Late night.

It was already two o'clock in the morning local time in Sigma City, and there were only insects and frogs around the farm, just like the night before four days ago, and no other sounds were heard.

Chu Nan also did not sleep as he did four days ago, but sat cross-legged on the bed with a light purple glow on his body.

"ka ka ka—"

Suddenly, Chu Nan made a strange and crisp sound, and the whole figure suddenly swelled in size and then shrank back.

After repeating this dozens of times, the light purple light on Chu Nan gradually subsided and returned to normal.

Chu Nan opened his eyes, put out a breath lightly, and moved his arms and legs, clearly feeling that the bones and joints became more flexible and rounder, and his heart was full of joy.

This movement method is worthy of being one of the Four Great Absolute Arts of the Vig Republic, and it has an extraordinary effect on the enhancement of the tempering fleshy body.

He has only been cultivated for three days, and he can clearly feel that his body has been tempered, and his muscles and bloodline's tenacious degree have been improved in small areas to varying degrees.

Compared with the simple cultivation Inner Breath for tempering, the improvement speed obtained by the cultivation method has more than tripled.

What's more, the common culture Inner Breath is most likely to affect the blood vessels and nerves for tempering first, followed by the muscles, but the skeleton is extremely difficult to affect tempering.

The most difficult part of the process of Tyrant Body is to tempering the whole body skeleton.

But this Ziyun Bahuang body forging magic cultivator can actually affect the skeleton together, and it is even enough to change the body shape exaggeratedly.

In this way, with a little attention, the cultivation method can be far better than the ordinary cultivation technique for tempering the whole body skeleton.

Chu Nan In the past ten years of cultivation, the tempering improvement performed by the skeleton can be regarded as negligible, but after only three days of the cultivation method, I have clearly felt the whole body. The skeletons are getting tighter and tenacious.

"If I could have obtained this movement method of the Purple Cloud Eight Wilderness Forging a few years earlier, I am afraid I would have achieved the perfect Tyrant Body already... But I would also like to thank that guy for bringing this method to me. The core technique will give me a little more confidence in breaking through the Eternal Universe in the future."

Chu Nan's image of the transformed man appeared in his mind, but he couldn't help but frowned.

Four days ago, as soon as he returned to Ziyunxing, he was attacked, and because of this, his younger sister Chu Xiaoxi was also kidnapped.

And just four days apart, they were once again terrifying this evening.

Thinking of the situation where the shuttle he was riding just now was struck by individual antimatter missiles, Chu Nan felt a little bit of fear in his heart.

If they were not riding in the hover shuttle specially made by the Serres Security Company at that time, but just an ordinary shuttle, they would probably be blown to pieces the moment they were hit by the missile.

He and Mu Luo could still survive the bombing with their powerful martial skills, but Chu Xiaoxi, an ordinary person, would be fried into meat sauce at that time, and there was absolutely no reason to survive.

It is precisely because the opponent's attack is so vicious that Chu Nan counterattacks the same very ruthless when the man just sneak attacked, killing the opponent with one punch.

And when Costa asked Chu Nan about his handling of those people just now, Chu Nan also unceremoniously gave the coldest answer.

These guys are so vicious to their own family, of course he will not have any pity.

But even though the parents were not even frightened by the protection of the security team led by Costa tonight, Chu Xiaoxi also woke up on the road and was safe and sound, Chu Nan was still full of unease.

In just four days, he suffered two terrifying attacks in a row. His parents were okay, but Chu Xiaoxi suffered two mortal dangers, which made him full of guilt for the younger sister.

The reason why this happens is entirely because of the "Fengshen Piercing the Forest Legs" that Mu Yutong awarded him.

The transformed man and his accomplices made it clear that they came for this purpose. The group of people tonight also indicated that they were hired by Costa during the interrogation just now. After that, there will definitely be other people who will come because of this martial skill.

I want to completely solve this matter, so that my parents and Chu Xiaoxi will no longer face mortal danger, unless everyone will no longer have any greed for this martial skill.

But want to do it easier said than done.

Chu Nan, after all, is not strong enough to be a sufficient deterrent to the younger generation.

He is a trifling Tyrant Body Grade Martial Artist but holds a B-Rank martial skill, like a little child holding a gold brick in his hand, which makes many people feel greedy. difficult.

Now, the strength of Seres Security Company is indeed extraordinary. Under their protection, the safety of himself and his family is guaranteed.

But it's obviously not going to go on like this all the time.

Let's not talk about being in this state all the time, it is very likely that you will often encounter harassment attacks from various situations, which makes people feel completely uneasy psychologically, and maybe there will be an accident at some time.

It is simply impossible to keep Serres Security providing private security.

Although Dong Fang didn't say it, and the Serres Security Company didn't mention it, Chu Nan knew very well that he would ask a super-large federal company like Serres Security to provide him and his family with private security services. , the price must be very high.

Dong Fang is very likely to have helped Chu Nan advance this expense, and it is also possible that he will continue to help Chu Nan bear it, but Chu Nan impossible has the cheek to not know about it.

This money, he always has to pay back.

And if this state continues for a long time, Chu Nan really doesn't know if he can afford it...

So the top priority is to solve this matter completely.

I don't want to owe Dong Fang too much in the future, but also try my best to give Xiaoxi and her parents the same peaceful and peaceful life as before.

Before this, it was difficult for Chu Nan to come up with a solution to this matter completely.

But through what I saw at the banquet today and the conversation with Mu Luo just now, Chu Nan thought of a possible solution.

Of course, this solution probably requires the consent of a great character. If you act rashly and anger the other party, the consequences will be even more disastrous.

Thinking of this, Chu Nan shook his head with a wry smile.

For those great characters who are aloof and remote, the fate of such a small person can be completely controlled at will.

great character's random action will force himself and his family to be frightened and even threatened with life, and if he wants to get rid of this state, he has to obtain his consent.

"In the final analysis, it's up to you to become stronger!"

Chu Nan took a deep breath, Inner Breath was mobilized in the dantian, and soon turned into a four-turn, Then rush into those newly opened meridians.

The meridian, who was not strong enough, was immediately shattered by the overly powerful Inner Breath, and the extreme pain from the depths of his body made Chu Nan sweat profusely, and his body was involuntarily. Trembling slightly.

However, Chu Nan has long been mentally prepared for this kind of pain, and he has had sufficient experience with this state, so despite the extreme pain, he can still control the Inner Breath stably. Continue Shocking those newly opened meridians.

In a short while, these newly opened seven main meridians and twenty-six secondary meridians were all slammed aside by the powerful Inner Breath that exceeded their limits, and became riddled with holes.

Then Chu Nan mobilized the Inner Breath again, adjusted to a high-frequency vibration state of the corresponding frequency, and began to repair and heal these damaged meridians.

That's right, he's doing the same thing he did on Western Cloud Star the night before the battle with Maluk, destroying the meridian on his own and using the high frequency Vibration Inner Breath repair, through the process of repairing the damaged meridian, increases the strength of the meridian extremely quickly, so that these newly opened meridians can reach the same level of the previous meridians faster.

This method is extremely dangerous and extremely painful, and no Martial Artist other than Chu Nan can do it, and no Martial Artist chooses to do it.

Even Chu Nan wouldn't do it if he had a choice.

But now, in order to become stronger as soon as possible and better protect the safety of his family, Chu Nan has no choice!

"Tuk Tuk—"

Just as Chu Nan was about to mobilize the high-frequency vibration Inner Breath to repair the next meridian, a light knock on the door suddenly sounded.

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