Lantis Space Station.

spaceship The access door to the space station opened, and the passengers who had just disembarked from the spaceship streamed out.

Angie Belle's eyes widened, her eyes swept over the passengers one after another, and soon found the silhouette that she was most familiar with throughout childhood.


Angie Belle let out a soft cry, rushed over directly, and threw herself into the arms of Overy Venerable.

Ange Belle is young and lively, with a face as beautiful as Goddess, Overi Venerable has now undergone several fleshy body recasts, but she is not much bigger than Angel Belle from the outside. Young and beautiful, but with an extra layer of mature charm that should not belong to her age appearance, the charm is not inferior to Angel Beili, or even more.

The two hugged each other like this, which immediately attracted the attention of countless people around.

And hearing Angela's "Master", more and more people cast their gazes at Oviere Venerable with a hint of surprise.

How can such a young girl become someone else's Master?

Overy Venerable and Angelique naturally ignored the gazes of others, Olivier Venerable patted Angelable's back, pushed her away from her arms, from head to toe I looked at her carefully, nodded.

"Well, yes, it seems that your strength has improved significantly. By the way, every time you hang out with that kid Chu Nan for a while, your strength will improve significantly. Is this the power of love? ”

Overy Venerable just habitually wanted to tease Angela, but she found that Angela's reaction was completely different this time.

If she had been teased like this before, with her knowledge of this discipline, Angelique's most likely reaction would be to admit it generously, expressing that this is the power of love, or like a Like a naive little child, she asked her what "the power of love" meant, and asked her to the bottom of it.

However, this time, Angelique's reaction was completely beyond Oville's expectations. After hearing this question, she just smiled because of the delighted smile she showed when she saw Oveli Venerable. Disappeared, his expression collapsed, his eyebrows drooped and his lips pursed, revealing a look of sadness.

Overy Venerable's surprise is no small matter.

She brought up Angelina from a young age, and she knows her character better than anyone else. She knows that this precious disc has always been carefree, will not frown in anything, and the sun is always shining, heartless look.

But now, she actually showed a sad expression!

"Hey, Angelique, what's the matter with you?" Overi Venerable asked immediately. "Are you still worried about Chu Nan? Didn't I tell you before I came? There's no news about this kid, that's good news, it proves that the Declan Imperial Family shouldn't be planning to kill him, or he'd be dead long ago. You You don't need to worry at all, you see, I rushed over immediately, and it really doesn't work, we can find a way to get him back from the Declan Imperial Family..."

"No...that's not the reason." Angelique Shook the head. Although the expression on her face recovered a little, she still didn't have the usual sunny and cheerful look. "I'm thinking of another question."

"What's the problem?" Ovieri Venerable asked immediately.

Angie Belle shook the head without answering, but turned her head and looked towards the other side of the space station.

Overy Venerable followed her gaze and saw an equally young, beautiful and heroic girl approaching.

girl went straight to Overi Venerable and gave her a very standard Declan Imperial Family court etiquette

"Hello Overi Venerable, my name is Romandy, Welcome to the Empire, I think Angelababy should have mentioned my name to you."

"Well, I know you." Overy Venerable looked up and down the Romandy Imperial Princess. Fan, gently nod. "Yes, that boy Chu Nan said that you are the best of the younger generation of the Declan Imperial Family. It doesn't look like there is any exaggeration."

Romandy Imperial Princess smiled slightly: "Chu Nan won the award. Well, although I have confidence, there are a few others in the Imperial Family that are similar in strength to me, and I'm not the best."

"oh?" Oville Venerable was a little surprised. "Chu Nan, but tell me that you have a very straightforward personality, and you have always considered yourself to be the strongest Imperial Family younger generation. How come you are now humble in front of me?"

Romandy Imperial Princess was taken aback: " Is that what he said?"

"Well, Chu Nan is very optimistic about you. He said that he originally thought your prince named Montico was the strongest, but he has been with you for a long time. Afterwards, he is most optimistic about your future, thinking that your future achievements will definitely be higher than that of Prince Montico." Olivier Venerable shrugged. "Although I don't like many things about this kid, I always trust his judgment."

Romandy Imperial Princess was even more surprised.

"Did Chu Nan actually say that? He never told me."

"Of course, he is the little fellow of the Huaxia people in our Earth Federation, the cultural characteristics of this nation It's just restrained, so he rarely says what he really thinks." Overi Venerable reached out and hugged Angelique. "For example, I thought he should have caught up with Angela long ago, but it took a long time to finally have the courage to confess."

Angelberry glanced at Oviere Venerable.

"Master, I was the one who confessed to him first."

"Hey, it's not important." Overy Venerable patted Angelique, turning to Romandy Imperial Princess asked: "Why are you here? Is it to keep an eye on Angelique and not let her escape?" , stunned for a moment, and waved his hands again and again.

"no no no, I'm not here to spy on Angelique, I'm just... just very curious about you. Chu Nan still has Angelique mentioning you many times in front of me, they Describes you as a very...very unique person, so I heard you were coming and wanted to see what you were like."

"Ha, I can probably guess these two guys How you describe me in front of you, especially the guy Chu Nan, must have called me a very eccentric guy, right?"

"No, you misunderstood, Chu Nan he I have a lot of respect for you, but I don't agree with some of your... some of the ways you do things..." The voice of the Imperial Princess was involuntarily lowered.

Chu Nan's evaluation of Overie Venerable is not only disapproval of some of her methods, but also of her character, and the way she educates Angela is snort disdainfully and greatly. Criticize.

But these words are just Chu Nan's private complaints to Romandy Imperial Princess, although it is in front of Angela, now it is inconvenient for Yan to say it in front of Venerable.

"Okay, don't worry about what that kid says. Let me ask you, how is that kid doing now? Since you have already obtained the Declan Imperial Family younger generation with the right of inheritance, then your royal patriarch's old council You should have some exposure to work, don't tell me you don't know anything."

Looking at Romandy Imperial Princess' surprised eyes, Overy Venerable added: "Don't look at me like that, I came to Declan Empire when I was young and had many fights with the guys from your Imperial Family, I know some rules in your Imperial Family. Tell me, how is Chu Nan doing now?”

Romandy Imperial Princess had an even more surprised look on her face, but she didn't answer immediately. Instead, she glanced at Angelique and gave her an apologetic smile, before turning her head and giving Ovieri Venerable a new salute.

"I have no right to answer this question. Please come with me. Prince Laikas has been waiting for your arrival. He wants to talk to you in person."

"Laika Prince Sis?" Overy Venerable narrowed her eyes, nodded. "Also, I haven't seen him for more than ten years. Since I'm here, it's time to meet and chat with his old friend. Let's go."

Romandy Imperial Princess doesn't know herself anymore What look to use looked towards Overy Venerable .

She...does she even know Lykas Uncle?

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