
The thick door made of an unknown alloy closed behind him, and the room Chu Nan entered immediately became a complete A completely airtight space that is sealed with no gaps in sight.

There is no obvious light source in the room, but the whole room is lit in all directions. It is not particularly bright, but it is not weak, and the warm light that can completely illuminate the whole room makes this From the light point of view, the room is not much different from the outside world.

Chu Nan swept around and found that this room is actually not small. It is ten meters long, eight meters wide, and the top floor is more than three meters high. It doesn't make people feel too much inside. repressed.

Although the room is completely sealed on all sides, the air feels very fresh and clean when breathing, and there is no turbid feeling at all.

The layout of the room is rather simple, with only a single bed, a set of simple tables and chairs, and a simple device that should be used for toileting and excretion in the corner.

No matter how you look at it, this should be a cell, but it's obviously not an ordinary cell.

Chu Nan walked to one of the walls, patted it lightly with his palm, and an Inner Breath leaked from his palm, and hit the wall with about one-tenth of his full strength.

Although it is only one-tenth, with Chu Nan's current strength, the strength in this palm cannot be underestimated.

If this wall is only made of ordinary alloy, under Chu Nan's palm, even if it is not completely penetrated, it will definitely be severely damaged.

However, now that his palm fell, there was only a wave of ripples visible to naked eyes on the wall, but the whole wall was completely motionless, and there was no sign of damage at all.

Chu Nan pressed his palm against the wall, slightly frowned.

The touch of this palm reminded him of a similar situation he had encountered before.

That's what happened when Giggs, the director of the Chamber of Commerce in Nourantham, set a trap to capture him after participating in the Orion Spiral Arm Martial Artist Academy Alliance tournament.

At that time he was imprisoned by Director Giggs in a solid cabin of the spaceship. At that time, the wall in the sealed cabin had the ability to absorb and dissolve powerful forces.

It's just that the capsule at that time was obviously much weaker than the wall of the prison in front of it. The capsule was only made of solid metal and had a special energy protection net, and the wall in front of it not only The thickness is amazing, and the Metal Attribute is obviously much stronger. It also comes with a special energy protection net. The data obtained through the palm test just now is far stronger than that on the wall of the sealed cabin, and it is also more complicated and more complicated. many.

Chu Nan didn't spend too much time analyzing the characteristics of the energy protection net on the wall of the capsule. Work hard.

And when the palm was shot, Chu Nan also tested the space in the prison where he was located. Obviously, he also had special treatment. It means that not only can he not penetrate the wall of space and leave, but he can't even mobilize the energy of space to exert more power.

"Hey, you really look up to me, to use such a high-standard cell."

Chu Nan shook his head, turned to the other wall, and slapped the palm of his hand. It's basically the same wall as before.

He then took another test on the remaining two walls and the floor under his feet, and the result was still the same.

Finally he looked up at the ceiling above his head.

Because he couldn't mobilize the space energy smoothly, it was obviously impossible to fly. If he wanted to slap the ceiling, he would have to jump up.

It's not that difficult, after all, with his current fleshly body strength, let alone jumping three meters high, even a 30-meter jump is not difficult.

It's just that the action will be too obvious and will definitely attract the attention of others.

Just as Chu Nan was considering whether to use the vibration of the wall to transmit to the ceiling for testing, the side of the wall facing him to the bed suddenly glowed brightly, and a virtual screen appeared.

"Don't try, this prison is made to successfully imprison a Star Level Martial Artist. Even if you have excellent innate talent, it is impossible to escape from it."

Chu Nan suppressed the thoughts in his heart, turned around and looked towards the virtual screen on the wall, smiled and said: "How do you know if you don't try? Right, Your Royal Highness?"

On the virtual screen The revealed Prince of Rockamp shook the head: "I thought you decided to surrender obediently, proving that you are a wise man, but didn't expect to still like to have unrealistic fantasies like a normal youngster. Since we Putting you into this prison is to make sure you don't escape, so you'd better not make pointless attempts. Otherwise, if you cause the guards to misunderstand you, you will be severely punished."

"no no no , I think you have made a mistake, Your Royal Highness. The first reason why I was willing to obediently surrender just now, instead of resisting, is that I don't think I have done anything wrong. If I run Now, the unfortunate one is His Royal Highness Pamela. I can't let her suffer injustice, so I am willing to stay and prove her innocence. As for the second reason..."

Here, Chu Nan smiled bitterly .

"His Royal Highness, apart from you in the shuttle, I clearly sensed the existence of three other Star Level Martial Artists. Do you take me so seriously? Just to catch me as an ordinary Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, actually dispatched four powerful Star Level Martial Artists in one go?"

Prince Rockamp's expression remained unchanged: "According to the information, you and your girlfriend Angelique are in the When Ithaway's Light was on the planet, I had successfully escaped from Pope Rockmarton and two other Star Level Martial Artists, so in order to ensure that you can be captured, it is necessary for us to be cautious."

Chu Nan showed a surprised expression.

"So it looks like you guys are really well prepared, and obviously prepared for this operation in advance. So can I ask, when did you decide to do this? And I'm very Strange, since I think I am suspected of stealing the Obliteration Core Technique, with your Declan Imperial Family's usual style of doing things, don't you kill me first? Why do you have to work so hard to arrest me?"

"If you were just an ordinary Martial Artist, of course we would do it." Prince Rockamp answered coldly and unceremoniously. "But after all, you have provided great help to our Declan Imperial Family in previous incidents and made great achievements. Our Declan Imperial Family has always rewarded those who have meritorious deeds, and of course they will treat you extra. even more how you steal learning The Obliteration Core Technique is only a matter of suspicion and has not yet been confirmed, so we still need to conduct a detailed investigation and interrogation to confirm."

"Oh...so I really am not dead?" Chu Nan laughed He got up, put on a sighed in relief appearance, and patted his chest. "Very good, this shows that I still have hope of turning over."

"Don't pretend like this in front of me." Prince Rockamp said coldly. "I know very well that you are not such a timid person, otherwise you would have made credit for the Imperial Family before. In addition, I need to warn you, if it is finally confirmed through investigation that you have stolen the Obliteration Core Technique, what awaits you is still Severe punishment, you can't escape."

"I know, so I will cooperate with the investigation." Chu Nan shrugged, then asked again: "By the way, I can ask Pamela. What is the current situation of the Imperial Princess? How is she now? After all, she is a direct descendant of your Declan Imperial Family, it shouldn't be easy to kill?"

"This is not your concern. "Prince Rockamp shook the head, then looked towards Chu Nan with a strange look in his eyes, paused, and asked, "Chu Nan, why do you care so much about Pamela?"

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