Prince Montico lost.

Although he has made rapid progress in the past few months after the garden hunting meeting, he has mastered the 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique in a short period of time with his powerful innate talent, and his strength has soared. And got a decisive breakthrough, promoted from the previous third rank Heavenly Reign Grade to fourth rank in one fell swoop, and vaguely touched the threshold of fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade, but he still lost.

Originally, he thought that his strength at the garden hunting party might be slightly different from that of Chu Nan, but in the past few months, his strength has improved rapidly, but Chu Nan has been entangled in trivial matters. He was able to overtake Chu Nan, but when the two really played against each other, he found that Chu Nan's improvement was far more exaggerated than he imagined.

With his strength, which is now infinitely close to fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist, he failed to pose any actual threat to Chu Nan from beginning to end, so that when he was finally killed by Chu Nan. After being defeated and severely injured, his first reaction was not to be concerned about his injury, but to send out the doubts that had always existed in his heart to Chu Nan.

"Chu Nan, you...why...why did you fast?" Prince Montico spurted a mouthful of blood, his face became even paler, his eyes narrowed Si stared at Chu Nan without blinking. "Mingming... Mingming two months ago, we... the gap between us... the gap is not that big."

Chu Nan shrugged, thinking how to explain this?

Prince Montico has indeed improved significantly in recent months, but he has not been idle.

In these few months, Chu Nan's experience is much richer than that of Prince Montico.

In the endless abyss, she has gone through hardships and dangers, and experienced many trials of life and death. The most important thing is to kill Marr Venerable with Angel Belle, Romandi Imperial Princess and Carolla. He brought valuable experience, which deepened Chu Nan's understanding of the martial skill.

And he was arrested after returning from the endless abyss, and then went through a hundred tests, which made Chu Nan face the test of life and death in this short period of time, forcing him to The powerful brain of lightbrain is in a state of high-speed operation all the time, which pushes his analysis and improvement of his martial skill to the limit.

Under such strong pressure, Chu Nan's strength is naturally far from being comparable to that of Prince Montico.

If Chu Nan's strength was roughly the same as that of a Second Rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist when he first participated in the hunting party, even with his strong understanding of the martial skill, with lightbrain His brain can only be on a par with that of Prince Montico at that time, or at most slightly better. Then Chu Nan, who has experienced the garden hunting party, has already leaped in strength, and the combination of inside and outside is truly achieved. Inner Breath is alive and well. It definitely has the strength of fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist of cream of the crop.

And now after a trial and a top-notch test, Chu Nan has an extremely deep understanding of the martial skill, even among all fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists , he also has the confidence to reach the strongest.

The only thing that limits him is the pure Inner Breath intensity.

There are not many shortcuts in this regard, only relying on the cultivation over many years.

Even though Chu Nan's Nine Revolutions Core Technique has successfully broken through to the Seventh Layer, the growth rate of Inner Breath is much faster than the average Martial Artist, but it still needs enough time.

As long as there is enough time and enough Inner Breath, Chu Nan even has absolute confidence that when the time comes, he can break through the last pass where water flows, a canal is formed, and become the star of cream of the crop Level Martial Artist!

Since seeing Marr Venerable die by his own hands, Chu Nan's eyes have already been set on those Star Level Martial Artists, no matter how high and true the innate talent like Prince Montico is No matter how strong the Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist is, he didn't take it seriously at all.

But this reason is not easy to explain to Prince Montico.

So he just laughed and didn't explain at all.

Anyway, now that the facts are in front of him, even if Prince Montico is unwilling, there is nothing he can do.

Prince Montico is so smart, of course, he can easily see Chu Nan's thoughts, he smiled bitterly, spurt a mouthful of blood from his mouth, and shook the head.

"I always thought that I must be the Martial Artist with the most innate talent in the entire galaxy, and I even believed that I would definitely become the Number One Powerhouse of the galaxy in the future. But now it seems that it is not easy to judge in the future, but in the future Innate talent, but obviously still not as good as you. Looking back on arrogant and conceited before, it's really embarrassing."

Chu Nan laughed: "Okay, Montico, your innate talent is very good. Great, but you can't compare to me, I... ugh, here I am..." He pointed to his head. "It's special, you can't compare it."

"Really?" Hearing Chu Nan's explanation, Prince Montico seemed to feel better. He got injured, stood up, and looked at Chu Nan sternly: "I lost this time, but Chu Nan, I have to remind you that I am only the youngest son of the Imperial Family who is hailed as the most innate talent, but I am not. The most powerhouses below the Star Level Martial Artist in the Imperial Family are much stronger than me, and..."

Speaking of this, Prince Montico paused, looked up again, and then reluctantly condensed Started the Inner Breath, and once again used the space energy microwave vibration to transmit the sound into Chu Nan's ears.

"I received a gossip that the Imperial Family will most likely send a Star Level Martial Artist to challenge you or even kill you."

Chu Nan immediately Surprised, he asked back: "Why is there a Star Level Martial Artist? Didn't Greymane Your Majesty explicitly say that Star Level Martial Artist is not allowed to participate?"

"I don't know the specific information, but this It is very possible. There are many people in the Imperial Family who want to kill you. If all Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artists can't beat you, then it is possible to send Star Level Martial Artists to attack you. In order to keep Imperial Family's face, but also for Prince Laikas, they can do anything."

Prince Montico looked extremely serious, he paused: "Chu Nan, I sincerely propose to you, You'd better immediately make it clear that the Elder Xiang Council can't handle this challenge, apologize to all the Declan Imperial Family, and say that what you said before is your arrogance. Take those words back so that the Elder Council can declare the end of this This time, those people have no reason to attack you like this, and you will be truly safe."

Chu Nan narrowed his eyes and looked at Prince Montico, silent.

Judging from the tone of Prince Montico, he made these suggestions for Chu Nan's sake, but Chu Nan did not intend to accept it.

"I won't do that." Chu Nan pondered for a moment, and looked the head. "Since you know that I did this on purpose, you should know that I will not give up easily."

"But you are very likely to die in this way!" Prince Montico raised his voice.

"I won't." Chu Nan's smile showed strong confidence. "What if I send a Star Level Martial Artist? Even if I can't win, I definitely won't die."

"You..." Prince Montico wanted to say more, but saw Chu Nan's face With a firm expression, Chu Nan immediately understood that Chu Nan had made up his mind, so he could only let out a long sigh. "Chu Nan, in order to save your life this time, Vianne Neel has made great sacrifices, and Miss Angelina must have a hard time. They are all to keep you alive. Besides them, there are many others. People also want you to live, and you have also made a lot of efforts. I hope you can cherish your life and don't be too daring."

"Relax, my own life is definitely better than my own. Cherish everyone." Chu Nan still kept smiling.

Prince Montico knew that persuasion would no longer have any effect, and shock the head would not persuade any more.

"Do it yourself, take care of yourself."

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