It's so late, who hasn't slept yet? "

Chu Nan stopped the operation of Inner Breath in surprise, got out of bed and opened the door, only to find that Chu Xiaoxi was standing outside the door.

"Brother, you still Didn't sleep? "

"Should I ask you this? ”

Chu Nan looked at her in confusion, and found that although she tried to pretend to be calm, her expression was filled with uncontrollable anxiety and a trace of panic. I almost cried.

"I...I can't sleep. "Chu Xiaoxi bit her lip lightly and lowered her head. "Brother... I... can I sleep with you tonight?" "

"Huh? "

If it weren't for the extremely quiet outside at this time, even with Chu Nan's now much stronger hearing after the improvement of his Tyrant Body, he would hardly be able to hear Chu Xiaoxi's sound like a mosquito buzzing.

But because he heard clearly, he could hardly believe his ears.

A long time ago... at least ten years ago, he and Chu Xiaoxi used to They slept in the same bed.

But when the two grew up and Chu Xiaoxi became a little more sensible, they slept separately and never slept together again.

And waited until Chu When Xiaoxi really grows up and develops into a big girl, it will be even more impossible.

What's more, the relationship between Chu Xiaoxi and Chu Nan has not been very good, they always quarrel together, how can they be right Chu Nan made such a request.

What happened to this little girl today?

Chu Nan looked at Chu Xiaoxi in puzzlement, but saw her head bowed, her neck turning red Clearly, she obviously felt that this request made her feel very shy.

However, she still stood there waiting for Chu Nan's answer, completely motionless under her feet.

Chu Nan thought about it. Think, sideways out of the way.

"Okay, come in. "

Chu Xiaoxi was relieved, put out a breath, lifts the head to Chu Nan laughed, walked quickly into the room, then jumped directly into the bed, got into the thin quilt, and wrapped herself tightly

Chu Nan looked at Chu Xiaoxi, who only had one head exposed on the bed.

Although the automatic air conditioning device was on, the indoor temperature was much lower than the outside temperature, but it was not too high Did she wrap herself so tightly?

Chu Nan was taken aback again when he got closer.

Chu Xiaoxi, wrapped in a thin quilt, was obviously shivering coldly. , the smile on his face can be seen to be very reluctant.

"Xiaoxi, are you... afraid? "

"Who... who is afraid?" "Chu Xiaoxi stubbornly replied.

Chu Nan shook his head, climbed into the bed, and lay down beside her.

Feeling the warmth from Chu Nan around, Chu Xiaoxi Her body gradually stopped shaking.

After a while, Chu Nan heard her breathing finally calm down.

"Brother, I... I had a nightmare just now. . "

Chu Nan turned his head and looked at Chu Xiaoxi, who also turned his head, and saw a trace of fear in her eyes.

"What are you dreaming about?" "

"I just dreamed...that the guy who could get fat all at once came back to life." He had a big hole in his body, his intestines came out, and he chased me hard, saying he wanted to catch me, and then...then..."

Chu Xiaoxi's body trembled again, The next words can't go on.

Chu Nan sighed in his heart, turned over, and patted Chu Xiaoxi with his hands.

"Don't be afraid, he's already dead. Didn't you confirm it yourself that day? "

"I know. But...but I...I'm still afraid..."

"Sure enough, I'm still afraid. "Chu Nan smiled slightly and pinched Chu Xiaoxi's face. "Who said just now that he wasn't afraid? "

He felt a little regretful. At that time, Chu Xiaoxi should not have been asked to confirm the death of the transformed man, but now it has left a psychological shadow on her.

"I... ..."

Chu Xiaoxi glared at Chu Nan, but suddenly lowered his head, the whole person got into Chu Nan's arms, and both hands tightly hugged Chu Nan.

Chu Nan's body froze, and then he didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The last time Chu Xiaoxi took the initiative to hug her like this coquettishly was at least ten years ago, right?

"Okay, that guy is dead, impossible to come to you. Don't be afraid, sleep well. "Chu Nan comforted Chu Xiaoxi and patted her back lightly, as if coaxing a little child.

The current appearance made him return to more than ten years ago, The era when Chu Xiaoxi was not sensible.

When his parents were working in the fields and only he and Chu Xiaoxi were left at home, every time Chu Xiaoxi was afraid of crying, he, the big brother, would do it Comfort her.

After a few pats, Chu Xiaoxi's body finally stopped shaking again, then suddenly raised his head and looked directly at Chu Nan with a serious face.

