood what Chu Nan meant, and also looked up at Pope Rockmaton who was in the sky, slightly frowned, and signaled to Chu Nan's nomination, agreeing with him judgment.

Chu Nan then raised his head again, looking towards Pope Rockmaton, and sent his voice over.

"Sir Pope, what do you mean by that?"

Seeing that the two did not flee, but chose to stay and talk to him, Pope Lockmaton showed a face. A smile full of admiration, gently nod, and the voice came again.

"It literally means. Since we couldn't keep the two of you last time, then we lost our best chance, and naturally there is no need for that now."

Seeing Chu Nan still frowning and showing a puzzled expression, Pope Lochmarton paused and added: "Perhaps you won't understand this, so I'll make it clearer. I don't know if you have any in the past few days. Contact with Declan Empire through other methods, but just this morning, Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce sent me an official letter directly through official channels at the same time, naming and wishing sect to ensure the safety of both of you. "

Speaking of this, Pope Rockmaton sighed, looking at Chu Nan with a frenzy in his eyes, but his face was full of regret.

"Having both Declan Empire and Nourytham Chamber of Commerce show you such importance at the same time is enough to fully reflect your value. I regret that I underestimated you that time. Take you down. If I knew at the time that even you, Chu Nan, were valued so much by them, I would definitely keep the two of you at all costs, which would definitely bring great benefits to the alliance and the sect.”

Chu Nan grinned and understood.

It turned out that the Declan Empire and the Chamber of Commerce of Norantham both put pressure on Othaway's Goddess sect to prompt Pope Lochmardon to change his attitude.

It's no wonder that the blow just now made him clearly feel that Pope Lockmaton didn't use all his strength, otherwise he wouldn't be able to resist it so easily even if he combined Angelbelle's Inner Breath.

However, the response of Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce was somewhat unexpected. They actually sent an official letter to Athaway Goddess sect directly through official channels, directly to Lockmaton. The Pope put pressure on him, so that he could not help but have scruples. It can be said that Chu Nan and Angelique are both very important.

It's no wonder that Pope Lochmarton had such a feeling.

If it wasn't for Chu Nan and Angelberry's strong value, how could it be possible for Declan Empire and Chamber of Commerce to come together for them?

Thinking about it, Chu Nan still said with a modest smile: "Sir Pope, you have won the prize. In fact, Angelique and I were just because we helped out at the garden hunting party before. Doing them a favor is just a small contribution. As officials with merit, it is normal for them to want to save our lives, isn't it? Otherwise, no one will work for them in the future."

Pope Lochmarton shook his head slightly, obviously not believing Chu Nan's nonsense.

"Okay, since the opportunity is missed, there's nothing to say. Don't say that we, Athaway Goddess sect, even the entire alliance will not choose to offend Declan Empire and Noyante at this time at the same time. Mr. Chamber of Commerce. With both of them on your side, you're safe. The day after tomorrow is the day when the ceremony is officially held, and the day when those Declan Empire Imperial Family younger generations set off and return to Declan Empire. You two If you want, you can go back with them at that time."

"Um..." Chu Nan thought for a while and declined the proposal. "Many thanks, His Holiness the Pope kindly arranged, but when the time comes we will find a way to go back by ourselves, so you don't need to bother."

"It's up to you." Pope Lockmaton waved his hand, and then With a movement of the wrist, an abnormal wave of spatial energy surged.

Chu Nan and Angelique raised their brows, thinking that Pope Rockmaton was about to strike again, but then relaxed.

That energy wave was not strong, and it didn't come at them, and went straight down, but rolled up Grulick's body on the ground, made it float, and flew to Lockmaton. by the Pope.

Pope Lochmarton glanced at Grulick, who was already dead, and looked at the head with regret.

“His innate talent is very good. If he can calm down and cultivate his weapons well, he is very likely to become a powerful Star Level Martial Artist in the future, and even reach the top. However, he has major flaws in his character, small Too many thoughts, but in the end it ended up like this, but also having only oneself to blame."

After saying that, Pope Lockmaton's eyes turned to Angelique.

"Ms. Angelberry, the invitation I sent to you before is still valid. If you are willing to do your best for the alliance, the alliance will definitely receive the best treatment."

Angie Belle gently snorted: "What I hate most is being threatened, you dare to threaten me with Chu Nan's life before, then you should never let me serve you. "

"Is that so?" Pope Rockmaton laughed, not seeming surprised by Angelique's refusal, didn't seem to care much, and waved at the two of them. "Then say hello to Oville for me. If she has time to come to sect, I'll be very welcome."

Angelberry stared at him without saying a word.

Pope Lochmarton showed a helpless smile, let out a soft sigh, and turned around. Before he had finished turning, the whole person had completely disappeared.

Feeling the violent spatial energy fluctuations in the sky, he actually broke through the wall of space and left.

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