Chu Nan had long expected that the Prince of Rockamp would ask this question, hearing this with a smile: "Before we met by an accident, we have experienced the test of life and death together, and we can be regarded as companions who are born and die together. , which made my relationship with her become very good. I am very sympathetic to the experience of Pamela Imperial Princess, and I am also very curious about the damage her cultivation's Obliteration Core Technique has caused to herself, so I care about her so much."

"Because I was curious about her cultivation technique, so I asked her to teach you the cultivation technique?" Prince Rocamp asked immediately.

Chu Nan shrugged and spread his hands: "His Royal Highness, you don't need to use such... such a low-level method to set me up? I am indeed very curious about the cultivation technique of Pamela's woman's cultivation. , because I wonder why a cultivation technique can cause so much damage to its Martial Artist, and also wonder why Pamela Imperial Princess insists on cultivation, even if I explicitly told her that it would bring mortal danger to her too Don't want to give up."

Speaking of this, Chu Nan paused, sighed.

“But after learning the story of Prince Sallymore, my question was basically answered. Pamela Imperial Princess has her perseverance can be said to be an ideal, I Although I don't understand it, I can't refute it. As for the Obliteration Core Technique...if there is an opportunity to learn the first cultivation technique in the galaxy, of course I am willing, but I also know that it is unforgivable to teach the Obliteration Core Technique to outsiders. So I never tried to get Pamela Imperial Princess to teach me the Obliteration Core Technique."

"You leave those words to the Elder Council, I just want to ask you one question now, you Since you already have Angela as a girlfriend, why do you want to be so close to Pamela? You have such a close relationship with her, didn't Angela advise you because of this?" Prince Rockamp said again ask.

Chu Nan couldn't help but look stunned.

If the various questions just now are related to the questions he expected, then what is this question now?

Prince Rockcamp is understandably concerned about his relationship with Pamela, but he cares about Angelique's attitude?

"This... Your Royal Highness, why are you interested in Angela's opinion?" Chu Nan couldn't help but ask.

"Answer my question." The Prince of Rocamp bluntly dismissed Chu Nan's question. "Remember, everything you say may become evidence for the Elder Council to judge whether you stealthily learned the Obliteration Core Technique. Give me a clear answer before answering."

Chu Nan was stunned again.

Although Prince Rockamp's tone is still cold and not polite at all, but from the meaning of his words, why does he seem... as if he is helping him shirk?

Chu Nan frowned, thought about it for a while, and felt that there was no need to hide this question, so he answered directly: "I don't have any special relationship with Pamela Imperial Princess, in fact, come seriously. Said that I haven't been in contact with Pamela Imperial Princess for that long, and I'm only doing it to help her get rid of the cultivation technique. Angelique is my closest girlfriend and she knows my She also knows what I'm doing, so she never objected to it."

"I'll go back and ask Angelique about this later." Prince Rockamp answered blankly. . "Answer me now, if you replace Pamela with another Imperial Family younger generation, know, my two daughters, Vianne Neil or Romanty, you'll treat Pamela the same way Do you treat them?"

Chu Nan couldn't help but look suspicious.

What the hell is Prince Rockamp doing? What does he do by extending the subject to Romandi Imperial Princess and Viannele Imperial Princess?

Could it be that...because of the relationship between himself and Romandy Imperial Princess and Vianne Imperial Imperial Princess, some people in their Imperial Family made a fuss about it?

Thinking of this, Chu Nan's expression became solemn, he thought for a moment, and replied sternly: "The reason why I choose to help Pamela Imperial Princess has nothing to do with her status as Imperial Princess, because my first time When I saw her, I didn't even know she was the Imperial Princess of your Declan Empire. I just found her in trouble, so I wanted to help her. If I changed her to Romandy Imperial Princess or Viannele Imperial Princess, I would do the same. make the same choice."

Prince Rockamp shook the head, seemingly not satisfied with Chu Nan's answer.

"That is to say, you don't admit that you deliberately contacted Pamela for the Obliteration Core Technique, and deliberately got to know Romandy and Vianne Neel?"

"Of course not!" Chu Nan immediately raised his voice to deny. "Knowing Pamela Imperial Princess was just an accident, as for getting to know Imperial Princess Romandi and Imperial Princess Vianne... In fact, Imperial Princess Romandi was planning to come to trouble me at first, you can do it yourself, Your Royal Highness. Just ask Romandy the Imperial Princess. And we were both competing at the 1st Stage of the Park Hunt, and I'm sure you'll be able to find footage from that time to prove it."

"This is me I'll check it out." Prince Rocamp nodded, then turned his head and looked towards the side, as if he was listening to what the person next to him said, after a while, he turned his head again, looked towards Chu Nan, stared at him for a while, then He opened his mouth and asked: "The last question, you just said that if you replace Pamela with Romandy, you will do your best to help her. Then I ask you now, if you don't exchange this way, but Romanty is in danger, what will you do? Are you willing to do your best to help her?"

Chu Nan frowned.

Why are the questions asked by Prince Rockamp getting more and more strange?

What does he mean by forcibly referring to Romandy Imperial Princess now?

Chu Nan's mind changed, and suddenly thought of a possibility, he was shocked, strode to the virtual screen on the wall, stared at Prince Rocamp, and asked loudly: "His Royal Highness, Is there something wrong with Romandi Imperial Princess now? Did she get into trouble because she spoke for us before?"

Prince Rocamp on the other side of the virtual screen looked at Chu Nan's eyes. After a slight change that was not easily noticed, he watched Chu Nan quietly for a while, and then he called the head and replied: "She is not in trouble for the time being. If there is, do you think it will still be me standing here?"

"That's right..." Chu Nan was sighed in relief.

Just as he was about to ask Prince Rocamp a few more questions, he looked up and found that the virtual screen on the wall had disappeared, and the wall had returned to its original state.

Prince Rockamp just left without saying anything.

Chu Nan frowned and looked at the wall, thinking for a while, then sat back on the only bed, crossed his knees, and exercised his breath.

In a short while, he had entered a state of pranayama, his breathing became slower and slower, and the cell became extremely quiet.

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