Chu Nan looked silently at Cleveland without answering.

Cleveland thought that Chu Nan was hesitating, and after waiting patiently for a while, only to find that Chu Nan did not intend to answer, and could not help but eagerly continued to ask: "Tell me, what exactly are you doing? Did you learn the Obliteration Core Technique from Pamela Imperial Princess? That's important. If you really don't, then His Royal Highness can prove in many ways that you didn't, but if you did, you need more Be careful not to be found by the Elder Council, and you must not reveal the clues. If this is the case, His Royal Highness will definitely find a way to see you in person and give you advice in person. But this will take a lot of risks, so His Royal Highness There must be a clear answer to this question, do you understand?"

Chu Nan still looked at Cleveland quietly, still silent, with a smile on his face.

Cleveland was in a hurry.

"Answer me quickly, we don't have much time, this signal shield can only be used once, and it will definitely be suspected if it is used again. I might not be able to see you again next time."


Chu Nan remained silent.

Cleveland's face was flushed red, but at this time, he couldn't care to hide the expression on his face, he directly leaned in front of Chu Nan, looked directly into Chu Nan's eyes, and roared: "If you can't give it to His Royal Highness Prince A clear answer, he can't help you. Apart from His Royal Highness, you can also expect others to help you, do you understand?"

Chu Nan suddenly raised his right hand and opened his palm.

The unfathomable mystery of Cleveland looked at her and didn't understand what it meant.


Chu Nan finally spoke up, and after spitting out a number, he retracted a finger.


Cleveland brows frowned.

Clearly, Chu Nan's reaction was wrong.

Could it be that this guy's mind has finally collapsed, and now some abnormal behaviors like neuroticism are starting to appear?


Chu Nan withdraws one finger every time he counts, and when he counts to one, the last finger is withdrawn, and the right hand is also closed. went back.

"Okay, Cleveland, it's time."

Cleveland looked at Chu Nan with a smile on his face. He found that Chu Nan's reaction is very wrong now, there must be some accident.

"Chu Nan, what are you doing?" Cleveland frowned.

Chu Nan pointed to the hand he put underneath.

"Put away your bauble that emits blue light, I can't sense any energy fluctuations from it, and I want to rely on him to block the monitoring signal here, don't you think the cost you put in is too much? Is it too low?"

Cleveland was shocked.

I was hit by Chu Nan.

The thing in his hand is really just a simple little thing that only emits blue light. It is not a high-tech signal blocking device at all, but how did Chu Nan see it?

Although he thought so in his heart, Cleveland still kept a stunned expression on the surface. He quickly frowned, then smiled, laughed, and waved at Chu Nan.

"Hey, Chu Nan, I'm just joking with you." He opened his left hand, revealing a transistor-like thing emitting a faint blue light, and then winked at Chu Nan. With a look, he pointed to a corner next to him covertly.

Judging from his actions, it is clear that he is still helping to cover up.

However, Chu Nan remained unmoved, laughing and shook the head.

"Okay, Cleveland, don't act anymore, since you asked the question just now, it proves that you no longer have the patience to continue acting with me, and there is no need to continue."


Cleveland frowned and stared at Chu Nan for a while, his face sank.

He squeezed his palms together, and the little thing that radiated blue light was directly crushed into pieces by his hands.

"When did you start doubting me?" Cleveland asked, frowning. "I don't think I've exposed any weak spots these days."

"Simple because I didn't believe you from the very beginning." Chu Nan shrugged. "As for why you don't believe it... In terms of the general direction, as far as I know Prince Laikas, if he can help me, there is no need for you to contact me from the middle, he will definitely come to me directly. Before he got me out, he would never do something half-way through taking me out of the cell, but not letting me out."

"Do you know Prince Lycas well?" Cleveland coldly snorted. "I know very well that you have only been in contact with His Royal Highness a few times. Why do you judge His Royal Highness King Ding's actions?"

"Because this is my judgment, I don't need you to understand." Chu Nan answered very succinctly. "And you don't do as well as you think in some details, and you are lying in many places."

"Impossible." Cleveland shook his head immediately. "I did all the details flawlessly, all the movements, language, and even the facial expressions are impossible to make any mistakes, you can see it!"

Chu Nan glanced up and down at Cleveland and suddenly smiled. stand up.

"Hey, you're supposed to be a Declan Empire native?"

Cleveland frowned, wondering how Chu Nan suddenly asked this question.

"I am, what?"

"As a Declan Empire person, why do you know so little about Martial Artist?" Chu Nan shook the head, it seemed really Don't understand the question. "Even if your strength is really not strong, but you don't know that a Martial Artist is fully capable of sensing all the subtle changes in the other's body through various touches?"

"What do you mean?"


" are in front of me now, and I can easily sense every subtle change in your body. In other words, when you speak, the heartbeat changes, pulse changes, I know everything about blood flow, skin pore shrinkage, etc. I can clearly see that there are often subtle changes in these areas when you have a conversation with me, and as long as the conversation involves specific matters, these changes will Appearing. Such a change only proves that you are nervous. As for why you are nervous? It is obviously because you are lying."

Here, Chu Nan sighed, seems to feel a little pity.

"I must say that you are very strong in self-control and can definitely fool almost any ordinary person. And if you are a strong Martial Artist yourself, then your control over the fleshy body will be It would be more powerful and precise, and there would be no weak spots. But obviously you're not, your strength is...too bad."

Cleveland's face changed, and it took a while to subdue his shock.

He originally thought that Chu Nan was just a little kid who smell of mother's milk not yet dried. He didn't need to be serious at all to deal with it easily. Let Chu Nan trust him completely, so that he can get all his possessions. The answer he wanted, but didn't expect Chu Nan to see through him at first.

What surprised him even more was that Chu Nan was still able to see that he was lying through such a subtle point.

That is to say... My performance in front of him in the past few days was simply like performing a monkey show!

Thinking of this, Cleveland was in a bad mood, her face couldn't help sinking, and she stared at Chu Nan snorted heavily.

"Very well, since you are confident that you can tell if I am lying, then you should know whether the news I gave you is also lying."

Cleveland opened the personal terminal with a sullen face, and brought out the virtual screen to face Chu Nan.

Chu Nan glanced over and the complexion greatly changed.

Among the pictures on the virtual screen, Angelique had a sad face.

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