Declan Empire center Star Domain, Declan Empire capital system - Lantis system.

After jumping out of the stargate, a medium-sized cosmic spaceship with the obvious Declan Empire Imperial Family logo on its exterior, after nearly an hour of positive space flight, finally arrived at a distance of seventeen light minutes away from the stargate. Landis Star Space Station.

The spaceship stops at the Imperial Family berth. Naturally, there is no need to mix with other passengers. Chu Nan and Angelique are together with the other Imperial Family younger generations who came back together. Under the leadership of count Houmuller, he got off the spaceship. As soon as he walked into the space station, a familiar silhouette rushed over.

"Hey, Chu Nan, Angelique, you two are finally back."

Romandy Imperial Princess had an unabashed happy smile on her face, even ignoring the people around her With extremely amazed eyes, he stretched out his arms and hugged Chu Nan firmly, and then hugged Angeli Beili well, and then turned his eyes to Pamela who was behind the two of them.

After taking a closer look at Pamela, the Imperial Princess' face was full of surprise.

"Although I heard you guys say it in advance, but I still feel incredible after seeing it with my own eyes. I remember that Pamela used to be relatively thin, but now..."

Romandy Imperial Princess's gaze swept across Pamela's towering chest, and then looked down at her own chest, her expression became strange.

"This has changed too much."

If it was the previous Pamela, facing the undisguised look of Romandy Imperial Princess, I am afraid it would be because I am not good at it. She bowed her head because of her personality to communicate with outsiders, but now she looked at Romandi Imperial Princess unceremoniously, and it seemed that her personality was as straightforward and generous as Romandi Imperial Princess.

"Cough..." Chu Nan coughed lightly, interrupting Imperial Princess Imperial Princess' continued scrutiny of Pamela, looking left and right, and asked, "Romandy, why are you here? You are not Should I go back to my house after attending the banquet?"

"I should have gone back, but knowing that you and Angelique will be here, I will stay and wait for you." Romandi Imperial Princess retracted her gaze and looked at Chu Nan carefully again, with a surprised expression on her face. "Hey, Chu Nan, how do I feel... I haven't seen you for a while, you seem to be getting stronger again?"

"Maybe." Chu Nan shrugged with a smile. "After all, Angelababy and I went on an adventure this time, and we fought with Star Level Martial Artist, so we'll improve to some extent."

"Is it because of this?" Romandy The Imperial Princess looked at Chu Nan and Angelique suspiciously, leaned a little closer, and asked in a low voice with a mysterious expression: "Hey, Chu Nan, did you really escape from the three Star Level Martial Artists?"

"Didn't Angelina tell you?" Chu Nan astonished asked rhetorically. "What? You don't believe it?"

"No, I believe it, but... it's still a little weird. How the hell did you do it? Angelbely didn't tell me at all. ."

"Because it is Chu Nan who plays the main role, I can't explain it to you clearly." Angie Belle next to her explained.


"No." Before the Imperial Princess could speak, Chu Nan shook his head and refused. "I can't explain this issue as clearly as you, at least I can't explain it here."

Romandy Imperial Princess turned around and saw the other people who came to greet her and the group of people who led Chu Nan. Count Houmul and the other returning princes, Imperial Princess, looked towards this side, then nodded, shrank back, and then stretched out their hand to Chu Nan.

"Hey Chu Nan, Angelique, welcome to Landis, the capital of the Empire, hope you have a good time on Landis."

Chu Nan couldn't help laughing, and reached out to hold the Imperial Princess with his hand.

"Does it have to be so formal?"

"Of course. You two brought back so many Imperial Family younger generation safety this time, which can be said to be for our Declan Imperial Family You have made a very big contribution, but Laikas Uncle explained to me that you must be treated as VIPs." Romandy Imperial Princess nodded and said with a serious expression.

"Isn't that exaggerated? It stands to reason that Prince Laikas deserves the most credit. The Imperial Princesses were able to come back because he forced Pope Lockmaton to reach an agreement with him. "

"No, it was mainly because of your help that Lykas Uncle was able to finally come back safely and to force Pope Lochmardon to make an agreement with him, so it is also your credit." At this point, Romandi Imperial Princess lowered her voice again. "Besides, don't think I don't know, it's also you who tipped off Ambassador Orel, right?"

"It's enough to know, no need to say it." Chu Nan smiled slightly. "Well, since you think we have made a lot of credit, shouldn't we prepare some rewards that satisfy us? If you can bring me more S-Rank cultivation techniques, it will be very good. ."

"Don't ask me about this, I can't decide these things." Romandy Imperial Princess waved her hand. "However, when it comes to the rewards of the hunting party, I am sure. Based on your performance on the second stage of the hunting party, it should be no problem to get an S-Rank martial skill reward."

"Is this what Prince Laikas told you?"

"I guessed it."

Chu Nan rolled the eyes, knowing that Prince Laikas would definitely not put these details The news was revealed to Romandy Imperial Princess, but no matter from which point of view, he has helped Declan Empire so much this time, not only helping them keep so many Imperial Family younger generation safe, but most importantly, also helping Lekas The prince survived in such a bad situation, and was even able to launch a sharp counterattack. Instead, he forced Pope Lockmaton and him to reach favorable conditions for the Declan Empire. No matter how you look at it, it is a great achievement.

Even if his performance in the garden hunting party is not enough, it is not too much for the Declan Empire Imperial Family to reward him with an S-Rank cultivation technique based on these credits?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan felt relieved, followed Romandi Imperial Princess, left the space station under the leadership of Hömüller count, and took the rail car to the surface of Landis.

This is of course the first time for Chu Nan to come to Landis Star. Although I have learned about Landis Star through various media methods on the pan-galactic network before, I set foot on this star. The capital planet of the Declan Empire still has a different meaning.

This famous planet, known as the hometown of Martial Artist in the Milky Way, the Martial Skill Place of Origin in the Milky Way, and the Declan Imperial Family Place of Origin, is not particularly huge in itself, nor does it have many features. But it's just an ordinary pleasant planet that's a circle smaller than Earth.

But just because it's the planet, the capital of the Declan Empire, everything looks different.

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