Before leaving the Kingdom of Saclairda, Pamela found Chu Nan again and offered to hand over all the Obliteration Core Technique she had mastered, so that Chu Nan could help her improve her cultivation. technique to improve strength, but was rejected by Chu Nan again.

If the first time I heard this proposal, Chu Nan refused mainly because he was worried that the Declan Empire Imperial Family would come to him because of the leak of the Obliteration Core Technique, if the gain outweighed the loss, then in When she refused for the second time, a large part of the reason was also for Pamela's consideration.

During this period of time, Chu Nan, through some of his own investigations and inquiries when he contacted the Imperial Princess privately, found that the Declan Empire Imperial Family would not only conduct outsiders who stole the Obliteration Core Technique. Punishment and investigation will also impose extremely severe punishment on the Imperial Family younger generation who leaked the Obliteration Core Technique to outsiders.

Pamela finally passed the second stage of the garden hunting party, successfully obtained the inheritance, and survived under the Goddess sect of Ithaway, if this kind of thing ruins her great future , that's really a pity.

In order to help Pamela to solve her cultivation technique and learn the Obliteration Core Technique from her, it would be more harmful than beneficial to both of them, and Chu Nan was of course unwilling to accept it.

The past few days Chu Nan also believed that he analyzed the pros and cons to Pamela and got Pamela's approval, so what they are doing now is only based on Pamela's cultivation technique. Some problems are targeted for exploration and improvement suggestions.

Although the speed is definitely much worse than Chu Nan mastering the Obliteration Core Technique by himself, the effect may not be bad.

After all, only Chu Nan is fully capable of giving Pamela the most accurate advice with his powerful data ability, even more how and Angelique.

Or, to be more precise, Angelique's existence now seems to be more important than Chu Nan.

In the past few days, the two of them joined hands and discovered that the Obliteration Core Technique of Pamela cultivation, which was improved by Prince Sallymore himself, is indeed very different from the ordinary Obliteration Core Technique. , it can not only be used to tempering the fleshy body and improve fleshy body strength like ordinary cultivation techniques, but also directly affect the deepest genetic information.

Because of having mastered a wide variety of cultivation techniques from Nebula Academy and Chamber of Commerce, and with the support of his own powerful brain, Chu Nan believes that he is very knowledgeable about the types of cultivation techniques and each of them. The understanding of this form is far beyond the general Martial Artist, but he has never seen or heard of any cultivation technique that can be so magical.

On this issue, he also specifically raised questions when he contacted Romandi Imperial Princess privately, and confirmed from her that the normal Obliteration Core Technique does not have such peculiar characteristics, so it is certain that this should be It is the biggest change that Prince Sallymore made to the Obliteration Core Technique, and it is very likely that after Pamela's cultivation since childhood, it caused major defects in the fleshy body, so that she almost practiced herself to death.

Chu Nan took another look at Pamela, and saw that although her body was dark and her body was trembling slightly, it was obvious that the cultivation technique still made her feel some pain, but compared to the unknown one before. There are too many benefits to encounter on planet, which proves that the big change in body caused by this genetic mutation is a very effective improvement for Pamela, and solves a large part of her fleshy body problems.

Of course, he is also very clear that this is just a moment. As Pamela continues the cultivation technique and her strength improves, her fleshy body will sooner or later be unable to support the improved Obliteration Core Technique. Come to higher demands.

"Let's not talk about the Obliteration Core Technique, since you have discovered that her cultivation technique can affect the deep genetic information, is there a way to solve this problem?" Chu Nan asked Angelique Beili. .

"Well...there should be a way." Angelique pondered for a moment and gave a positive answer. "But I'm afraid we have to do a lot of experiments on Pamela to make it possible. But you know... every change in genetic information will directly affect the changes in the fleshy body, and the pain in it is very terrifying, I'm worried..."

"It's okay." Pamela suddenly opened her eyes. "I've been suffering since I was a child, and I've been used to it."

Angie Belle was stunned. Seeing Pamela's calm expression, she suddenly remembered what Chu Nan had told her in private before. Some of the things I have told about Pamela, I know that she has been in the Obliteration Core Technique which has been modified since she was a child, which means that she has been enduring the extreme pain brought to her by this cultivation technique since she was a child. Couldn't help but feel a hint of pity.

Then she immediately became excited, patted Pamela's shoulder with a smile, and said happily: "Okay, I believe you can bear the pain, otherwise you should have collapsed long ago. You know what? Mila, this time you have a genetic mutation because of the many genetic information implantation experiments performed by those people in Ithaway Goddess sect. Although it has caused great harm to you, it has also given you a very precious opportunity. ."

"Chance?" Pamela and Chu Nan looked at her in confusion.

"Yes. Under normal circumstances, human genetic information is still very stable, and it is difficult to change, so if there is no accident, your fleshy body will always be unable to meet the needs of this cultivation technique. You've been in pain and can't meet the needs of the cultivation technique. But now that you have a genetic mutation, I find that the genetic information in your body is in a very confusing state. This state is dangerous for the average person , but it is an opportunity for you. Because this cultivation technique can directly affect the deep genes, if you can properly adjust the cultivation technique to fuse with the unstable genes in your body, you can hope to solve this problem. Cultivation technique."

"oh?" Pamela didn't react much, but Chu Nan showed a very surprised expression. "Is there such a solution? So what should I do?"

Pamela also looked at Angelique intently, waiting for her answer.

Who knew that Angelique Shook the head and shrugged.

"I don't know. I just know now that the idea has the potential to work, but you're not going to let me tell you how to do it now. But we can experiment, as long as you can afford to experiment again and again , I believe that with the ability of Chu Nan and I, we should be able to find a suitable solution for you."

"So what are you waiting for?" Pamela stood up and calmly faced the two of them. one stop. "Come on."

"Well, Chu Nan, it's your turn to cooperate with me this time. I'll guide Pamela to familiarize herself with the changes in genetic information in her body. Pay attention to the changes in her cultivation technique and help her. Adjust."

"It's easy to say."

Chu Nan and Angelique one after the other, each stretched out a palm to Pamela's body, At the same time probe into the Inner Breath.

It's just that this time is different from just now. This time, Angelina's palms burst out with white radiance, but she used the cultivation technique of the flame of life to enter Pamela's fleshy body and began to carry out the manipulation of her fleshy body. Stimulation, the genetic information that stimulates her fleshy body is more apparent.

At first, Pamela was unfamiliar with this method, and it took a long time to grasp what Angelbelle said, "The manifestation of genetic information will have various effects on your fleshy body. With the words "change", I began to slowly get a clue of one of the tricks, and gradually cooperated with Angelique more tacitly.

Chu Nan originally monitored the Inner Breath and fleshy body changes in Pamela's body, tracking the subtle effects of Pamela's cultivation technique, but when Pamela began to realize that Angel What Beili meant, when trying to combine the cultivation technique with the genetic information in the body, Chu Nan suddenly sensed a very strange change in Pamela's body.

Sensing this very weak and very strange change, Chu Nan moved in his heart.

Perhaps...this is the key to what Prince Sallymore wanted to change the Obliteration Core Technique?

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