"Brother, I want to practice martial arts too! "

"Huh? ”


Northern Hope Star’s morning in the southern hemisphere is extraordinarily fresh and natural. Breathing the green field fragrance in the air, the whole person will become refreshed.


Northern Hope Star p>

Zheng Yuanlin let out a long breath, opened his eyes, and found that the entire world in front of him had become more clear and colorful than before he entered meditation, with distinct layers, and couldn't help but feel a little joy in his heart.

Persistent cultivation for many years has finally brought results.

Now he is only one step away from breaking through the primary Heavenly Reign Grade.

Wait until After becoming a Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, he will not only be able to barely break through the atmosphere as he is now, but will truly have the ability to infuse cosmic energy into his body and fly freely in the sky.

He had long hoped that one day he would be able to take a good look at the planet under his feet with his flesh* body above space, but he has been unable to achieve this wish because of his lack of strength.

Now it is finally possible. , how could he not like it.

While savoring this hard-won joy, a communication request suddenly came from the personal terminal.

Zheng Yuanlin looked down and found this Then the communication request came from someone he totally unexpected.

"Senior Zheng, good morning. Zheng Yuanlin connected to the communication, and Chu Nan appeared on the virtual screen. "It looks like where you live now and my home time is about the same time, it's morning. "

Zheng Yuanlin smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Yes. But judging by the sunlight behind you, it should be a few hours earlier on your side than here. Looking at your appearance, it seems that the injury has completely healed? "

"Yes, it's completely fine. Chu Nan bent his arms and made a strong gesture. "Also I'm back home and not at Western Cloud Star anymore. "

"Well, I know." I heard you plan to apply for Nebula Academy? Zheng Yuanlin asked again.

Chu Nan was stunned: "How did you know?" ”

Zheng Yuanlin laughed and didn’t answer.

How did he know?

Apparently he asked for it specifically.

In fact, even if he has returned to Northern Hope Star, he has been paying attention to Chu Nan's situation from time to time.

When he knew that Chu Nan had fully recovered from his injury, he was really happy for Chu Nan.

This young man with excellent innate talent, but because he could not get perfect inheritance when he was a child, although it is almost impossible to break through Zhouyutianguan in the future, he cannot become a powerful Martial Artist, but at least he should be normal as an ordinary person After learning from Western Cloud Academy that Chu Nan chose to drop out of Western Cloud Academy in order to apply for the Nebula Academy, he appreciated Chu Nan even more.

Youngster, who is not willing to admit defeat easily, is of course likable.

Although his decision to apply for the Nebula Academy by himself is clearly a bit of anger, but thinking of teacher For his previous actions, Zheng Yuanlin could not have any thoughts of ridiculing Chu Nan's decision to overestimate one's capabilities. Instead, he was full of apologies.

If it wasn't for the promise made by the teacher, Chu Nan would not have given birth. Here comes the idea.

And if it wasn't for the promise he made in front of him, Chu Nan wouldn't have fought so hard against Maluk in the Western Cloud Star Martial Artist Tournament semifinals.

Although this is a promise made by Chu Nan himself, Zheng Yuanlin will still feel sorry for Chu Nan in the heart.

Seeing that Zheng Yuanlin does not speak, Chu Nan does not continue to struggle with this Question, said resolutely: "Senior Zheng, I found you this time, I want to make a request to Mu Yutong, I hope you can help me tell Venerable. "

"Oh? What request, you say. "Zheng Yuanlin is a little surprised.

Although he has only met Chu Nan twice, and has not had much contact with him, he can see that Chu Nan should be a young man with strong self-esteem and will not easily come to beg others. What is right.

"That's it..."

After Chu Nan finished speaking, Zheng Yuanlin was silent for a while.

Just as Chu Nan thought Zheng When Yuanlin was unwilling to agree to help and was worried, Zheng Yuanlin suddenly let out a long sigh.

"Ai, didn't expect the reward to give you so much trouble, but it was me of neglect. "

Chu Nan is a little puzzled.

This Fengshen piercing through the forest leg method was given by Mu Yutong, and it is none of Zheng Yuanlin's business to be negligent.

Zheng A smile returned to Yuanlin's face.

"Chu Nan, in fact, you don't need to ask the teacher's approval for this matter. Because the teacher has rewarded you with it, it is already yours. What you want to do with it is up to you, the teacher will not have any opinion. "

Chu Nan was overjoyed: "Really? "

"Really. "Zheng Yuanlin is nodded.

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