Prince Montico came to see Chu Nan on the 21st day of Chu Nan's release.

After he left, the strength of the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge Chu Nan has been significantly improved again, and almost everyone has the strength of fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade Martial Artist.

This is not surprising. Although Prince Montico is modest, he is indeed the most innate talent and the most powerful person in the Declan Imperial Family younger generation. With the approval of the Declan Imperial Family, since even he was placed under Chu Nan, other Declan Imperial Family who were weaker would naturally not go to fight for nothing.

Chu Nan is such a ruthless guy that being severely injured by him won't do him any good.

The Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge Chu Nan is getting stronger and stronger, but also getting less and less.

After all, a Martial Artist with fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade is a powerful Martial Artist who is second only to Star Level Martial Artist. Even in the Declan Imperial Family with the highest density of powerhouses, such a powerhouse will not be too great. many.

On the fifth day after Prince Montico's departure, that is, the twenty-sixth day after Chu Nan was released, there are only less than five days left before the one-month deadline.

This morning, after a tough battle, Chu Nan defeated another Declan Imperial Family with fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade who came to challenge, and then he was idle.

He wandered the city from morning to afternoon, but none of the Declan Imperial Family showed up to challenge him.

This kind of situation that is completely different from the previous day made Chu Nan a little uncomfortable for a while.

A few days ago, he had been fighting almost every day from morning to night. Although it was very troublesome and tiring, after getting used to it, he could learn more experience from these battles.

And most of the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge came with the idea of rectifying the name of the Obliteration Core Technique. Everyone will use the Obliteration Core Technique with all their strength when facing Chu Nan, trying to pass the Obliteration Core Technique. Core Technique beat Chu Nan, which gave Chu Nan more opportunities to contact and understand Obliteration Core Technique.

The Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge the highest strength is fifth-rank Heavenly Reign Grade, and the Obliteration Core Technique they master will not be as high as the 4th Layer Obliteration Core Technique. That's it.

Of course, it is also possible that Chu Nan's performance in the previous test was too amazing, which made these Declan Imperial Family have scruples in their hearts.

They are afraid that using a heavier Obliteration Core Technique will also make Mina steal away, which is a big loss to the Declan Imperial Family.

Chu Nan wandered around Topur City again, and found a place to have afternoon tea comfortably. There was still no challenge from the Declan Imperial Family, which made him feel a little bored.

I am used to the life of fighting all day long, but I am not used to it when I am suddenly idle.

After walking out of the small shop where he was enjoying afternoon tea, Chu Nan touched his stomach and suddenly remembered what Prince Montico had said to him a few days ago. out.

He had been in Topul for days and went nowhere, and now suddenly rushed out of the city, somewhat completely unprepared by those sent by the Council of Elders who were watching him.

However, Chu Nan didn't use his full speed. He just walked out of the city, looking towards the wilderness outside the city. He specially picked some hidden places to drill, but he didn't completely release the monitoring of the Elder Council. the meaning of.

After flying like this for a while, Chu Nan suddenly sensed subtle fluctuations in the space energy in the space ahead, and a silhouette appeared in front of him as if it had suddenly jumped out of a stone.

"It's finally here."

Chu Nan stopped flying and looked towards the man who suddenly appeared.

The man is a middle-aged man, tall, about forty years old, with obvious Declan Imperial Family features, and wearing a prominent Declan Imperial Family logo on his chest, obviously A member of the standard Declan Imperial Family.

Chu Nan swept him carefully, and couldn't help frowning because he didn't see much difference from the aura fluctuations on his body.

Although this person is powerful, it is not significantly stronger than the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge before, and even weaker than the Declan Imperial Family he defeated this morning.

If this is his true level, then he can't help but be a little disappointed.

"Are you Chu Nan?" the man asked.

His voice was low and hoarse, as if his voice was inherently bad, and it sounded a little uncomfortable.

"Yes I am." Chu Nan nodded. "You're here to fight me, say your name."

"Quinn." The man seemed to be ill-spoken, and answered simply, and then pointed to the sky above his head. "Let's go up."

"Up?" Chu Nan also looked up and instantly understood what he meant. "You mean to fight in space?"

The man didn't speak, just nodded.

"Space..." Chu Nan touched the chin and thought about it. "This proposal is not bad. I always feel that I can't play enough under the atmosphere. I'm afraid of damaging something. Going to space can make a big difference. Very good, let's go."

Chu Nan clapped his palms, The Inner Breath circulated, and the body immediately rose into the air. It didn't take long for it to directly put on the sky, penetrate the atmosphere, and enter the vast space outside the Landis star.

Looking down, Quinn was already flying up after him.

Chu Nan's heart froze slightly.

Let's not say anything else, just in terms of flying speed, this Quinn is not much worse than him.

Even if Chu Nan didn't completely let go of his speed, the fact that Quinn was able to catch up was a testament to how good he was.

"Is this okay?" Chu Nan sound transmission went over.

Quinn didn't answer, but glanced at Chu Nan, suddenly the body moved and slapped him with a palm.

Chu Nan was a little surprised.

Although the Declan Imperial Family who came to challenge before have different strengths and thousands of cultivation techniques, most of them will use the Obliteration Core Technique to prove it, or make a few words, this Quinn is clean Neatly, he called directly without saying a word.

"It looks like this guy should be better at melee combat?" Chu Nan couldn't help thinking. "No wonder the flying speed is so fast."

Although with the improvement of strength, the overwhelming majority's powerful Martial Artist will mainly rely on the powerful manipulation of space energy to carry out long-range attacks in the later battles, and will rarely carry out close-range attacks. Fighting, but there are also some Martial Artists who pay more attention to the tempering and use of the fleshy body, and are also used to using the fleshy body to attack directly in the battle, so it is not too strange that Quinn is good at melee combat.

But when Chu Nan went up to meet him without fear, and even more joy in his heart, and hit out with a palm, just after the palm print that Quinn took, he immediately noticed something was wrong.

The turbulent terrifying power revealed by this guy's palm is not only the Inner Breath, but also contains a very delicate spatial energy that changes rapidly. Mixed with his Inner Breath, it is actually a moment that makes Chu The Inner Breath that erupted violently in Nan's palm showed signs of collapsing.

All of this is almost exactly the same as the Obliteration Core Technique that destroys the space energy structure.

At the same time, Chu Nan suddenly felt that all the space in his body suddenly changed completely, and the huge space at the center of the circle between him and Quinn seemed to be instantly incorporated into an alternative space that was completely isolated. among.


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