The nebula in dantian circulates, and the Inner Breath in meridian rotates in a slow cycle, going back and forth again and again, the nebula is more condensed, and the Inner Breath is more condensed.

From the point of view of other Martial Artists, the cultivation Inner Breath martial skill is one of the most boring activities, because it is simply repeated over and over again according to a fixed pattern.

Not only is it boring, but it is easy to make people feel discouraged and frustrated, because every cycle of Inner Breath cultivation technique brings little improvement to Inner Breath, unless it happens to have a major breakthrough, otherwise the basic feeling Not any improvement.

This kind of constant repetition without any improvement will of course make people easily irritable.

But for Chu Nan, it was completely different.

With his powerful lightbrain-like brain, he can clearly sense every slightest change in his body, so every time the Inner Breath runs, even if it's just a cycle, he can clearly sense it. I sensed the improvement of my Inner Breath after this time cycle.

Although it is extremely weak, as long as the induction is improved, it is something to be happy about.

even more how he can test out how to make Inner Breath work by constantly making small changes to the cultivation technique, making small changes to the Inner Breath flow circuit, and conducting different experiments. Better boost Inner Breath intensity.

Apart from this, improving the power of Inner Breath is also closely related to improving the condensation of nebula in dantian. It is not that the maximum improvement of Inner Breath after a cycle operation will definitely make the effect of Xingyu condensation better. Many times In fact, both parties need to cooperate to obtain better results.

This still requires a lot of experiments, and even a small improvement requires Chu Nan to repeat hundreds of thousands, or even tens of thousands of experiments to reach the best conclusion.

So Chu Nan is very busy.

To people outside the lab, he's sit cross-legged almost motionless in bed these days, except for basic eat, drink, shit and piss, looks like a In the cultivation technique, it must be very boring, even to the point of mental breakdown.

But in fact, Chu Nan is not only not boring, but enjoys it. It can even be said that the more experiments, the more exciting.

Because every adjustment of Inner Breath is successful, or the further condensation of the nebula, it is a very obvious improvement for him.

And every improvement is the optimal solution he obtained after thousands of successful experiments, so the sense of satisfaction and achievement is so abundant, how can it make him feel bored.

even more how since he decided to come to the hunting party, he has been going through life and death battles for nearly four months, and even experienced being killed by many Star Level players. In the thrilling situation of the Martial Artist chasing and killing, the spirit has been in a tense state, and there is not much time to calm down and have a good cultivation.

Now that he is locked here, he can't get in touch with any outside information. On the contrary, he can completely put aside everything and concentrate on adjusting his cultivation technique, which is a good thing for him.

As soon as he participated in the garden hunting party, Chu Nan experienced many fierce battles, and he directly contacted and even fought more powerful Martial Artists than the previous two or three years combined. The understanding of skills is further, and it takes a lot of time to absorb and digest.

Now these seven days have given him a very good opportunity to analyze and understand the experience of this period in his brain and integrate it into his cultivation technique.

The result of this is that although only seven days have passed, Chu Nan not only has a significant increase in the body's breathing intensity, but also the nebula in the dantian are more condensed, and the nebula changes are far more mature and stable than before. .

Apart from this, Chu Nan also spent a lot of time these days thinking about another very important issue.

In the endless abyss, after researching the Transmission Gate, and finally being hunted down by the three Star Level Martial Artists of Pope Rockmaton, Chu Nan finally used the characteristics of the Transmission Gate directly. In ordinary space, it is combined with the normal open space wall for Space Jump, and a very powerful effect is achieved.

This is a great inspiration for Chu Nan.

From the information obtained before, the Transmission Gate in the endless abyss is the result of natural formation, which means that this is not an accident, proving that the super highly condensed of space energy can indeed bring this The effect makes Space Jump more direct and fast, which is much stronger than traveling through different spaces before.

Before Chu Nan and Angel Belle secretly left to rescue Pamela in the Kingdom of Saclaire, Elcatel approached Chu Nan to chat with him about this issue, and stated that Norantham Chamber of Commerce is willing to conduct in-depth research in this regard, and hopes that Chu Nan will assist in joint research.

Chu Nan didn't care too much at the time, but after escaping from the three Star Level Martial Artists of Pope Rockmaton through this method, Chu Nan had to start paying attention to what Elcatel said. the sentence.

"If the Transmission Gate can be used in every part of the galaxy, the entire human society will undergo changes like Heaven and Earth!"

Changes in the entire human society Chu Nan He didn't have the ability to relate, what he cared about was the improvement of himself by this application.

If this cultivation technique is further advanced, and the equivalent Transmission Gate can be directly opened at any time in the future to leave instantly, doesn't that mean that he has the possibility to escape directly through the Transmission Gate at any time?

There was a certain element of luck in escaping from the three Star Level Martial Artists of Pope Rockmaton before, and he was well prepared in advance. If it happened again by accident, he probably wouldn't have a chance. escape.

Now that he knows the usefulness of Transmission Gate, of course he has to study it carefully. If he can use it anytime and anywhere, he will have the possibility of successfully escaping from any dangerous situation in the future.

Just like...the situation now.

Chu Nan didn't need to open his eyes. After spending seven days in this small prison, he already knew all the surroundings clearly.

The four walls around this prison, including the ceiling, are equipped with special energy protection nets. The most critical means of restricting him is actually the space energy environment caused by unknown devices in the room. Abnormal, so that he can not easily mobilize the space energy, and can not easily leave directly through Space Jump.

Judging from the fact that the Declan Empire Imperial Family put him in this prison specially prepared for Star Level Martial Artist, the other party is obviously quite familiar with Chu Nan and knows that he has the general Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist simply does not have the ability to directly open the wall of space for Space Jump.

This is not surprising, because during the period of time when Chu Nan entered the endless abyss with Prince Laikas, Chu Nan had no time to continue to hide his strength and exposed his ability in this area. Then it is not surprising that the Declan Empire Imperial Family knows.

Chu Nan doesn't doubt the Imperial Princess of Romandy, but he is almost certain that the Declan Empire Imperial Family's actions against him this time should be related to Prince Laikas, or even bad... This is Prince Laikas decision.

He didn't know why Prince Laikas did it, and it didn't matter. Now, the most important thing to him was another thing.

Chu Nan focused on sensing the turbulent spatial energy fluctuations in the small space in the prison due to the interference of unknown devices, a smile raised at the corner of his mouth, and then his mind changed, and his mind sank, dantian inside The nebula quickly circulated, and the Inner Breath surged, driving the inner space energy of the whole body to quickly fill the whole body, just covering his whole body, but separating all the external space energy.

After getting ready, Chu Nan's mind moved again, and the meridian breath was highly circulated, but it did not follow any kind of cultivation technique line, but left a strange line in the meridian traces of.

These trajectories are connected one by one, and finally form a strange pattern.

And this pattern is exactly the same as the energy traces left by the Transmission Gate in the endless abyss!

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