"Hey Chu Nan, I'm here to see you again, how was your day?"

As soon as Cleveland walked through the door, she raised her hand to Chu Nan After saying hello, a warm and friendly smile appeared on his chubby face, which made people involuntarily have a friendly affection for him at first sight.

Whether it's the smile, walking posture, the right tone, even the speed of walking, or even a wisp of slightly red that can be painted on the round face, it is all adjusted by Cleveland to match his overall appearance. An image that makes others involuntarily trust him as soon as they meet him.

Excellence in every detail is the key to Cleveland's rise to fame within the Declan Empire, a short period of time, and even the title of "psychic magician".

This time, he received the task of Imperial Family, and he did everything to the extreme. He must make Chu Nan trust him in a short period of time, and even make his best friends who are willing to dig his heart out. .

Although the past few days didn't go as smoothly as he imagined, and Chu Nan, a young kid, doesn't seem to be so easy to trust others, Cleveland still has plenty of confidence.

In the final analysis, Chu Nan is just a young boy in his twenties. How can he be as sophisticated as he is, and how can he be as smooth as he has been in psychology and interpersonal relationships for many years veteran.

"Thanks to you, I'm having a good time." Chu Nan, who was lying on a reclining chair and looked like he had closed his eyes, had heard his movement long before Cleveland walked in the door. But it wasn't until he said hello that he opened his eyes and raised his hand to say hello to Cleveland as well.

"It's not my blessing, you should thank His Royal Highness." Laughed, Cleveland unceremoniously chose a reclining chair beside Chu Nan, lay down comfortably, and let out a satisfied cry groaned and sighed. "Wow, if it wasn't for too many things to do, I really want to lie here and sleep peacefully like you, it's really comfortable."

"Then you also want to be locked up like me. You are not allowed to go out here for several days, do you know when you can go out?" Chu Nan asked with a smile.

Since being taken out of that cell by Cleveland, Chu Nan has changed places and came to a manor not too far from the cell.

The environment of this manor is much better than that of the prison. It is not only very spacious, but also has all the facilities inside. No matter what service Chu Nan needs, there is a personal simulated mechanical maid to provide him with meticulous care. service.

Aside from not being allowed to leave the estate, life here is simply more comfortable than heaven for many people.

During the past few days when Chu Nan was confined to the estate, Cleveland would come to see him every day and talk to him for a while, longer or shorter, but always brought him Some outside news.

For example, after the hunting party ended, the Imperial Family re-awarded the Imperial Family younger generation who received the right of inheritance, which means that they have since become the "real" officially recognized by the Imperial Family. The Imperial Princesses...

For example, in order to celebrate the successful conclusion of the selection of the heirs of the empire, the literary and entertainment circles within the empire also decided to hold a grand performance to celebrate this event. It is reported that the most distinguished The Emperor of the Empire Your Majesty will also be there in person, and the first singer of the galaxy, Risa Kaymer, will also appear in a solo performance...

For example, those who performed well at the hunting party and won the Imperial Family reward The contestants from the country were warmly welcomed and responded strongly after returning home. Among them, Norwell, another contestant of the Earth Commonwealth who Chu Nan was particularly concerned about, also returned to the Earth Commonwealth a month ago and is now known as the hero of the Earth Commonwealth. , through the information that can be found on the pan-galactic network, he has been publicly accepted as a dísciple by Marshal Chemekov, the commander of the Earth Federation Army...

In addition, for example...

... ...

Since being locked up, Chu Nan has been unable to get in touch with any outside news, and can only get a little through chatting with Cleveland, naturally, with keen interest pleasure, he is very willing to chat with him to chat with.

It's nothing more than other news, he is really concerned about the news about Norwell.

He has not been given any exact news about Norwell since the separation before the second stage hunting party, and now hear that Norwell has successfully completed the test of the second stage hunting party and is relying on himself For his good performance, he won the A-Rank martial skill award from the Declan Empire Imperial Family, and he was accepted as a dísciple by Marshal Chimekov after returning. Naturally, he was very happy for him.

However, there is only so much Chu Nan can know.

When he asked Cleveland about Angelababy, whom he cared about most, Cleveland had no idea.

Obviously, the other party strictly limited the information that Chu Nan could get, and only let him know some innocuous and irrelevant news.

“When exactly will I be arraigned?” Chu Nan suddenly asked.

Cleveland was eloquently describing the upcoming grand performance to Chu Nan, and was suddenly interrupted by Chu Nan, and couldn't help but stunned.

"This..." Cleveland looked embarrassed and looked the head. "This is something that can only be decided by the Elder Council, and I can't give you exact information."

He said this, but his expression lifted.

"But you are not in a hurry, His Royal Highness is working hard. Tell you, if it is not for His Royal Highness to speak for you, you may have been sentenced to death by the Elder Council at this time, and even His Royal Highness Pamela There is no good fruit to eat. I heard that this is the first time in the last 200 years that the Imperial Family younger generation has leaked the Obliteration Core Technique to outsiders, so the elders of the Elder Council were extremely angry, and many elders even proposed to directly execute the parchment. Your Highness Mira."

"Execution?" Chu Nan raised his eyebrows.

"Yes. The minimum is to abolish all martial skills and be imprisoned for life." Cleveland tsk tsk sighed and shook his head again and again. "It's a pity, Pamela Imperial Princess I was fortunate enough to meet her once. She has been regarded by many as the most innate talent among the descendants of Prince Sallymore, and the most promising person to inherit Prince Sallymore's legacy. Because of a single thought, it may be completely abolished. If Prince Sallymore finds out in another world, I am afraid he will be very disappointed.”

“So…why didn’t the Council of Elders arraign me?” Chu Nan continued follow up. "Either you can directly confirm that Pamela Imperial Princess taught me the Obliteration Core Technique privately and execute me directly, or you can interrogate me well and give me a verdict. It's better than hanging around like this every day, right?"

Cleveland spread his hands with a wry smile: "What do you think His Royal Highness is busy with these days? He is just trying to get a good result for you. But..."

Cleveland suddenly rushed to Chu Nan raised his eyebrows, then moved his fingers, and saw an imperceptible blue light shining through the palm of his hand, and after a while, it flowed over both of them.

"Don't look around and pretend to be chatting with me normally." Cleveland's voice was serious, but his expression remained the same as before. "I used a signal to deceive the surveillance here temporarily. We have one minute. His Royal Highness has persuaded the Elder Council to conduct a public interrogation of you, and will try to get you innocent. But before that, His Royal Highness asked me to represent you. He's here to ask you a question. You..."

Cleveland paused, his voice more serious, but with a loose smile on his face, which made people feel very inconsistent.

"Did you learn the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela Imperial Princess?"

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