The prison is still extremely quiet, except for a breath that sounds more than a minute apart, and there is no other sound at all.

This kind of claustrophobic environment will undoubtedly cause extremely strong mental torment to people. If anyone with a slightly less strong spirit is here, it doesn't take more than a day to feel that it is too much to hold back. Crazy, within three days, you will be on the verge of mental breakdown.

According to the latest research report of the Milky Way, anyone, even the most mentally tough Martial Artist, who is forcibly detained in this environment for more than ten days will suffer the most complete mental state. After that, it is basically impossible to return to normal.

Chu Nan has been imprisoned here for seven full days.

But on the surface, he didn't change anything compared to the first day he was locked in. His expression was still calm, his eyes didn't show any panic, even his clothes were meticulous, and his hair was not messy. The whole person is still neat and tidy, even all the facilities in the room are neat and tidy, and the bedding and so on are also very clean and evenly spread, and there is no mess.

From this point of view, he does not seem to be affected by the detention at all, and his daily life is also very stable and regular. In addition to normal eating and excretion, he also chooses a fixed Take the time to bathe and take the time to wash yourself from head to toe.

Although this prison is claustrophobic, the facilities inside are not bad. All food and clothing are provided, but there is nothing for entertainment.

In a room outside the prison, a huge virtual screen is showing images of the prison. On the screen, Chu Nan is taking a shower. He doesn't seem to know that his every move is being closely monitored. Even if there was no cover in the prison, he still washed very calmly, without the slightest embarrassment.

"You said... how many days can he last like this?" In the room, an elderly man dressed in traditional Declan Imperial Family clothes suddenly asked.

Other people in the room looked at each other, and an old man with a pointed face and sparse hair, who looked to be over 70, said, "I can't observe it for the time being, from the monitoring of these days. Judging from the situation, he has not shown any signs of claustrophobia, and all his actions are normal, so it is temporarily impossible to judge how long he can hold on."

"Oh, Professor Fenerbal, this has What can't you see?" Another middle-aged man next to him, with a fat, oily face, who looked to be in his fifties, pushed the decorative glasses clipped to the bridge of his nose, his tone full of mockery. "Don't look at this guy who seems to be in a normal state now, but I'm sure that his current state of mind is actually on the verge of collapse."

If anyone familiar with the professional discipline of Declan Empire's psychology is there Here, it will be startled.

Because the professor Fenerbahce who spoke before is the most famous psychology master in Declan Empire now, not only Declan Empire, but even the professional psychology departments of many countries in the galaxy will include the psychology he wrote. study materials.

And the fatty who spoke and ridiculed later is not simple. He is a new generation of psychology master who has become famous in the Declan Empire in recent years and has the title of "psychic magician", named Cleveland.

Compared with Professor Fenerbahce, his reputation in academia is still quite different, but in the hearts of ordinary people, his reputation is much greater, and he can almost be called star character.

"Why are you so sure?" asked the old man in the traditional dress of the Declan Imperial Family, frowning.

When facing Professor Fenerbahce, Cleveland could still show a mocking look of disdain, but when facing the old man, he immediately behaved respectfully.

"His Royal Highness, according to my research, people who are forcibly closed in confinement environments generally show two symptoms. The first is at first, they are irritable and irritable, and as the mood reaches a peak, , but quickly slipped, and finally became very silent and quiet. The other was very calm at first, but at the end, it would suddenly collapse, and it was extremely extreme, it could even be called hysterical, and the traditional sense of ' The madman' is very close. This Chu Nan's performance the other day is completely in line with the characteristics of the second person, so I judge that he will burst out with a mental breakdown at any time, and it is best to watch out for his violent counterattack in this situation."

The old man nodded, turned right to Professor Fenerbahçe and asked, "What's your opinion?"

Professor Fenerbahçe should be more peaceful when facing the elderly, Far from grovelling like Cleveland, hearing this he watched Chu Nan's actions on the virtual screen for a while before replying, "I disagree with Cleveland's judgment. This Chu Nan's actions so far don't show any signs of collapse, I I don't think he will collapse easily."

Here, he suddenly gave a salute to the old man.

"Prince Felwood, I hope that I can conduct more in-depth research on him. If I can study him for a period of time, I believe that I can obtain very valuable information for my psychological research."

"Don't think about this. If he can survive this time, he probably won't have time to do research for you in the future. If he can't, he won't have a chance." The old man waved his hand. . "The purpose of asking you to come this time has been told to you in advance, and now you answer me, what method can I use to let him say everything he knows obediently and honestly?"

"Yes Lots of ways." Cleveland responded immediately. "The current method of confinement is actually not very good, because it may cause him to have a nervous breakdown, and the confidence gained from his mouth afterwards will be confused and incomplete. We can try it..."

Cleveland spoke eloquently and talked a lot, and it took more than ten minutes to stop.

After listening, the old man nodded, without making any further comments, he turned to Professor Fenerbahce and asked, "What do you think?"

Professor Fenerbahce Looking at Chu Nan on the virtual screen with a frown, he turned his head and asked, "Have you tried direct stimulation with medicine?"

"Hey, Professor Fenerbahce, what His Royal Highness needs is to break through his psychological defenses and obtain his complete brain information. You actually suggest using medicine stimulation directly? Don't tell me you don't know medicine Stimulation can cause unpredictable damage to the brain. If you really do this, if such a result occurs, wouldn't it be a waste of your previous efforts? I think..."

"I didn't ask you now." The old man was blank. An expression interrupted Cleveland's words.

Cleveland's words stuck in his throat, and his already red face flushed even redder, but he didn't dare to make any refutation to the old man, so he could only hold back and lowered his head.

"Medicine stimulation has no effect on him, that's for sure." The old man didn't explain much, but continued to ask: "Isn't there any other way besides medicine stimulation?"

"If the stimulation of medicine is not enough, then I am afraid we can only adopt more primordial means." Professor Fenerbahce frowned even more. "Obviously, the pain won't affect him much. Are there people and things he cares about? It should be more effective to start with these."

The old man frowned: "Apart from these ?"

"Neither of these?" Professor Fenerbahce frowned, thought for a moment, and asked, "Can I have a face-to-face talk with him? After all, he is not very old. It should be able to break through his psychological defense and try to get him to reveal useful information."

"No, you are not qualified to touch the things he knows." The old man shook his head rudely and refused.

Professor Fenerbahce and Cleveland both looked shocked.

The two looked towards Chu Nan on the virtual screen, surprised.

What the hell did this young boy do? How can you know something that makes the Imperial Family so important?

"If I can't talk to him directly, I can't accurately judge his psychological state, so I can't give an accurate answer." Professor Fenerbahce said helplessly. "This youngster's mind is very firm, and ordinary methods may not be effective."

The old man was also frowned, turned his head to look at Chu Nan on the virtual screen, thought about it, and looked towards Cleveland.

"Repeat the methods you just said."

Cleveland was overjoyed.

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